Brazil Butt Lift Has Arrived! Anyone Else Doing It?



  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Sorry for the sporadic updates. It's my intent to update every day or two, but then life happens.

    So, I"m on week three now. I did Sculpt on Monday and yesterday. Though I didn't mind it at first, I've changed my mind. It has replaced Bum Bum as my least favorite. Maybe it's because Sculpt is three times per week on my routine and Bum Bum is less frequent. Scupt is 47 minutes. Three of that is warmup, followed by about 20+ minutes of upper body and compound upper/lower exercises, followed by about 15 minutes of floor work for chest, abs, and back, then a six minute cooldown. It honestly bores me to tears, but I do it because I want to follow the program faithfully.

    Now, I haven't done Bum Bum since last week and it's on the schedule for tomorrow, so maybe I"ll change my mind again after the refresher. :)

    I can do Cardio Axe in my sleep now. It doesn't bore me and still makes me sweat buckets. I always do it barefoot because a) going shoeless helps my coordination and b) I live in a second floor apartment and it's less noise over my neighbors.

    Tummy Tuck is also on deck tomorrow for the first time since week one when it kicked my butt and took names. I'm looking forward to the rematch and refuse to let it defeat me this time.

    High & Tight is the devil. Thinking of my results is what keeps me going through that workout. Oddly, it's my second favorite behind Cardio Axe.

    Next week *realy* mixes it up and I"m looking forward to that. It's been pretty much alternating Cardio Axe/High & Tight and Sculpt with Bum Bum thrown in once last week and this week. Changing up the order and doing different combos will wake my brain, and probably my body, up.

    My results are truly amazing. I was prepared, not to be disappointed by my results, but to not expect the dramatic changes described on the informercial. To actually get the results is awesome. I had a hair appointment this past Saturday and people in the salon were remarking on how toned I looked and asked what I was doing. This feedback provides proof to me of a sort. Though I see myself shrinking and my clothes are looser, having validation from people who aren't aware of what I'm doing "proves" it. I'm sure you understand what I mean.

    Here's another thing to add to the results front. The "penny test" was not an issue for me. My butt was not very saggy, it was just larger than I wanted. I had a crease where my butt meets my thigh, but it was too shallow to hold a pencil. Now, it's pretty much gone altogether. For the past few days, I've been looking at my butt in the mirror and scrutinizing that area like the creases being gone is a hallucination and I'm expecting them to reappear. The proof is right there in front of me, but it's like it's too good to be true.

    The only negative I have is the exercise band. Either I'm stronger than I think or it's flimsy. The resistance it provides is fine, but I don't think it will last more than two or three more workouts for me. I saw two tiny holes in it when I did H&T on Tuesday, so I will be purchasing some real bands this weekend. It came free with the program, so I guess you get what you pay for.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Question, how much does this workout kit cost? And does it involve alot of jumping, floor pounding workouts?
  • phenomeva
    phenomeva Posts: 27
    I got the videos but I've only done it two nights. I'm away too much of a beginner to keep up with it. I had to do physical therapy with my knee and I'm feeling groovy but I want to build up my knees some more... I'll give it another try in a month lol. Best of luck to you though!

    Oh and Matiara grats on the pencil test! I hope I get to the point where the pencil doesn't get stuck :)
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Jelly, It was $60 for me from Amazon. And it is a lot of knee work - lots of squats and dancing.

    Matiara, Great job so far with your results! I am on week two now, and am feeling it! I have trouble keeping up with Bum Bum and Tummy Tuck killed!!! I like it so far, though! I did Sculpt last night for the first time, and am not sure how I feel about it yet. I used 3 lb weights so I could learn the moves, but my arms weren't challenged enough, so maybe I just need to use heavier ones. Tonight I have High & Tight and Tummy Tuck, and am trying to decide if I need to do some Cardio as well. On the days I have just had Bum Bum I ran a mile, too, cause I am trying to drop a couple of pounds to look good in a bathing suit this weekend. (Eek only 5 days to go!!!)

    As far as results go, I stayed the same weight this week, but I've dropped a half an inch in my waist and 3/4 of an inch around my stomach at my belly button. So no weight results, but dropping inches is good with me!!! My husband says my bum bum looks tighter already, too! I'm excited to see what my results are in 3 more weeks of this!
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    This week overall did not go too well for me. Tough slog at work + lack of sleep+ missing two workouts+ questionable eating choices= unhappy Matiara. However, the week wasn't a *total* bust.

    The Tummy Tuck rematch went well. I told myself I would do at least five of everything and once I did five, I would negotiate with my body to do five more, then two more. Doing that enabled me to finish a lot of the sets. I don't know why psyching myself out that way works, but it does.

