New to Myfitnesspal!

Hi! I'm new to this app & would love some support and tips! Thanks so much!! :)<3


  • BillGaskell
    BillGaskell Posts: 3 Member
    I'd been around 95-98 kg ( 216 lb) for 35 years. Used mfp App for 5 months - combined with Rittr Pushup and Situps Apps - achieved goal weight of 75kg (165 lb).
    Secret, I think is be rigid with putting everything you eat in - it gets easy after a couple of weeks as mfp remembers what you have previously eaten. Also, make sure you lash out on a night out, birthdays etc and plenty of exercise.
    You sure start to feel better - blood pressure, cholesterol, fitness all improve.
    Best of luck. Cheers Bill
  • angel_cullenz
    angel_cullenz Posts: 1 Member
    That's impressive...mind to share why out of 35 yrs..u choose now to loose more interested what is driven u inside
  • Raevynne
    Raevynne Posts: 146 Member
    Please add me! This is week 2 for me. I'm still trying to lose my baby pouch LOL.
  • saraboatgirl
    saraboatgirl Posts: 2 Member
    Added you, Raevynne! Lost my baby pouch this year! Baby is 2 now!!
  • charlottebyrne20
    charlottebyrne20 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. :) I'm brand new to MFP too :) I've recently gone from 87kgs to 69kg in the last 8 months. This was achieved through healthy clean eating and gym and consistency. Joined MFP to keep motivated :) as I'm now below my original goal, good luck