Competing - Amateur Bodybuilding: Please offer advice, tips and resources?

Question to MFP users...Please lend me your visual ear...

As I am nearing my first real fitness/body improvement goal for this year, I am starting to plan and think hard about my next year's goal: I would like to compete in a physique or bikini contest (low-grade, nothing crazy! I know I can get there and want to aim for it).

Has anyone ever competed (male or female)? I have been looking up Manitoba Amateur Bodybuilding Association and the Canadian Bodybuilding Federation (CBBF) but I am completely new and don't even know where to start or what I should be looking into first.

If so, I would really appreciate some advice, tips and resources to help me get there.

Thanks everyone!


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Generally you are going to want around 3 years of following a lifting program before considering competing. That's true for every category. Picking a category to compete in is more about how you are built than it is personal preference. I suggest going to a show you are considering competing in to see what the judges are looking for in each category.
  • serenastreilein
    serenastreilein Posts: 8 Member
    That's the best advice I have been given so far. I had an inkling I might've been shooting too high too soon. I will look into attending one of these competitions as an observer only at this point until I am 100% confident I have achieved what I need to. Thank you very much usmcmp!! :smile:
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    No problem! Many women jump into competing too soon. It takes a solid foundation of muscle to be able to get lean. I jumped into my first show without enough muscle and was disappointed with how I looked compared to the others. I understand the drive to want to do a show as soon as you can, but taking time to build the muscle makes the process easier and the results better.
  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member
    Agree with usmcmp especially for figure and physique. You could start with bikini and then decide if you want to move to figure.
  • serenastreilein
    serenastreilein Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you both so much for the excellent advice! I really appreciate your input. Good luck to both of you in your endeavors :)