J.M. Ripped in 30 ~ Starting May 16th!



  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    W1, Day 5 done! The running man was easier today than earlier this week ~ I take that as a good sign. Ruhimaach, is it safe to say that Week 2 has more plank exersizes? I was not a fan of mountain climbers in 30DS, plank jacks were ok though.

    Woo hoo! Good job! I remember running man feeling a little easier around days 5,6,7 as well :wink: Like Jillian says, "Raise those arms higher!!" ;) How many days are u planning on spending for each week? I did 7 days of Week 1. Thinking of doing 7 days of week 2 as well.

    Jillian went quite crazy in Week 2 for sure- Plank jacks, mountain climbers, spider crawls, and one another move in the plank position where you jump and bring both your feet near and chest and then push back into plank position (dont know what it's called?)...ugh! My wrists are hurting terribly tonight.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Hi everybody!
    Just finished day 5 on level 1 and just decided to move on to level 2. How many times per level have you guys planned to do?
    I just zapped through level 2 and as somebody else was saying, Jillian is really stepping it up, it looks really tuff and I think I might
    do level 2 for ten days or so, so I really get the hang of it.
    Do you guys do the advanced or the modified versions of the moves? Or do you alternate between the sets? I mix it up a lot but mostly do the modified. How heavy are youre weights, I work with 2 kgs dumbells, its a little over 4 pounds per dumbell.
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    L1, Day 6 done! One more day of Level 1 and I am moving on. My plan is to do each level for 7 days, we'll see how that goes. I won't be done in 28 days (4 levels @ 7 days a week) but so far I've only missed one day so I should be done within 30 :]

    Medoria - I do a bit both versions (modified & advanced), it depends on the exersize. I don't to military push ups, so those are modified, I do most squat and lunch exersizes advanced, most ab exersizes I do the modified version, cardio moves I do but kicks advanced and the rest seem to be the same as each other from I can recall. I guess it depends on if I gas out or not, the running man is definately easier now, I was stopping before they did on the second set, today I didn't have to stop!
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    D3 Week 2 done. Had very little motivation to workout tonight...:indifferent:

    Anyway, I try to do almost all the exercises "advanced". If I get too tired, I revert to the "modified" versions. Even though my calorie burn remains within 20-30 of doing it either way, I've noticed that I sweat more and my heart rate is much higher when I do "advanced" moves. So, yeah, not much of a benefit calorie wise...

    I am doing each level for 7 days, for a total of 28 days. I am planning on doing Level 3 and Level 4 for 8 days each. So that'll bring my total to 30 days. I try to exercise 5-6x per week.

    EDIT: I use 2-3 lb weights. That's all I have. I could use 5 lb for some exercises, but I don't want to buy them right now.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    D4W2 done. I am getting sick of week 2 already. Might take a break tomorrow... :grumble:
  • michelle2808
    I'm on week one day two tonight.....I like it so far, it's a good workout in a short period of time. I was doing Turbofire but I hurt my ankle so I started ripped, easier on my ankle. I ordered the 6 week to a 6 pack and I'm going to do both together; my belly is my "problem" area. Good luck to everyone on their journey!
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    Level 2, Day 1 this morning. Not a bad workout but I definately do not like two plank moves in a row for the cardio in circuit 2. I think I'll do the plank jacks then high knees instead of the mountain climbers. Two planks in a row is hard on the wrists. Some of the ab moves are pretty hard to do as well, I am on the modified version for half of them.
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    I am also on D2W1 today. It was pretty good. I like that she changes it up so much but then does a repeat of the moves. I am curious about week 2. The moves weren't too difficult for me- I think because I have done 10 minute trainer for a couple weeks but I am not getting any results so far with ten minute trainer so I decided to try the Jillian Ripped video to see if I can jump start this. My problem is my belly area...need to lose 10 pounds which will put me back to my comfortable weight...jeez it gets harder after 40 doesn't it!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    W2 D1 for me. I knew it was going to be tuff, but I couldnt imagine it would be this hard!
    I agree that its hard to do two cardiomoves that both are plankmoves, and I have a hard time with the crowpush ups or what ever Jillian calls them. The second circuit is both tricky when it comes to tecnique as well as stamina, I was swetting like a pig!
    But its fun to do some new stuff, she´s really creative when it comes to variation.
    I think it might take my body at least two more times to make everything fall in to place, so the goal right now is to do W2 for at least 7 times, probably more.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    D5W2 done. Didn't sweat as much today. Also, I found myself really bored with the exercise routine...Not sure if I should start mixing it up with some other DVD? I didn't want to mix because I am kind of a weirdo who likes to "Complete" stuff. :embarassed: If I mix DVDs, it'll take longer to get done with Ripped...anybody has any suggestions? What do you guys do?
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member

    Are you bored because the routine is not challening enough, or are you bored because its to challenging? Do you do the advanced version of the moves or the modified? Try doing the advanced version or change to heavier dumbells.
    Sometimes the brain takes shortcuts and just makes up excuses to get out of things that we subconcously find difficult or challenging.

