lost motivation

Hey guys. I have had lost motivation completely from last 2 months. I have become lazy.. i have to loose 50+ pounds.plz help..how can I get my motivation back?


  • neil11111
    neil11111 Posts: 26 Member
    Force yourself to take a short walk after each meal. A longer one in the evening. After a few weeks you'll see a difference. Once you're on track it becomes easier every day and you'll find you have new energy to expand your active lifestyle. Small increments longer and record them on a calendar with that day's weight. Progressing ebentually to 15min a day on an exercise bike melts off fat. I suffered from lack of motivation for 40 years right up to my heart attack at age 50. I hate exercising but it's really worth the effort. This plan worked for me as I'm 53 lb lighter in a year without any crazy gym program. I really hope you can turn it around... Hang in there!! I hope this helps... Neil
  • neil11111
    neil11111 Posts: 26 Member
    I forgot to mention that getting a step counter such as FitBit really helps motivation. You'll find yourself going the extra little bit to make your step goal for the day.... And getting friends online who also count steps is a great friendly way to add some competition to push you a lite bit when you're feeling sluggish. You can do this!!!
  • hafsa1986
    hafsa1986 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks alot. Yes that sounds amazing.i will definitely follow these small steps ..and I'm sure I can get back at it.what kind of diet did u have?
  • bodymindmusic
    bodymindmusic Posts: 118 Member
    I lost motivation over winter. It is hard to keep pushing. For me I have to start with my focus in the morning and I have come to terms with the fact that this is something I have to do and it's hard but if I don't I will be sorry. Meditation and yoga and watching sugar and sodium intake have helped me a lot. Hang in there hitting the reset button is needed from time to time.
  • neil11111
    neil11111 Posts: 26 Member
    I cut back on sodium to 1500mg per day which inadvertently reduces fat and sugar as they are usually packaged together. I eat whole foods as much as possible and try to keep my calories low. I started at 1700 per day and gradually reduced it to 1200 as I lost weight. No food after 7pm. Lots of water throughout the day. I'm not fanatical though. Once in a while I have a comfort meal like pizza or something. One days calories doesn't make a big difference. It's the weekly average you have to watch. MFP has helped me lose the last 25 lb for sure. Don't cheat on the recording. Put all meals in. Lol
    Once again you can totally win this battle!!!
  • neil11111
    neil11111 Posts: 26 Member
    And don't over think this. Weight loss is simply taking in fewer calories than you burn.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I have come to terms with the fact that this is something I have to do and it's hard but if I don't I will be sorry.
    This is the essence of motivation. If you're not "motivated" then why do you want to do this? My trainer posted this quote today: "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." --Jim Rohn. To expand on this, for me discipline = consistency + commitment. 13 months ago I made a commitment that I was going to get in shape and lose weight. I've lost 93 pounds with about 55 still to go. I set a plan and I stick to it whether I feel like it or not. No bad food in the house. I do not ever again want to feel the way I felt back then, physically or mentally. That is my motivation. Beyond that, I don't think about motivation. I just think about my plan, goals, and follow my routine. I hope something in this helps.
  • neil11111
    neil11111 Posts: 26 Member
    The little stuff adds up too. Like parking on the far edge of lot at the mall and walking it. And puttering around the house during TV commercials rather than sitting still. Staying active can take out 200cal per day. ☺
  • neil11111
    neil11111 Posts: 26 Member
    Success is an incredible motivator.
  • neil11111
    neil11111 Posts: 26 Member
    Doing much walking today?