Need Help- not just pretty words

vanmck Posts: 4 Member
Hi All. I have been a member of MFP for a while now and have basically the same story as everyone else...I get going, do great, plateau, quit, gain weight, attempt to start again.

Problem is, I am gaining a TON of weight. I am currently 32 and weigh 165 lbs! This is by far the heaviest I have ever been in my life. To put it in perspective, I was 143 the day I went into the hospital to have my child!!! Talk about a kick in the face/gut.

I was looking back on my progress for the past year and I have GAINED 13 lbs since JANUARY! I don't eat the best, but I definitely don't eat crap all day long.

I have the desire to work out....gym, classes, videos...whatever. I just dont have the motivation to do it all on my own. My husband has back issues and can't work out with me. We live far from family and friends and I don't really have anyone to turn to (that isn't already busy with their own family).

I need HELP. I need people who will not just 'give advice' or be a 'cheerleader', but will kick me in the a** when I haven't logged in for a while, or when my exercise is garbage, or when I "accidentally" forgot to log my food. I HAVE to get this weight off.

Please help me.


  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Well, first off, weight loss can happen without exercise. That's how I lost most of mine. Exercise is good, definitely, but you can do it without.

    As for pokes, I might can help, but if it doesn't appear on my feed, I probably won't notice. ><
  • vanmck
    vanmck Posts: 4 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    Well, first off, weight loss can happen without exercise. That's how I lost most of mine. Exercise is good, definitely, but you can do it without.

    As for pokes, I might can help, but if it doesn't appear on my feed, I probably won't notice. ><

    My body has never really responded to 'less calories', I have ALWAYS had to get off the couch in order for my body to change. At the end of the day, I don't want to be a smaller version of what I am now. I want to CHANGE my body shape and my fitness level. As far as the feed....feel free to add me as a friend if you want :)
  • Silverstar721
    Silverstar721 Posts: 33 Member
    I suggest you try the carrot and the stick routine. You can't have or do certain things unless you limit your food intake or do your exercise. I can't watch my favorite TV program unless I have taken my walk that day. Ask your husband for help....allow him to weigh you and help you with your eating habits. My husband helps me and although I don't like being told what to do, I really want to lose the weight. Look around for an exercise class where woman go or a support group that can also help with eating habits. Find a way to pat yourself on the back instead of using food. I lost 40 pounds but it took a long, long time because I wanted to do it slowly and make sure it stayed off. If this diet doesn't work for you...than try another one that has a maintenance plan that you would like. I feel your pain, I know what you are going through but, it's like the taming of the Shrew, (our appetites!). I joined the YMCA and there are some insurance programs out there that will help pay the expense. HAP insurance for one does pay for the YWCA. DailyBurn and another good sight for daily exercises and you can communicate with them and asked questions. I wish you all the best....but we have to be master's of our own ship.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    By exercising, you're burning more calories, creating a calorie defect. That's what you need to lose weight. I was able to do it just by watching my food, but if it's easier for you to do with exercise, that's fine too. I'm fundamentally lazy, so doing it with just food was easier for me. ^_^;
  • theawill519
    theawill519 Posts: 242 Member
    Go to YouTube, type in "Shia LaBeouf do it" and watch the first video that comes up...

    LOL, but really. I had some of the same excuses in regards to exercise. Then I joined the YMCA and started going to classes all by myself. I made friends in those classes who hold me accountable for when I'm not there. Also, there's nothing wrong with being a lone wolf. On the days I don't have classes, I put in my headphones in and take care of business. Just do it!
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    Have you tried going to a crossfit gym(or box as they call it) ? if you want a good a** kicking and want to know people you workout with I totally suggest it. Usually alot more than regular gyms but so worth it imo
  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    Thanks for sharing! There are 3 keys to fitness: Nutrition, Exercise, and Support. It sounds like you have the motivation, but lack support and nutrition. Plus, being a mom your time is limited. Find out what is really important to you. What are the reasons your reasons to lose weight? Find your Why! You got this, you just need a kick in the pants. Feel free to add me.
  • vanmck
    vanmck Posts: 4 Member
    Have you tried going to a crossfit gym(or box as they call it) ? if you want a good a** kicking and want to know people you workout with I totally suggest it. Usually alot more than regular gyms but so worth it imo

    I have tried the "box", but found it hurt my joints more than anything. Right now I am doing some boot camp classes to see if they can get me out of my funk. Here's hoping.
  • toggoboge
    toggoboge Posts: 8 Member
    Lady I hear you on the 'back to square one' front. I've just started the fast diet, 5:2 (ala Michael Mosley) and mixed with HIIT, I'm also looking to build up to super slow strength sets (ala Dr Mercola).

    I will report in on how the fasting is going, I think something like crossfit sounds great if it suits your situation.