    "" If it´s important enough to you, you will find a way. If it´s not, you will find an excuse "
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    Ok, Day 2 of Week 2 and I already hate this week. I'll do one more day and then either try 3 or go back to 1 for the rest of the week. There are way too many plank moves in Week 2 and my wrists can't take it either! I did the mountain climbers from my ottoman instead of the floor which helped during that cardio set at least.

    Even doing the exersizes that I can at the advanced level, I am still bored and not working up much of a sweat. I can't remember which circuit it is where she does the table move but there is NO way I can hold up my body and then go into the table position, for one thing my arms are too short and for another, I don't have that much strength given that I weigh 164 lbs!
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    Before I started Jillian videos or any more advanced workouts, I began with the ten minute trainer videos. These may not seem like much but using these for three weeks built some muscle and stamina so that I felt stronger than I had in a long long time And these videos weren't so challenging that I couldn't do them or didn't want to attempt to do them. I still have trouble with mountain climber...(little weak wrists-still working to strengthen them), so I modify and do another move instead -such as super man crunches,as long I'm moving and still working the core it still counts.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Medoria- I think I am just sick of week 2. Period. I mostly do advanced moves, except for the abs section in circuit 3. The first sb move is too confusing. So I stick to the modified.

    I guess I'll just suck it up for two more days. I might take a break from ripped in 30 and do bikram yoga for two weeks and then come back to finish the remaining two weeks. I have a bikram yoga groupon that I need to use because I might be relocating to a new city soon.

    If I get some time tonight, I'll do yoga meltdown- won't have the energy to do ripped after traveling all day.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    I did week 2 for the forth time today and I find that as you progress the workout only gets harder and harder because the body learns the push it self more and more. I used to start breaking out a sweat in circuit two but now i really bust from the start and the last two times at the end of the cardio in circuit 3 Ive felt like i was about to faint or vomit but in a good way.

    I think Ill stay on week 3 for at least ten days, maybe more, depending on how it goes, and havent even thought about even watching the next level, I fear for what Jillian might have up her sleeve.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    I did week 2 for the forth time today and I find that as you progress the workout only gets harder and harder because the body learns the push it self more and more. I used to start breaking out a sweat in circuit two but now i really bust from the start and the last two times at the end of the cardio in circuit 3 Ive felt like i was about to faint or vomit but in a good way.

    I think Ill stay on week 3 for at least ten days, maybe more, depending on how it goes, and havent even thought about even watching the next level, I fear for what Jillian might have up her sleeve.

    Hee hee. Don't we love the fact that JM makes us wanna puke? :tongue:

    I couldn't workout yesterday or the day before because I had a lot of stuff going on...traveling out of town etc...Anyway, I compensated for the last 2 days by working out using Banish Fat Boost Metabolism today! I felt like I needed the extra workout. I plan on doing No More Trouble Zones tomorrow. I will get back to Ripped next week...have 2 more days of Week 2 left.
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    I have been crazy busy for the last 3 days, not logging food and haven't done Ripped in 30 either. I'm going to try Week 3 tomorrow and skip over Week 2 all together. If Week 3 sucks, I'll try it one more time then move on to Week 4. If they both suck then I'll be moving on something new!

    I was just invited to joing an informal outdoor bootcamp 4x a week and best of all it's FREE! It is 'depot' style, meaning the lady that is training everyone has gone through 'depot' (training for the RCMP in Canada). Mon & Wed is running (or walk/run) and Tues & Thurs is bootcamp.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Crashta, Good luck with the bootcamp thing! Nothing beats free :smile: Seems like all of us hate week 2 with a passion! I hate all those plank moves.

    I did D6W2 today. I had a difficult time deciding on what I wanted to use to workout today. First I thought I would do NMTZ. Then I thought I'll do Ripped + Yoga. But I've been feeling dizzy (no idea why). so, I just did Ripped somehow. Sweated buckets today. Had a really difficult time pulling through the entire workout. 1 more day of week 2 and then I'm moving on to Week 3.
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    So I tried to find the bootcamp group today but I think I had the wrong location as today is a 'running' day :[ I guess I'll have to go home and get in a Ripped workout or be at Day 4 with NO exersize. I gotta say my motivation is in the gutter at the moment. It is 6pm, I haven't eaten dinner, I have a meeting at 7pm and should have put in an hour or two at my other job. Today is definately a Monday :angry:
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    I am done with Week 2 finally! Sweated buckets today and I am so so glad I don't have to do mountain climbers, crow pushups, plank jacks...@#$!$% (Yes, that abuse was for you, Ms. JM)...LOL. I did 16 mins. of Power Walk from the Biggest Loser Power Walk DVD. I liked it a lot. Loved Bob's style and the slow transition that it provided to my actual "Ripped" workout. Going forward, I will try to throw in some extra cardio (either Power Walk or 10 mins Cardio using some DVD, if I'm up for it) along with Ripped.

    Starting Week 3 tomorrow...not looking forward to those duck walks!

    Crashta, Sorry to hear that. :frown: I hope you get to workout tonight! I definitely feel very weird these days if I don't get my exercise in.