    I had Cardio Axe and Bum Bum yesterday. I always do CA barefoot, but wear shoes for Bum Bum. I must have been distracted or something and forgot to put my shoes on before I started Bum Bum. It was so much better. Usually when I do it, I have a hard time balancing and I can't get through more than a few reps of most of the exercises without pausing the tape several times. Without shoes, I was able to get through most set, balance better, and most importantly keep my heart rate up. I may do that one shoeless from now on as well.

    I'm on staycation next week, so that will give me time to catch up on sleep, get my head together, and get my eating and exercise back on track. I don't want to sabotage all of the hard work I've done.
  • o0candiii0o
    o0candiii0o Posts: 17
    i'm starting this on monday. it was exciting to read your updates and i can't wait to start! :D
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    Well, back to work.

    So here's a funny thing. I ate very well when I was home, as clean as I have in a while. Lots of fruits and veggies and less carbs than usual. I also didn't miss a workout. I went to JC Penney on Friday and was trying on shorts and I have gone down a size from a 12 to a 10! Thing is, the scale registers a +2 from my start weight. Being a typical human, my mind is focusing on the two pound weight gain instead of the loss in clothing size. I know losing the size is more indicative of my results, but 170 has become a psychological barrier and it would be a mental boost to just get below it, if only by a pound or two.

    I read in a lot of reviews before purchasing BBL that while people lost inches and sizes, they didn't lose a lot of weight. There are three weeks to go before the end of the prescribed program and I don't want to pass that judgement on myself until I get to the end, but it looks like I'm trending that way. We'll see.

    Ironically, my upper body is what's looking the most fabulous at this point. Despite the little hiccup today, Seattle has finally decided to flip over to warm weather and I wore tank tops when I was out this past weekend. Now, I never really gain weight in my upper body and look okay no matter what shape I'm in, but I'm really starting to get shredded. My arms especially look fabulous. Also, I bought a medium shirt without trying it on because I've always been a medium and found it to be a little baggy when I put it on at home.

    I think what it is is that I *am* losing fat and my upper body just appears to be having faster results because I don't have much to lose there, as opposed to my tummy and thighs.

    And speaking of arms/upper body, I finally got eight pound weights and did Sculpt with them for the first time yesterday. For the first time, that workout challenged me. I was most assuredly not bored and even had to stop for a few breaks. The five pound weights were just too light and Sculpt was boring me because it was too easy. I broke a sweat doing it with five pounders, but it wasn't difficult. I actually had to work hard yesterday.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    So, yesterday was my last day of BBL. My beginning/ending stats are:

    Chest 37/37 (No loss)
    Bust 41/40 (-1)
    Waist 31.5/31 (-.5)
    Lower Abs 35.25/37 (+1.75)
    Hips 40.25/40 (-.25)
    R Thigh 20.5/20.5 (no loss)
    L Thigh 21.5/21.5 (no loss)

    Weight 172

    I also went from a size 12 in jeans to a size 10. I know the results are unspectacular, especially when my earliest posts were so glowing, so here's the rest of the story.

    The first two weeks of the program went great. My eating was on point and I didn't miss a workout. Also, my results were visible and showed up quickly.

    However, at week 3, my metabolism kicked up several notches and instead of adding healthy calories to my diet, I used my increased appetite as an excuse to eat junk every day. That lasted through week 4 and that was the period of the "questionable eating choices" that I mentioned upthread. I didn't miss a workout during that period, but as you know, diet is more important.

    At week 5, I had the week off from work and got my eating back on track. However, when I came back to work, I forgot that the coworker who's my backup was going on vacation for two weeks. I had to cover her shift the first few days, which made me get home an hour later than normal, which is my exercise time, so I missed two week six workouts (her vacation started on a Thursday). Last week, though I was back to my regular schedule because others in my department are covering my vacationing coworkers hours, I still had her workload to deal with and I just felt so beat up every day that I just collapsed when I got home. Couple that with my monthly visitor and I did not work out at all last week. Week 7 was nonexistent.

    I ordered Turbo Jam on the 10th with the intention of starting it when I finished out BBL, but I've decided to start it today. Since the Turbo Jam schedule starts on a Monday, I did Cardio Axe yesterday just to get back into the workout groove. It was my first workout since June 8th. :(

    So, of the 8 weeks of BBL, I only did 5 1/2 weeks and of those, I only ate properly for 3 of them. The stall in my results was entirely my fault. That I managed to lose a size anyway is a miracle.

    I plan to redo BBL at some point to do it justice, but right now, I need the mental and physical kick of something new and I'm looking forward to starting Turbo Jam today. Day one=clean slate.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Good luck, Matiara! I appreciate your honest and consistent reviews! I did BBl pretty consistently for two weeks as well, until Memorial Day, and "fell off the bandwagon" and haven't done it since. When I get back on the groove of it, I'll try to post as well!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Is there a 90 day calendar provided with BBL? How many days a week are you suppose to work out, 5 or 6?