Need help staying up on the horse :/

Hey guys.

So some of you might recognize me, some might not. But I have a couple things to mention and ask advice for.

I have issues sticking with a routine related to fitness (and school but lets not get into that) My issues include:

1) Find the motiviation to keep logging

2) Keep the rotation for working out in mind day and day out (lack of a basic program)

3) Stopping from caving to temptation from night snacking.

Now for some follow up information. Lately my girlfriend and I are going through a lot in terms of work and potentially moving. When I have that on my mind, I really like to saver "me time" which means I don't wanna get up at the crack of dawn to work out and I want to stay up to have that moment of silence to my self (which involves snacks). I don't always work 8 to 4:30 everyday and I found that if I did, I would be more up to going to the gym.

So im posting this for some encouragement, some motivation and maybe some support. Maybe someone has a similar experience they overcame? I would love to get ride of this gut but I cant seem to find the niche experience that suts my life style.


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I can totally relate to soothing yourself with food...but I have found that soothing myself with exercise feels better. Both methods produce chemical changes in the brain, but I get higher off the exercise happy hormones.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited July 2015
    1. That's an internal thing. We can't give you the motivation. You either want to do it or you don't.

    2. Write it down. Get a calendar or just make lines on a piece of paper and jot down your plan for each day. If you forget, check the paper. :)

    3. It's just a bad habit that needs breaking. You have to fight through it at first. Don't allow yourself to think about it. Get up and do something - reorganize a closet, wash the bathtub, go for a walk, whatever. But don't let yourself eat. It's really hard at first - bad habits are hard to break! - but once you don't snack at night, it gets easier. Eventually, not snacking at night will become your habit and you won't even be thinking, "Leftovers! Chips!" or any of that.

    It's hard to lose weight. Gotta suck it up and do the hard work. If you really want to lose the weight, you'll be able to! You just have to be committed and determined to do it.

    Good luck!
  • lauren_tankersley36
    lauren_tankersley36 Posts: 6 Member
    Its so hard to keep a strong motivation when it comes to working out and we are all human and that's exactly what many people would say yes we are human and yes our bodies do need rest days but remember that when you wake up and think man I have to work out today don't sit and think about working out and how hard its gonna be and stuff no think about how great your going to feel afterwards and think about how much stress it takes off you and just get out there and exercise its easier said then done but when I wake up I go straight to the gym and hit my goals and feel amazing afterwards some days are hard but I know you can do it!! Keep up the good work because if nobody believes in you I will even if I have no idea who you are!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Do you want to be fat or not?

    Draw your motivation from there...