Diet Plan

Hi all,

This will have been mentioned a few times and please direct me to a post if necessary, but I want to create a 2 week diet plan.

A little background, I weigh around 83KG (13 stone) and within the last few months I weight train 4-5 times a week (legs, shoulder/arms, back, chest and core done separately) and have very recently started to try and do a 5k run most days, so I’m fairly active.

However my diet is not all that great, I don’t eat junk I just don’t think I eat the correct things etc. So I was hoping that if anybody has any good diet plans, around 1500 calories a day high on protein (1500 only because I have protein shakes and they amount to 300-350 calories) could they post them, or even just daily diets.

The ingredients need to be fairly easy to get hold of from regular supermarkets.

All help will be much appreciated!

I will keep you posted on my progress :)


  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Protein shakes should not be that large a percentage of your daily calories. Also, those are really calorie dense shakes. Protein shakes should only be used to supplement you protein needs if you aren't able to hit that goal through food. It is ill-advised to build the rest of your diet around what should only be used as an add-on. Start there. Also, why 2 weeks? You need to learn how to eat toward your goals for all the weeks.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Just a couple points of clarification...

    Why only a 2 week plan? This is something you need to commit to for life, not just a couple weeks. Or do you mean something you can repeat every two weeks?

    How did you come up with 1500 calories? That's dreadfully low for a 25 yo male who is 182 lbs and working out.

    Finally - what is your goal? I assume weight loss since you picked such a low calorie goal. With that assumption what do you mean by "I don't eat the correct things". There are no 'correct' or 'incorrect' foods. Your diet should consist primarily of nutrient-dense foods, but as long as you are meeting your nutrient requirements, there's no reason you can't include a few treats into your diet as well (for your mental health, if nothing else).
  • A_J_Memphis
    A_J_Memphis Posts: 11 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    Just a couple points of clarification...

    Why only a 2 week plan? This is something you need to commit to for life, not just a couple weeks. Or do you mean something you can repeat every two weeks?

    How did you come up with 1500 calories? That's dreadfully low for a 25 yo male who is 182 lbs and working out.

    Finally - what is your goal? I assume weight loss since you picked such a low calorie goal. With that assumption what do you mean by "I don't eat the correct things". There are no 'correct' or 'incorrect' foods. Your diet should consist primarily of nutrient-dense foods, but as long as you are meeting your nutrient requirements, there's no reason you can't include a few treats into your diet as well (for your mental health, if nothing else).

    I chose two weeks as a 'starter' hopefully by doing that it will give me more of an insight into the what i should be eating, and make up my own meal plans.

    I read somewhere that i should be consuming about 1800, so i just took off what i usually have with my shakes (which also contain fruit etc, not just powder, about 35g protein per 150 calories i think) What sort of intake do you recommend?

    My goal is to lose weight, i would ideally like to lose about 6-7 kg but that depends on how i look and muscle growth really, i eat a lot of pasta and breads, but also a lot of meat and salad so its kind of half good half bad sort of diet.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    If you eat a lot of meat, you are unlikely to need protein shakes. Do you drink them because you just like them, or because you feel you need them?

    Your calorie target should not be because of a number you "read somewhere". It's valuable to know how to establish your target, so that as things change later (lost weight, gained weight, changed activity level/type) you will understand how to adjust accordingly.

    How tall are are you? Several here can help you dial in a stronger calorie target, while explaining where the number came from.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I make up my own meals. I look for a protein source first, then fill in.

    Breakfast example: Greek yogurt is high protein, I add some chopped nuts (for fat) and fruit or FiberOne cereal for fiber. Another breakfast example: start with eggs, you've got protein & fat right there, add a slice of ham & cheese if you've got the calories. Look for a side with fiber (veggies or fruit). Another breakfast example: oatmeal can be the start of something filling. It's low protein, so make it using milk (instead of water) or stir in protein powder. It's low fat, so add some nuts or stir in nut butter.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    Just a couple points of clarification...

    Why only a 2 week plan? This is something you need to commit to for life, not just a couple weeks. Or do you mean something you can repeat every two weeks?

    How did you come up with 1500 calories? That's dreadfully low for a 25 yo male who is 182 lbs and working out.

    Finally - what is your goal? I assume weight loss since you picked such a low calorie goal. With that assumption what do you mean by "I don't eat the correct things". There are no 'correct' or 'incorrect' foods. Your diet should consist primarily of nutrient-dense foods, but as long as you are meeting your nutrient requirements, there's no reason you can't include a few treats into your diet as well (for your mental health, if nothing else).

    I chose two weeks as a 'starter' hopefully by doing that it will give me more of an insight into the what i should be eating, and make up my own meal plans.

    Personally, I'd recommend ditching that mentality. This is a life-long process. Don't do something just for a couple weeks. Do it for life.
    I read somewhere that i should be consuming about 1800, so i just took off what i usually have with my shakes (which also contain fruit etc, not just powder, about 35g protein per 150 calories i think) What sort of intake do you recommend?

    Where did you read that. I'd also recommend to ignore general 'recommendations' that come in the form of absolute numbers. Each and every one of us is different, so there is nothing to be gained from taking blanket recommendations as truth.

    I'd start by using one of many online calculators to estimate how many calories you burn in a day based on your height, weight, age, gender & activity level. It will still be an estimate, but will be much more personalized and probably a lot more accurate than some blanket absolute recommendation. Subtract 300-500 calories from that number and make that your target calories per day. Shoot for a minimum of 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per day per pound of body weight and a minimum of 0.3-0.4 grams of fat per pound of body weight per day. Fill the rest of your calories with what ever strikes your fancy.
    My goal is to lose weight, i would ideally like to lose about 6-7 kg but that depends on how i look and muscle growth really, i eat a lot of pasta and breads, but also a lot of meat and salad so its kind of half good half bad sort of diet.

    And again I'd ditch the "good/bad" way of thinking. None of the above foods are bad. Pasta and bread provide carbs, meat provides fat & protein, and salad provides lots of micronutrients. Use portion control to make sure you're not over/undereating; log your food to ensure you're hitting your target numbers above, and you'll be well on your way.

  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    There is nothing "bad" about meat, pasta, bread and salad. I eat all of those things. I'm not sick and I'm at my goal weight, getting there by eating those things.