What's up, What's up!

My name is Kyndra...not really new to the site per say, I had an account before but had to delete it because I wasn't using it...didn't really have enough time to do so...was going through a very difficult time. But now I am here and I am ready to get the ball rolling!!! :smile:


  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Hi and welcome back you can add me as a friend if you would like
  • adrianamezam
    welcome back!

    i find it much easier to log and keep track of things with the app on my phone. if you have an iphone/android/blackberry, you can download the app for free! i find that it's easiest to log as im getting ready to eat, so i see what it's doing to my goals before i put it in my mouth, if i don't like the outcome, i change my mind on what to eat! also, the andriod app has this neat barcode scanner thing that lets you scan the foods you are going to eat and searches all the info via the barcode! soooo handy!

    good luck on your journey! add me if you like ;)
  • vanzlin
    vanzlin Posts: 5
    Same with me I used to track last summer but fell off the wagon so to speak. Used every excuse to do so. Great that you started back I did as well and hopefully this time I will lose the weight I want