I hate cooking



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Crock Pot!

    What's your husband doing while you're cooking and cleaning? Maybe you could alternate some.

    and This
    and meet this:n8dr6j86rtvk.jpeg
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited July 2015
    I really hope you share the chores with the hubby
    further prepping ( one day a week make several meals)
    And indeed crock pot.

    further i love to stir fry....everything. Simple fast and less cleaning up too.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Buy a family pack of ground beef/ chicken/turkey cook it up plain then divide it it into days worth sizes. Make a plain stew to have with potatoes and veg for one day, spaghetti sauce and bagged salad another, indian curry include bag of frozen veg with brown rice the next, chilli and salad another, and Asian stir fry with a grain the final night. 5 meals prepped in a morning.
    Ooh that is some of my winter eating so haven't had any in a while ( missing it as I type)

    Summer it is grill something, various salads ( I am loving the Costco chopped kale one right now) , bagged or made, and a baked potato/ sweet potato.

    As everyone has said; crock pots and bulk cooking are the way to go, but if life is just too hectic, make a couple of nights a week pre made or take out.
    You have to stay sane after all.

    Cheers, h.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Tell your husband that it is his turn.

    It worked for my mom!
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    I love my crockpots. I have 4 of them all different sizes, Couple that with a rice cooker and you should be good to go. The biggest thing is still to weigh your foods so you only get a serving size and can log accurately. This site has good tools for that and even lets you put your recipes in. You could also spend an afternoon cooking and freezing portion sizes for the week.
  • Mediocrates55
    Mediocrates55 Posts: 326 Member
    Yep , crock pot with liners. And! Now! I'm so lazy I line my casserole dishes with heavy duty foil before I use them. Next to no cleanup. I went through nursing school on my own with two kids under two and a full time job. Keep your head up and remember to do something nice for yourself occasionally. Balance in body and spirit.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I truly love to cook; it's the cleaning up that kills me. I rinse off all the dishes and leave them in the sink while the clean dishes stay in the dishwasher. Finally there's no room in the sink or the counters for the rinsed dirty dishes, so I put up the dishes in the dishwasher and fill them with the dirty dishes. But there's always about half a load that won't fit. One day I'll figure it out.
  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    Do you want your kids to watch you drink a shake instead of a meal and think that's normal?

    - For faster meal prep pre-chopped frozen vegetables might be a good option.
    - Make double the amount of food you would normally make each time you cook... twice the food, not much more effort
    - can you find a spare couple of hours each week and batch cook? Once you get in the grove you can making an amazing amount of food in a couple of hours.
    - get husband to help.

  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hey! OP here.

    In defense of my husband, he works upwards of 12 hours a day doing very phisical work. When he comes home, he falls on the couch, eats a quick dinner, and passes out. In fact, I only have about 1 good hour with him per day. I want to spend that hour interacting with him instrad of sending him to do laundry. Having him help out isn't possible. :(
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    edited July 2015
    [quote= You are getting burned out and are really just in survival mode. You can not do it all. If no one else in the family can step in to take over cooking, cleaning, child care, etc then just use convenience foods for now. It isn't lazy to use them when you have so much to do already. You won't be living like this forever so don't beat yourself up about it.

    This made me cry. You get me! Thank you for your understanding, and especially thank you for reminding me that I "...won't be living like this forever." Thank you, thank you,thank you.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    Do you want your kids to watch you drink a shake instead of a meal and think that's normal?

    Of course not, silly! That's the whole point of my post. :) To clarify, I was going to take the shakes to work for lunch. I certainly would not use those in front of the kids.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I don't take a full day or block of time to batch cook, but when I do make freezer friendly dishes like chili, curry, or casseroles, I make enough for 5 meals and freeze the other 4 (in 1-meal size bags or containers). If I do this once or twice a week, I end up with a decent selection of pre-cooked meals in the freezer that I just need to reheat.

    My super lazy salad consists of bagged salad greens and Trader Joe healthy 8 diced raw veggies. If I use light dressing, I'll throw in some nuts or avocado to add some fat. Takes less than 2 minutes. If you pre-cooked some lean proteins, you could throw that on top in 15-20 additional seconds and have a full meal.

  • 2wise4u
    2wise4u Posts: 229 Member
    Here are some ideas:

    Croc Pot
    Betty Crocker one pot/pan recipes (google them)
    Bisquick recipes (google them)
    When all else fails.....sandwiches with a side of veggies and/or fruit.

    I feel your pain because I'm studying for my engineering board exam which is going to be brutal and I try to do it all by myself but realized I can't. My hubby helps but sometimes doesn't realize I need help until I ask and when I do, he always comes to the rescue. :smile:

    Try to relax and whatever doesn't get done can wait until another day.