Help! Not sure what I'm doing wrong!

Hey MFP peeps,
I'm really confused and frustrated at the lack of weight loss. I've been tracking for 40+days and eat a fairly clean diet and I've only lost 2 pounds.
Background: ate paleo for 2 years and only exercised 2 times a week. Needless to say with all that bacon and butter I gained 10lbs.
Currently: I'm 190 and have my daily calories at 1870. I do crossfit 3-4 times a week and sometimes add a run or 2. At work I'm on my feet all day moving around. I track my steps and on a daily basis I'm well over 10000 steps. I've competely changed the way I eat, prepping my food for the week and no more bacon, butter or cheese. I have a couple of protein shakes a day and on my cheat days, I still log.
I'm at a loss, some say I'm not eating enough but is that possible?!? I feel somewhat satisfied.

Any advice would be great!!


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Are you using a food scale?
  • amyr271
    amyr271 Posts: 343 Member
    As dull at it sounds and I'm sure you have heard it before but the only way is to weigh all of your food and make sure that you log everything edible that goes in your mouth!! I was always a bit 'meh' about weighing but I didn't realize how many/little calories were in things until I used a food scale!
    You also have to be in right mindset to lose weight, at some point it just clicks.
  • Dex37
    Dex37 Posts: 55 Member
    At 190lbs and 1870 daily it seems like your weight should be coming off. Are you sure about your calories? Are you eating back your calories burned? Tracking can be difficult at first. Guessing/estimating doesn't work well. Weighing the food works best.

    Did you find out your maintenance first? When you first start working out and tracking, you need to take a couple weeks for your body to adjust and find how many calories are needed to keep your current weight. After you find that out, it is just simple math.
  • zyr1974
    zyr1974 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank for advice..
    I do weigh everything even when I use measuring cups, I will place the food item on scale to make sure it's the appropriate weight.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    How tall are you? I think 1870 is quite high for losing, also for the past few days you've gone over 2000 daily.

    Why drink 2 shakes a day instead of eating food?
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Actually even considering a proper log, the numbers do not line up. Plugging in your age and weight into MFP along with the "sedentary" outside of purposeful exercise setting, you need to eat 1910 calories to maintain your weight, assuming no exercise. Given that you go over same days, may not be 100% accurate since logging does take skill, you would pretty much have to exercise most days I think to get any meaningful weight loss. Where did you get the 1870 recommendation, and how often and what type of exercise do you do?

    I do very much agree that you should take a look at your food log as well, though. Give this a read sometime, the first post is a quick read:
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited July 2015
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    Thank for advice..
    I do weigh everything even when I use measuring cups, I will place the food item on scale to make sure it's the appropriate weight.

    well for example, you logged:
    1 Avocado small for 144 calories
    What exactly defines a "small" avocado?
    Based on the USDA, 100 g is 160 calories. 1 Avocado (approx 201 g) is 322 calories. That's a pretty big difference from what you're logging.

    Homemade grilled chicken breast < - is that your own custom entry or just pulled out of the database? if it's not yours, then it's probably not correct.

    Generic - Dutch Crunch Sandwich Roll <- Another entry that might not be accurate for what you ate if you didn't create it yourself.

    Your banana entry is slightly off. I looked it up in the database, and its about 2 calories off for every 100 grams (compared to usda database). Not much. I know.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    It does sound like you should be loosing a bit quicker. While I don't think that bacon, butter and cheese are the devil like so many do, I think that all things in moderation is very important, and a calorie is a calorie. So if you want bacon butter and cheese, you better balance that with a bunch of other leaner stuff. Anyway, are you measuring yourself? Perhaps you are reconstituting, as it sounds like you are very active. If you are gaining muscle while loosing fat, your weight might not change a lot but your shape will. Have you noticed clothing being any kinder?
    I had successfully lost a fair bit of weight in the not too distant past and I did notice my progress was very non-linear. 2 weeks of no loss, then 3 lbs the next week. However, in 40 days, I would have thought some more would come off for you. Perhaps get some blood work done and check your thyroid levels?
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    Thank for advice..
    I do weigh everything even when I use measuring cups, I will place the food item on scale to make sure it's the appropriate weight.

