Exercising hard but not getting results, opinions? Photos included

simmondsjon Posts: 14 Member
edited July 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hey all, been hitting the gym a lot recently mainly weights and some cardio and eating clean and all that. Although l don't know if I'm losing weight or looking better.

Can I have your opinion please?

I think my mind is playing tricks and I genuinely would like someone else's unbiased opinion .

6 weeks of progress between photos, have been exercising for months though

Pic 1 was on 28th May

Pic 2 was today 12th July


  • neil11111
    neil11111 Posts: 26 Member
    Looks like you're getting somewhere. Try a short walk after every meal and a longer one in the evening to keep your metabolism burning. Also watch your calorie intake.. . All the working out in the world won't help if you're putting in too many calories. I was stuck like you till I realized it's simple... Burn more than you eat and you win. Keep up the good work man, you can do this!!!!
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    look at your body and forget the scale
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Its boating season. There are so many women who weigh less than me, but they do not look good in a swimsuit. Get fit and toned.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    You didn't say if you were counting calories and watching your macros. All the exercise in the world is not likely to make a big difference in weight if you're eating too much. You'll want to also make sure to get enough protein if your focus is building muscle definition.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Weigh yourself then you will know if you are losing weight or not!

    "Eating clean" - pointless/meaningless I'm afraid.

    Possibly tiny difference in lower stomach area and love-handles but don't expect to see much progress in six weeks while you still have a substantial covering of fat.

    Which brings me back to the first point - are you losing weight?
    That's the fastest way you will see changes.

    BTW - get the tape measure out and track that as well.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Youve obviously lost some weight, but as you dont provide uch information on what you are doing calories, exercise etc then its hard to comment. I would point out that weight loss comes from the deficit. You arent going to see any definition till you remove the fat.
  • simmondsjon
    simmondsjon Posts: 14 Member
    So, Im not weighing myself because of the weight training because there is not much point. I'm eating at a deficit of about 500 Kcals a day, with a cheat day on a Saturday. But I don't go over the top.

    I'm weight training 3 times a week and cardio about 3 times a week.

    I'm more after thoughts not in diet and training but opinions on the results I have achieved in 6 weeks. Is the above what I should expect in that time frame?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited July 2015
    So, Im not weighing myself because of the weight training because there is not much point. I'm eating at a deficit of about 500 Kcals a day, with a cheat day on a Saturday. But I don't go over the top.

    I'm weight training 3 times a week and cardio about 3 times a week.

    I'm more after thoughts not in diet and training but opinions on the results I have achieved in 6 weeks. Is the above what I should expect in that time frame?

    How do you know you have a 500 calorie deficit without knowing if you are losing weight or not?
    You have an ESTIMATED 500 deficit most of the week with a cheat day - very, very different from knowing you have a deficit.
    I'm weight training 3 times a week and cardio about 3 times a week.
    More detail required!
    What weights program?
    2kg dumbbells for a few minutes or a full body structured lifting program?

    What cardio?
    What duration?
    Some of my cardio is six hours+
    Some people's cardio is jumping around in front of the TV for 20 minutes.

  • raregem99
    raregem99 Posts: 88 Member
    Yeah, you definitely lost weight. For 6 weeks of effort, your results look about what I would expect. I have no advice other than keep doing what you're doing and make sure you keep hitting them weights to avoid looking skinny fat.
  • simmondsjon
    simmondsjon Posts: 14 Member
    I've been tracking calories using the app for a while, seem to be about 500 under maintenance for about 95% of the days.

    I'm not following a weight program but splitting between pulling days (arms and back) and pulling days (chest, tris) etc. I go quite hard with the weights. Each session lasts about 45 minutes.