    Also on the exercise front to lose weight, as I've been rereading things this past week I'd really forgotten the whole thing that you can't out train a bad diet. The very crude and basic break down is 20% exercise 80% diet. Personally I find it really hard to eat well if I'm not exercising, or perhaps it's the other way round, I find it easier to eat well when I'm exercising (probably because I'm getting more of those lovely feel good factor hormones from exercise rather than trying to find them in food).

    And while I don't plan to calorie count for ever more I know I can fool myself into thinking I'm eating well but in reality I'm totally over doing it. Better to be safe and track until you're secure.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    What about something you pay for in advance (yoga, purre bar, etc.)? I hate losing money when it's within my control.

    I also do Pact, which is an app. You pledge to exercise and/or fill out your food diary a certain number of times per week (exercise session must be at least 30 minutes and no more than once in a 24 hour period; food diaries must have at least 1200 calories consumed--it syncs with MFP). You also pledge a certain amount of money per workout (at least $5). If you don't make your pledge, you lose the amount you pledged per thing you didn't do. If you make your Pact, then you get a portion of the money everyone else had to pay. It's minimal, about $1-$1.50 per week for an exercise and food diary combined, but it keeps me on track. You can also schedule "breaks" for vaca.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Tbh help yourself. Its yourself you need to losten to by taking responsibilitu for the food you consume. Thats where it should start. Its not whetgher you eat crap its about how much it amounts to in calories. You should know this if you have been on MFP and have been logging your food.

    Take control of the situation.
    Weigh and log your food, be at a consistent deficit, seems like you are at a consistent deficit at he moment, on the one hand you are saying oh no im gaining weight , but in reality its you feeding yourself the extra food you dont need.

    Working out is mostly for fitness and will be difficult to be effective if you are simply eating more than you need. It takes an awful lot of cardio to burn 3500 calories i.e 1lb of weight loss. If you find it helpful then get mfp friends, but if you are really motivated then most people just get on with it. Find soemthing that works for you but dont use the excuse of things not being perfect to do nothing at all.

    You will need to be patient, determined and consistent. It helps if you understand how weight loss works and if not refresh your understanding by reading the stickies.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    No pretty words? Okay, here goes: "I need motivation" means "I need to *want* to do it right now or I won't do it." Quit waiting to want to do it; it's not going to happen (or you wouldn't be here).

    What you need is a routine: do it whether you want to or not. If losing money is more painful than spending an hour in the gym, then pay for gym classes in advance.

    I don't belong to a gym. I work out at home because getting to and from the gym adds a good 45 minutes to my workout time, which I can't afford with my job. I recommend the Dailey Method CD; I've been doing it for two years and I still can't get all the way through it without panting, shaking, and sweating. Very low impact, very core-focused and strength-focused, will recomp your body like nobody's business. Not a great calorie burner (strength, Pilates, and Barre don't tend to be) but you can always lie on the carpet on your back and wave your arms and legs like a bug if you want extra cardio.
  • GetFitWithTwins
    GetFitWithTwins Posts: 9 Member
    vanmck wrote: »
    Hi All. I have been a member of MFP for a while now and have basically the same story as everyone else...I get going, do great, plateau, quit, gain weight, attempt to start again.

    Problem is, I am gaining a TON of weight. I am currently 32 and weigh 165 lbs! This is by far the heaviest I have ever been in my life. To put it in perspective, I was 143 the day I went into the hospital to have my child!!! Talk about a kick in the face/gut.

    I was looking back on my progress for the past year and I have GAINED 13 lbs since JANUARY! I don't eat the best, but I definitely don't eat crap all day long.

    I have the desire to work out....gym, classes, videos...whatever. I just dont have the motivation to do it all on my own. My husband has back issues and can't work out with me. We live far from family and friends and I don't really have anyone to turn to (that isn't already busy with their own family).

    I need HELP. I need people who will not just 'give advice' or be a 'cheerleader', but will kick me in the a** when I haven't logged in for a while, or when my exercise is garbage, or when I "accidentally" forgot to log my food. I HAVE to get this weight off.

    Please help me.

    Well, hello ME... I think I just read my own life story. I am finally DOING IT this time. I completely understand where you are coming from on everything. The thing for me was getting to a point where I "gave up" so many time I just got sick and tired of it. Ultimately it boils down to just making a damn decision and sticking with it. You can't be so strict that it isn't achievable life long but also not too lenient where one two many potato chips ends up being a half a bag. You need to sit down and right down EVERYTHING you could improve on and just take baby steps. One goal and a time and don't take on more goals until you can stick to the first one... and remember one slip up doesn't mean you have to START OVER... just keep going and keep improving.
  • vanmck
    vanmck Posts: 4 Member
    Well two of boot camp and counting calories. I'm sore. I'm hungry. But I'm doing it. Thank you all :)
  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    You can't lose weight without creating a calorie deficit.

    In the past you may have been able to create a calorie deficit through exercise alone but since that isn't working anymore you need to rethink that strategy and make changes to your eating habits.