    You always weigh out your peanut butter to equal 2 tablespoons? It never varies day to day? You weigh your bread slices? The counts seem too neat to me day in/day out.
  • zyr1974
    zyr1974 Posts: 10 Member
    Dex37 wrote: »
    At 190lbs and 1870 daily it seems like your weight should be coming off. Are you sure about your calories? Are you eating back your calories burned? Tracking can be difficult at first. Guessing/estimating doesn't work well. Weighing the food works best.

    Did you find out your maintenance first? When you first start working out and tracking, you need to take a couple weeks for your body to adjust and find how many calories are needed to keep your current weight. After you find that out, it is just simple math.

    Well, my calories should be 2065 with activity set at active. I was having a hard time reaching it and would only be able to eat 1600-1700 calories. So I thought I might need to just work my way up to those calories and set my daily to 1870. I'm finally able to some what make that goal. 4 days a week I work with clients all day and am unable at times to stop to eat. My body had become use to just having coffee or protein shake in the morning and maybe a salad for lunch and then by dinner in would be starving. So having to eat food during the day has been a challenge.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    Dex37 wrote: »
    At 190lbs and 1870 daily it seems like your weight should be coming off. Are you sure about your calories? Are you eating back your calories burned? Tracking can be difficult at first. Guessing/estimating doesn't work well. Weighing the food works best.

    Did you find out your maintenance first? When you first start working out and tracking, you need to take a couple weeks for your body to adjust and find how many calories are needed to keep your current weight. After you find that out, it is just simple math.

    Well, my calories should be 2065 with activity set at active. I was having a hard time reaching it and would only be able to eat 1600-1700 calories. So I thought I might need to just work my way up to those calories and set my daily to 1870. I'm finally able to some what make that goal. 4 days a week I work with clients all day and am unable at times to stop to eat. My body had become use to just having coffee or protein shake in the morning and maybe a salad for lunch and then by dinner in would be starving. So having to eat food during the day has been a challenge.

    But you ate over maintenance to gain weight. What do you think has changed now?

    Anyway, if you're not weighing all your food you are not in quite the deficit you believe yourself to be in.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    Dex37 wrote: »
    At 190lbs and 1870 daily it seems like your weight should be coming off. Are you sure about your calories? Are you eating back your calories burned? Tracking can be difficult at first. Guessing/estimating doesn't work well. Weighing the food works best.

    Did you find out your maintenance first? When you first start working out and tracking, you need to take a couple weeks for your body to adjust and find how many calories are needed to keep your current weight. After you find that out, it is just simple math.

    Well, my calories should be 2065 with activity set at active. I was having a hard time reaching it and would only be able to eat 1600-1700 calories. So I thought I might need to just work my way up to those calories and set my daily to 1870. I'm finally able to some what make that goal. 4 days a week I work with clients all day and am unable at times to stop to eat. My body had become use to just having coffee or protein shake in the morning and maybe a salad for lunch and then by dinner in would be starving. So having to eat food during the day has been a challenge.

    Meal timing has no effect on weight loss. You can eat when you like, whenever makes you feel best and whatever works best with your lifestyle. So long as you eat less calories than your body burns, you will lose weight. Not much more to it than that
  • zyr1974
    zyr1974 Posts: 10 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    Dex37 wrote: »
    At 190lbs and 1870 daily it seems like your weight should be coming off. Are you sure about your calories? Are you eating back your calories burned? Tracking can be difficult at first. Guessing/estimating doesn't work well. Weighing the food works best.

    Did you find out your maintenance first? When you first start working out and tracking, you need to take a couple weeks for your body to adjust and find how many calories are needed to keep your current weight. After you find that out, it is just simple math.

