4 week challenge...anyone interested?



  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    Day 5 and 6 done. My legs are so weak right now lol. Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,177 Member
    Finally caught up. Days 4, 5, and 6 Done!
  • blue443
    blue443 Posts: 61 Member
    Sounds like a varied and challenging workout. Be a good idea to change the routine. I'll try it.
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
    Week 1 done
  • milleran33
    milleran33 Posts: 8 Member
    Week one complete. I am resting today!
  • jewels1nc
    jewels1nc Posts: 38 Member
    Just finished level 2 day 1!! Feeling good.
  • Sarah0003
    Sarah0003 Posts: 41 Member
    Little behind, but finished with week 1
  • nakaiki
    nakaiki Posts: 180 Member
    Finished week 2; I fell behind after taking the weekend off, but pounded out all of week 2 before realizing that tomorrow was supposed to be day 6.
  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    edited July 2015
    Done with week 2, days 1 2 and 3. That puts me two days behind. Gonna try and get caught up and finished with week 2 by the 9th.

    Also Nakaiki, I could be wrong (but don't think I am), but tomorrow is day 5 of week 2. July 2nd was day 7 week 1. That makes the 9th, day 7 week 2.
  • nakaiki
    nakaiki Posts: 180 Member
    JMC3Terp wrote: »
    Also Nakaiki, I could be wrong (but don't think I am), but tomorrow is day 5 of week 2. July 2nd was day 7 week 1. That makes the 9th, day 7 week 2.

    Oh my, you are correct! :#
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    Still going at it.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,177 Member
    I'm caught up through wk2 day 5.
  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    Done with days 4, 5 and 6 of week 2. Think I'll skip the rest day and start on week 3. Doing 2 days together is brutal. Not sure I can do any more of those, so I'm gonna get ahead of the pace just in case lol
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,177 Member
    JMC3Terp wrote: »
    Done with days 4, 5 and 6 of week 2. Think I'll skip the rest day and start on week 3. Doing 2 days together is brutal. Not sure I can do any more of those, so I'm gonna get ahead of the pace just in case lol

    Try doing three in the same day, on top of numerous other challenges and requirements. Lol Glutton for punishment I am. Lol

    On that note, I think I'm up to date. Finished through Week 3 Day 2.
  • aryyas94
    aryyas94 Posts: 1 Member
    Yea I'm definitely joining you on this !!! New to the app perfect way to join
  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    edited July 2015
    Dictorbutt wrote: »
    JMC3Terp wrote: »
    Done with days 4, 5 and 6 of week 2. Think I'll skip the rest day and start on week 3. Doing 2 days together is brutal. Not sure I can do any more of those, so I'm gonna get ahead of the pace just in case lol

    Try doing three in the same day, on top of numerous other challenges and requirements. Lol Glutton for punishment I am. Lol

    On that note, I think I'm up to date. Finished through Week 3 Day 2.

    You can't scare me!

    Done, Week 3, Day 3, 4, and 5. All in the same day. Along with my GoT punishment challenge, a 60 minutes strength routine, and 6 miles of Cardio. lol. This was yesterday. Thankfully my legs can rest until tonight when I get off work :P

    Gonna finish up Week 3 today.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,177 Member
    JMC3Terp wrote: »
    Dictorbutt wrote: »
    JMC3Terp wrote: »
    Done with days 4, 5 and 6 of week 2. Think I'll skip the rest day and start on week 3. Doing 2 days together is brutal. Not sure I can do any more of those, so I'm gonna get ahead of the pace just in case lol

    Try doing three in the same day, on top of numerous other challenges and requirements. Lol Glutton for punishment I am. Lol

    On that note, I think I'm up to date. Finished through Week 3 Day 2.

    You can't scare me!

    Done, Week 3, Day 3, 4, and 5. All in the same day. Along with my GoT punishment challenge, a 60 minutes strength routine, and 6 miles of Cardio. lol. This was yesterday. Thankfully my legs can rest until tonight when I get off work :P

    Gonna finish up Week 3 today.

    Awesome job!
    I did the GoT punishment that day as well. It was my feet that were suffering tho. Good shoes, bad uneven floors at the hotel tho. :/

    Are you doing the Insurgent challenge? If so which team? I joined Rainbow but am thinking of switching to Grey. I like a good one on one challenge. Double the benefits if we're on the same team. Joy in House Targaryen definitely pushes me to reach higher.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,177 Member
    JMC3Terp wrote: »

    Gonna finish up Week 3 today.

    Did you push ahead or should we actually be finishing up week 3 right now?
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
    Been busy with exams for uni. Gonna have to do week 2 and 3 at once
  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    edited July 2015
    Dictorbutt wrote: »
    JMC3Terp wrote: »
    Dictorbutt wrote: »
    JMC3Terp wrote: »
    Done with days 4, 5 and 6 of week 2. Think I'll skip the rest day and start on week 3. Doing 2 days together is brutal. Not sure I can do any more of those, so I'm gonna get ahead of the pace just in case lol

    Try doing three in the same day, on top of numerous other challenges and requirements. Lol Glutton for punishment I am. Lol

    On that note, I think I'm up to date. Finished through Week 3 Day 2.

    You can't scare me!

    Done, Week 3, Day 3, 4, and 5. All in the same day. Along with my GoT punishment challenge, a 60 minutes strength routine, and 6 miles of Cardio. lol. This was yesterday. Thankfully my legs can rest until tonight when I get off work :P

    Gonna finish up Week 3 today.

    Awesome job!
    I did the GoT punishment that day as well. It was my feet that were suffering tho. Good shoes, bad uneven floors at the hotel tho. :/

    Are you doing the Insurgent challenge? If so which team? I joined Rainbow but am thinking of switching to Grey. I like a good one on one challenge. Double the benefits if we're on the same team. Joy in House Targaryen definitely pushes me to reach higher.

    I'm on grey for insurgent. And my legs were dead weight after that day lol

    I'd love for you to join team grey. That would be pretty cool. Both on grey and both in gryffindor. :)

    And I'm in lannister tho nobody to really push me there. I beat 2nd place in my house by 600 minutes for week 1