Prepping to Be an Unclothed Model

I am new here. I wanted to push myself to lose the last few pounds of pregnancy weight from last year so I agreed to be an unclothed model for the figure drawing class my friend teaches. I cannot think of a better way to motivate myself than to make myself do this. It is going to be quite the journey...


  • nishatay
    nishatay Posts: 67 Member
    You go girl! Even if I lost 50lbs I still wouldn't be comfortable enough to be a nude model. Congrats on your confidence and good luck with your weightloss!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    You're 12 lbs. overweight according to your ticker.

    You can do nude figure modeling now.

    They're not that picky and the pay is lousy anyway.

    Also a lot of artists and art students prefer to draw/paint a more Rubenesque gal. You should consider gaining.

    Geez, way to show support to the OP. Are you just jealous, or what?
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    nishatay wrote: »
    You go girl! Even if I lost 50lbs I still wouldn't be comfortable enough to be a nude model. Congrats on your confidence and good luck with your weightloss!

    +1 :)
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    whmscll wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    You're 12 lbs. overweight according to your ticker.

    You can do nude figure modeling now.

    They're not that picky and the pay is lousy anyway.

    Also a lot of artists and art students prefer to draw/paint a more Rubenesque gal. You should consider gaining.

    Geez, way to show support to the OP. Are you just jealous, or what?

    We should support nude modeling now! For heaven's sake lady, every bozo in the art class will be in possession of a cell phone which also moonlights as a camera and a video camera. She could be innocently nude modeling along thinking everything is dandy for the $15 an hour with only a few minutes left to go. And then six months later she could be shocked to see she's become an internet superstar. Without even being paid for it. Jealous? I think not. But if she wants to roll those dice than yeah, Rubenesque is the way to go within the artsy circles. Yes.

    And I hope we hear from some nude models here at MFP and what they think about this!

    oh wow i never even thought about people taking pictures. everything ends up on facebook or pinterest these days
    they must ban people from using their phones.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Op you can do it. just need to really stick to your calories and incorporate some strength training. good luck
  • NoFear4Me
    NoFear4Me Posts: 7 Member
    According to the class guidelines the instructor takes the cell phones and locks them up during the class. This is a legitimate class at a locally recognized art center. The students have to pay over $200 for the class so there are s lot cheaper ways for someone to get off than by coming to the class!! Maybe I should be worried but I guess I am not too concerned about it. I am nervous but will also be proud to do it and won't be embarassed by it at all even if there are photos on the Internet.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    So... Anyway, be sure to let us know if you were able to drop thise last few pounds in time.
  • NoFear4Me
    NoFear4Me Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks I will
  • NoFear4Me
    NoFear4Me Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks. I am not doing it for the money. I am doing it for the challenge and experience and for the motivation to help me lose some more weight.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Wow! So much negativity here. Huh. I've done nude modeling for an art class. It's a very freeing experience and the students were all very respectful. Just remember to bring a robe with you. I forgot once and it was a little awkward during pose changes. (3 hour class).
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Weird vibe here...!

    MANY of my friends in college did nude posing for the university art program for like 7/hr. They loved it because it forced them to be comfortable with their body as it was. They stopped shaming themselves and could look at their bodies first more objectively, and then with love. What an AMAZING experience!
  • patay123
    patay123 Posts: 1 Member
    That's something that I would love to do. I was thinking of get some photos done to keep to myself when I reach my fitness goal. Takes a lot of confidence to stand up in front of others. Good luck and an encouraging goal to look forward to. Keep up the good work.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    You're 12 lbs. overweight according to your ticker.

    You can do nude figure modeling now.

    They're not that picky and the pay is lousy anyway.

    Also a lot of artists and art students prefer to draw/paint a more Rubenesque gal. You should consider gaining.

    Geez, way to show support to the OP. Are you just jealous, or what?

    Considering gaining? Wow. What a healthy suggestion.
  • lagoscarrie
    lagoscarrie Posts: 183 Member
    I have also done it. It was a tremendously freeing and wonderful experience after a bad divorce and otherwise awful year. I celebrated my 45th birthday by being painted in the nude and I am so glad I did! In my case it was for an individual, well-established artist (I was volunteering for an arts foundation at the time) and a couple of my best gal pals were there. Go for it! I will almost guarantee it will be a positive, self-affirming experience!
  • Lord007
    Lord007 Posts: 338 Member
    I think it's fantastic. If this helps motivate you along to your goal, then all the better. It's already a good conversation piece. :smiley:
    We spend a lot of time in our lives telling ourselves "I can't" or listening to others say it. We should take more opportunites to say "Why not? It could be fun!"
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    Modeling nude is absolutely freeing! It's difficult to hold a pose for long amounts of time, so make certain you get some really good stretching in, too.

    I wish you luck with your goal.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I was always grateful for the models in my life drawing class. I also agree that you are beautiful now. All the students will demand (with some crankiness) is that you remain absolutely still during your pose. So choose your long poses carefully. Have some pillows handy.
  • annie_banannie
    annie_banannie Posts: 65 Member
    When I was taking drawing classes, we were happy to have any models, male or female. Their body shape and size didn't matter. I recruited a friend, who was well over 200 pounds, to model for the class, and she turned out to be everybody's favorite because she was so comfortable when she posed.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited July 2015
    newmeadow wrote: »
    whmscll wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    You're 12 lbs. overweight according to your ticker.

    You can do nude figure modeling now.

    They're not that picky and the pay is lousy anyway.

    Also a lot of artists and art students prefer to draw/paint a more Rubenesque gal. You should consider gaining.

    Geez, way to show support to the OP. Are you just jealous, or what?

    We should support nude modeling now! For heaven's sake lady, every bozo in the art class will be in possession of a cell phone which also moonlights as a camera and a video camera. She could be innocently nude modeling along thinking everything is dandy for the $15 an hour with only a few minutes left to go. And then six months later she could be shocked to see she's become an internet superstar. Without even being paid for it. Jealous? I think not. But if she wants to roll those dice than yeah, Rubenesque is the way to go within the artsy circles. Yes.

    And I hope we hear from some nude models here at MFP and what they think about this!

    So now we have heard from some nude models and what they think about this. All positive. Except for you. For heaven's sake lady, this forum is "Motivation and Support," in case you hadn't noticed, and you are providing neither. Your're just crapping all over someone's dream. Take your negativity and go away.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    We should support nude modeling now! For heaven's sake lady, every bozo in the art class will be in possession of a cell phone which also moonlights as a camera and a video camera. She could be innocently nude modeling along thinking everything is dandy for the $15 an hour with only a few minutes left to go. And then six months later she could be shocked to see she's become an internet superstar. Without even being paid for it. Jealous? I think not. But if she wants to roll those dice than yeah, Rubenesque is the way to go within the artsy circles. Yes.

    And I hope we hear from some nude models here at MFP and what they think about this!

    For the record, my art class never did this. None of the models ever had a problem with it. There is a difference between artistic nude and porn nude. Granted, some guys just want nude and it doesn't matter to them. But if you're modeling for a serious art class, you're probably going to be fine.

    OP: I wouldn't worry about NEEDING to lose weight to model. We had several girls and guys model for my class, of all different weights and ages. The class is learning to draw the human figure, and having various types and sizes of models is important. What mostly matters is your ability to hold a pose for a long period of time. If you're a fidgeter, you're not going to enjoy it at all!