    Well, my calories should be 2065 with activity set at active. I was having a hard time reaching it and would only be able to eat 1600-1700 calories. So I thought I might need to just work my way up to those calories and set my daily to 1870. I'm finally able to some what make that goal. 4 days a week I work with clients all day and am unable at times to stop to eat. My body had become use to just having coffee or protein shake in the morning and maybe a salad for lunch and then by dinner in would be starving. So having to eat food during the day has been a challenge.

    But you ate over maintenance to gain weight. What do you think has changed now?

    Anyway, if you're not weighing all your food you are not in quite the deficit you believe yourself to be in.

    When I ate paleo I would eat bacon every other day and was not shy about cheese and butter. Also ate a ton of lettuce wrapped burgers. My diet was very low carb and now I've introduced some carbs like, quinoa, farro, gluten free pasta and brown rice. Not sure if this answers your question.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    Dex37 wrote: »
    At 190lbs and 1870 daily it seems like your weight should be coming off. Are you sure about your calories? Are you eating back your calories burned? Tracking can be difficult at first. Guessing/estimating doesn't work well. Weighing the food works best.

    Did you find out your maintenance first? When you first start working out and tracking, you need to take a couple weeks for your body to adjust and find how many calories are needed to keep your current weight. After you find that out, it is just simple math.

    Well, my calories should be 2065 with activity set at active. I was having a hard time reaching it and would only be able to eat 1600-1700 calories. So I thought I might need to just work my way up to those calories and set my daily to 1870. I'm finally able to some what make that goal. 4 days a week I work with clients all day and am unable at times to stop to eat. My body had become use to just having coffee or protein shake in the morning and maybe a salad for lunch and then by dinner in would be starving. So having to eat food during the day has been a challenge.

    But you ate over maintenance to gain weight. What do you think has changed now?

    Anyway, if you're not weighing all your food you are not in quite the deficit you believe yourself to be in.

    When I ate paleo I would eat bacon every other day and was not shy about cheese and butter. Also ate a ton of lettuce wrapped burgers. My diet was very low carb and now I've introduced some carbs like, quinoa, farro, gluten free pasta and brown rice. Not sure if this answers your question.

    Not really. What I'm saying is...if you once ate over maintenance, which you obviously did, why do you find meeting a deficit goal that difficult?

    Anyway. Try weighing everything you eat for a week or two, you should see more results.
  • zyr1974
    zyr1974 Posts: 10 Member

    arditarose wrote: »
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    Dex37 wrote: »
    At 190lbs and 1870 daily it seems like your weight should be coming off. Are you sure about your calories? Are you eating back your calories burned? Tracking can be difficult at first. Guessing/estimating doesn't work well. Weighing the food works best.

    Did you find out your maintenance first? When you first start working out and tracking, you need to take a couple weeks for your body to adjust and find how many calories are needed to keep your current weight. After you find that out, it is just simple math.

    Well, my calories should be 2065 with activity set at active. I was having a hard time reaching it and would only be able to eat 1600-1700 calories. So I thought I might need to just work my way up to those calories and set my daily to 1870. I'm finally able to some what make that goal. 4 days a week I work with clients all day and am unable at times to stop to eat. My body had become use to just having coffee or protein shake in the morning and maybe a salad for lunch and then by dinner in would be starving. So having to eat food during the day has been a challenge.

    But you ate over maintenance to gain weight. What do you think has changed now?

    Anyway, if you're not weighing all your food you are not in quite the deficit you believe yourself to be in.

    When I ate paleo I would eat bacon every other day and was not shy about cheese and butter. Also ate a ton of lettuce wrapped burgers. My diet was very low carb and now I've introduced some carbs like, quinoa, farro, gluten free pasta and brown rice. Not sure if this answers your question.

    Not really. What I'm saying is...if you once ate over maintenance, which you obviously did, why do you find meeting a deficit goal that difficult?

    Anyway. Try weighing everything you eat for a week or two, you should see more results.

