6 weeks is this where I should be?



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,924 Member
    Promoting VLCD's is against MFP rules.
    I have already been warned today for discussing one while trying to help someone make theirs less stupid.
    You are under doctor's orders. You should be discussing all changes to your diet with the doctor who prescribed it, not a random bunch of strangers on the internet who do not have your compete history in front of them!
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    You've proved that you're serious and able to stick to a diet and lost weight on your own. If you're able to continue and lose it all on your own I'd go back to the doctor armed with this site's recommendations and discuss the option of not having the surgery and upping your calories to the site's recommendations so you can lose it more sensibly maintaining a healthier eating plan (I'd up protein and carbs rather than just fats) in a way that will give you enough energy for exercise too. Isn't there are risk of gall bladder problems if you lose it too rapidly? Also, you're not learning how to eat to maintain loss with what you are doing but of course I don't want to cross medical advice if they consider this the only way to help you. Good luck with everything x
  • RNChristie33
    RNChristie33 Posts: 144 Member
    OP - don't have anything particularly helpful to say, just kudos for handling a thread that could have totally derailed and gotten really nasty with patience and good grace. :)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Holy low calorie and that fat...ouch.

    OP, is there a medical reason you need to get weight off quickly? Regardless...this is not good.

    It's a medically supervised program before you would have a surgical procedure for weight loss. I'm trying to modify it since I have to do it and eliminate anything else later.

    It sounds like you're following a pre-bariatric diet like this: http://www.dbh.nhs.uk/Library/Patient_Information_Leaflets/WPR32630 Bariatric Leaflet Pre-op.pdf

    As noted in the above, the low fat intake is designed to decrease the size of the liver immediately prior to surgery, for two weeks only and should not be followed by anyone else. If this is what your doctor has recommended for losing a lot of weight, as others have already stated, you should be finding a new doctor.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    edited July 2015
    This is an internet forum. Again, this is an internet forum. The only importance, or authority, these posts have is in this particular internet forum. If you don't know by now, you will not get a constructive answer as the words "600 calories a day" spark the mob. They won't blink an eye if you mention cutting open your abdomen and rearranging your insides. But, under-eating, whoooaaa, lmao!

    Talk to your doctor. If you don't like that doctor, talk to another one. And kudos for trying to avoid surgery.
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    Go up to at minimum 1200 calories so your body will not use your muscles as fuel only your fat and add in the olive and coconut oils. Being on that low calorie of a diet can actually trash your metabolism and eventually you will go into starvation mode and stop losing. Doctor's are not actually taught healthy nutrition anymore so I would say do your homework on your own. Most important I would say eat CLEAN. No artificial anything, if it has over 5 ingredients put it back. Eat a (natural!) rainbow of colors, natural or better yet organic/grass fed meats. What many people don't know is that while some "food" is low calorie it is not healthy and the chemicals they are adding in to make it taste "good" are killing brain cells (excitotoxins like aspartame in diet soda) and making you crave more food (MSG!). Eat real food. From plants and animals not factories. If you already do, then yay you!

    If you are able, exercise! If you really want to net under 1000 calories a day burn them with activity and don't starve. Without eating enough basic nutrients you will be in worse health than when you were overweight. No matter how thin you are, if your organs shut down you won't be enjoying it for long.

    Ignore all of this...
  • amayitux
    amayitux Posts: 68 Member
    edited July 2015
    It's a medically supervised program before you would have a surgical procedure for weight loss.

    Ask your doctor. Why on earth are you changing your meal plan behind his back?
    Do what your doctor tells you, the internet is not the place to get advice for your situation or conditions.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    jesseyboo wrote: »
    Low fat AND low cal??? Who told you to do that

    I don't know her doctor's name, but it's a fairly common pre-surgery protocol because of the diet you have to follow post-lap band surgery. (I do billing for a comprehensive weight loss clinic and I know this because the insurance companies monitor patient compliance pre-and post-op.)