So. I'm stuck. At this weight. The first 20 came off so effortlessly. Silly, girl, I should have known I'd hit the wall. This is the point where I usually say, "Meh, I tried." and dive into a cheeseburger.

Oh no not this time! I am telling the world, I am RECOMMITTING! I will not quit! I will not give in!

RE-commit! RE-evaluate! Re-MOTIVATE!!!

I'm not ready to start slumming around with cakes and cookies and soda and fastfood. I broke those chubby ties that bind. I want to continue my love affair with hummus and greek yogurt and oh so yummy vegetables.

For anyone else stuck and ready to give up, give in, go on a binge ..don't do it! Let's REDO this thing!!



  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    So. I'm stuck. At this weight. The first 20 came off so effortlessly. Silly, girl, I should have known I'd hit the wall. This is the point where I usually say, "Meh, I tried." and dive into a cheeseburger.

    Oh no not this time! I am telling the world, I am RECOMMITTING! I will not quit! I will not give in!

    RE-commit! RE-evaluate! Re-MOTIVATE!!!

    I'm not ready to start slumming around with cakes and cookies and soda and fastfood. I broke those chubby ties that bind. I want to continue my love affair with hummus and greek yogurt and oh so yummy vegetables.

    For anyone else stuck and ready to give up, give in, go on a binge ..don't do it! Let's REDO this thing!!

  • Booksarenice
    Booksarenice Posts: 70 Member
    I love your motivation. I am sure you will be successful over the slowdown. What are you going to do to rev up again?
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I've slacked off logging everything because I just figured I had it all under control now, but I'm afraid my confidence may have been premature. I am going to *cough* actually exercise because the first 20 came off so easy I didn't really commit to an exercise program. Those two things should give me the jump start I need.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I know the feeling. :flowerforyou: I got complacent, stopped walking, then Christmas and New Years came. I got on the scale and it was just what I thought, bad!:noway: I'm trying to work up the courage to log in the weight but I know when I see the ticker I am just going to cry.:embarassed: But I am not going to give up, I am starting in again and with a little encouragement from hubby and kids, I will get back to where I was. :bigsmile: Tomorrow I will officially weigh in and start over, so expect that ticker to change and not for the better:grumble: :grumble:
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I'm with you! I lost about 50 pounds, and have been sitting around there for the last 2 months now. I totally slacked off with logging food and have been working incredible hours at work and not working out.

    I came back from my Christmas visit and the next morning went jogging, logged all my food, and I feel great!

    You can do it!! and so can i!
  • Panda8Angel8Faith
    Panda8Angel8Faith Posts: 46 Member
    I am right behind you! I was logging in everything that I did in a day, but then the kids were out of school for the Christmas break and my husband got really sick, so I wasn't able to go to the gym like I usually did. then, to top it all off, the Christmas and New Year's parties all started. Horrible Yummy things. Now, I am going to start making a conscious effort to re-evaluate everything that I am doing and try to do better than what I have been. I started off great, I had a banana for breakfast. The challenge is going to be when the kids have to go back to school and the schedule starts to get a big hurried. I will do my best and I know i will be blessed for it.
    I wish everyone good luck on everything we try. What I am thinking is that if we can do it through the cold months, then the nice months should be a breeze.
    Have a good day.