    Cardio is a mix of cycling to work 3 days a week (4.5 miles each way approx 25 mins) and gym cardio of running on the treadmill for about 15 mins 9km/h after the pulling days and then either 30 mins elliptical or 20 mins rowing.
  • KimberlyAndrews1
    KimberlyAndrews1 Posts: 87 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm sort of in the same boat. I know how you feel. I'm am struggling to stay positive and motivated right now. I've been working out at the gym 5 days a week for 7 weeks now and lost 10 lbs and just 1 inch to a 1/2 inch in all areas. I expected more. I started out with 5 days a week of about an hour of mixed cardio with Treadmill (speed walk, walk with hills, walk/run) the Eliptical and Arc Trainer. Then on June 22 I started a strength training program using weight machines doing 3 sets of 12-15 reps and ab work four days a week. And my cardio now is 4 days of 20 minutes of mixed cardio before strength training and 20-25 minutes after...then on the 5th day it's strictly cardio for 1 hour. I'm also doing a 3/4 mile leisurely dog walk every evening after dinner. As for my nutrition. I know I can eat healthier...I certainly have room for improvement, but I do eat fairly healthy. My eating has cleaned up way way more than what it use to be. As far as calories...this is what the calculator says....to lose weight I am to consume about 1,478 calories a day to reach my initial goal weight of 150 lbs . Which is a reasonable weight loss average of 1.5 lbs per week and should be reached by November 29, 2015. I have my calorie counts set to 1550, however I usually average around 1400-1450. I drink nothing but water and usually average 64 ounces or more a day. I also drink a protein & vitamin shake to replace either breakfast or lunch depending on the day. I have been losing a little...just not at all what I expected for the 360 degree turn around I made with exercising and eating. Looking at my before pics and going by wearing my clothes, I really can't tell much of a difference yet. It's just discouraging knowing how hard I've worked only to get little results. I weigh once a week and this past week lost nothing. I know I shouldn't base it all on the scales, especially with strength training, but still I see little difference in how my clothes fit nor have lost but 1/2 to 1 inch maybe. But with 10 pounds gone at 7 weeks that's averaging almost 1 1/2 lbs a week, so that's about right. Today was my day off, but getting myself motivated to start again another 5 days next week is getting harder and harder.
  • ssingley13
    ssingley13 Posts: 112 Member
    I can def see a change!
  • greaseswabber
    greaseswabber Posts: 238 Member
    edited July 2015
    So, Im not weighing myself because of the weight training because there is not much point. I'm eating at a deficit of about 500 Kcals a day, with a cheat day on a Saturday. But I don't go over the top.

    I'm weight training 3 times a week and cardio about 3 times a week.

    I'm more after thoughts not in diet and training but opinions on the results I have achieved in 6 weeks. Is the above what I should expect in that time frame?

    Why does weight training negate the point of weighing yourself?

    A 500 calorie deficit per day should result in about 1 lb per week loss, if you are being accurate. You have a cheat day thrown in, so you'll need to log that as well to know for sure what to expect.

    For 6 weeks, you can expect to have lost 6 lbs, given what you've told us. Probably a little less due to cheat day. It's tough for me to tell if you've achieved that from your photos. I usually didn't see change in my photos until between 10 and 20 lbs lost.

    Weigh at least weekly so you can get another indicator of progress. Measuring tape too.
  • xBabyLlamaDrama
    xBabyLlamaDrama Posts: 53 Member
    edited July 2015
    Saying you're not weighing yourself because you're lifting weights doesn't really make sense (not being rude)

    If you're eating at a deficit, you're not gonna build very much muscle at all. The point of lifting while dieting is to retain muscle mass.

    I lift 3 times a week and have done so since I started in March. I weigh daily and have lost over 50 lbs. If you aren't pleased with your results, mix things up.
  • 5krissy
    5krissy Posts: 9 Member
    your making a mistake by not training legs, they are big muscles and burn much more than chest&tris, lol.
    i see results in your pic, its slow, but its there. dont get frustrated. it doesnt happen over night.

    one more thing, at your fat lvl, you cant have a cheat day, you can afford a cheat meal, and not get over board with it. one cheat day can screw your entire week deficit.

    every 5kg lost recalculate your deficit.

    if i was you i'd focus on weights lifting, not cardio.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    There is a bit of a difference, but if you logged everything and actually had a 500cal deficit you'd probably have better results.

  • KimberlyAndrews1
    KimberlyAndrews1 Posts: 87 Member
    I forgot to say I see some difference.
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    Look at your sides from the before pic to after pic, especially at the waistline. You have definitely slimmed down!
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I can see a difference in your body between the two. ^_^
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Its boating season. There are so many women who weigh less than me, but they do not look good in a swimsuit. Get fit and toned.

    Thanks for sharing
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    I don't see much of a difference. You need to measure yourself to make sure.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    I don't mean any disrespect, but you do not look like you've been hitting those weights hard. Look at your routine and don't be afraid to build a bit of muscle. I'd go easy on the cardio so that you can fill out a bit with muscle. Strength training results can be a lengthy process, but it does work. Good luck!