    When I ate paleo eventhough the actual amount of food was small the calories were super high. Now I'm eating foods that are lower in calories meaning I have to eat more of them.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    zyr1974 wrote: »
    Dex37 wrote: »
    At 190lbs and 1870 daily it seems like your weight should be coming off. Are you sure about your calories? Are you eating back your calories burned? Tracking can be difficult at first. Guessing/estimating doesn't work well. Weighing the food works best.

    Did you find out your maintenance first? When you first start working out and tracking, you need to take a couple weeks for your body to adjust and find how many calories are needed to keep your current weight. After you find that out, it is just simple math.

    Well, my calories should be 2065 with activity set at active. I was having a hard time reaching it and would only be able to eat 1600-1700 calories. So I thought I might need to just work my way up to those calories and set my daily to 1870. I'm finally able to some what make that goal. 4 days a week I work with clients all day and am unable at times to stop to eat. My body had become use to just having coffee or protein shake in the morning and maybe a salad for lunch and then by dinner in would be starving. So having to eat food during the day has been a challenge.

    But you ate over maintenance to gain weight. What do you think has changed now?

    Anyway, if you're not weighing all your food you are not in quite the deficit you believe yourself to be in.

    When I ate paleo I would eat bacon every other day and was not shy about cheese and butter. Also ate a ton of lettuce wrapped burgers. My diet was very low carb and now I've introduced some carbs like, quinoa, farro, gluten free pasta and brown rice. Not sure if this answers your question.

    Not really. What I'm saying is...if you once ate over maintenance, which you obviously did, why do you find meeting a deficit goal that difficult?

    Anyway. Try weighing everything you eat for a week or two, you should see more results.

    When I ate paleo eventhough the actual amount of food was small the calories were super high. Now I'm eating foods that are lower in calories meaning I have to eat more of them.

    But if you prefer eating less, calorie dense foods-you can still do that on a deficit. You just have to be sure to weigh all your oil, butter, etc to make sure you're precise.
  • zyr1974
    zyr1974 Posts: 10 Member
    sandylion wrote: »
    It does sound like you should be loosing a bit quicker. While I don't think that bacon, butter and cheese are the devil like so many do, I think that all things in moderation is very important, and a calorie is a calorie. So if you want bacon butter and cheese, you better balance that with a bunch of other leaner stuff. Anyway, are you measuring yourself? Perhaps you are reconstituting, as it sounds like you are very active. If you are gaining muscle while loosing fat, your weight might not change a lot but your shape will. Have you noticed clothing being any kinder?
    I had successfully lost a fair bit of weight in the not too distant past and I did notice my progress was very non-linear. 2 weeks of no loss, then 3 lbs the next week. However, in 40 days, I would have thought some more would come off for you. Perhaps get some blood work done and check your thyroid levels?

    I have noticed my waist cinching in eventhough my measurement fluctuates between +inch -inch and my butt is bigger which makes my pants not fit as well. Thank you for the advice of getting blood work done. I am 41 so will have to take into consideration that progress will be slower.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    :laugh: I just knew that was gonna happen. It's got to be the blood work, not eating too many calories to lose weight
  • momma_4boys
    momma_4boys Posts: 36 Member
    I'm not a pro at this in the least but your intake seems excessive to me if you truly want to lose weight. I'm at 239 and my BMR is 1752 cal/day. To lose 2 lbs a week I need to go down to 1052 cal/day. Also, don't eat what you're burning. On the 4th of July I supposedly burned 1095 but only took in 1080. You don't eat back any of those burned calories until you want to maintain or gain.
    Also, with crossfit you're building tons of muscle and definition. So for every 2 lbs of fat you might take off you're replacing with another 2 lbs of muscle. So is your goal to be fit or lose right now? Pick one. If not just one,if you want both right now then you'd be better off looking at your measurements.
    I just about went out of my mind this past week without any weight loss in spite of a daily average calorie intake of under 1000 and increased exercise. Finally a little over a pound comes off and I redid my measurements from just a week ago and I lost 8 total inches. Only one pound but 8 inches is amazing!! I assume that means I exchanged a few pounds of fat for some muscle. Makes a huge difference to look at all angles.
    Good Luck!!