lets do this together

Hello!!! Im a mother of two beautiful little girls...its time to loose the weight ive gained and be as attractive as i once was for my fiance....and for myself. Tired of being in the dumps and hating the way i look.
Always looking for other moms or lady friends to commute with...the struggle is real and MOTIVATION SUPPORT DETERMINATION is the key to a successful journey so why not make friends.


  • drok_Photo
    drok_Photo Posts: 10 Member
    im just an average joe trying to put in a little extra on top of ordinary because when you put in that extra effort you become extraordinary. Let's journey together! All are welcome. also drok_Photo on Instagram
  • Missustruth
    Missustruth Posts: 10 Member
    I'm also a mom of two. I want to get fit as part of my journey. It's my bday in 6 months and I want to finally hit my goal weight and fitness. I am motivated, determined and I have a vision. I have 60 lbs to lose and I'm on my way. Taking it one day at a time. I learned that taking time to workout (using Jillian Michaels DVDs) for me is vital to staying positive. I feel more confident as I feel my muscles getting stronger. Friend me if u want. Wishing you the best. Remember to take care of you so you can take care of them.
  • Jacqui_Runs
    Jacqui_Runs Posts: 68 Member
    I love having female friends here for motivation. I will send you a friend request.
  • ramsherri2915
    ramsherri2915 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank u for adding me
  • ramsherri2915
    ramsherri2915 Posts: 13 Member
    Im doing that 21 fix bikini challenge....im loving it!!!
  • pjones81
    pjones81 Posts: 25 Member
    I also have the same feelings. I try to mix things up abit. I get burned out easily. Add me if you like. :)