Michelle Bridges - Losing the last 5Kgs Blog Day by Day



  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Cadbury caramel I chose one of the 85% cocoa varieties. Ok the health stopped there the vanilla slice, and big bag of sour cream and chives chippies sereved their role.

    Just ensure that the preceding meal is back on track and an extra light choice.

    Thinking I'll go for a jog tomorrow am but will see how I feel not much point pushing myself when Im not well also working on the bases that if my body Is plateauing at the moment I should let myself enjoy it and my body recooperate after all the hard work I have already done so I can hit the ground running next week!

    All the best!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    With new motivation after reading that went and hit the ground running - took Dozer one fo my two Kelpies with me and pushed out 62mins run/jog - 9.8KM's - Big pat on the back moment - to think only March 24th 2011 I ran for 1 minute then walked for 1 1/2 mins x 8 - and was red like a tomato and suffering bad cramps and here I am jsut shy of 10km in just over 60mins!!

    WOW! That is so AWESOME!!! Well freakin done!!
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Week Three Day 4

    Ok so still sick as a dog but keeping some minor activites going - walking around the block and taking the dogs.

    Still keeping to the plan food wise but have had a few baddies but still keeping within my allowance.

    Seems to be working... Had weigh in yesterday and I have lost now at 77.9kg yippee the plateau seems to have been cracked so motivation is back.

    Good look in all your endeavors!!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Thats great!! Not far from your goal now!
  • KarenLouise1981
    James tis so funny - as a HUGE BL fan myself I actually bought that book yesterday too! I think I wanted the recipes more than anything though as I do heaps of exercise classes/running/circuits already but have lost motivation these last 2 weeks.

    I take my hat off to you sticking (pretty much) to the 4 week routine. I know I could not stick to a diet plan like that, I feel like I want to rebel ha! How are you feeling in your 3rd week? I am excited to see what your final results/fitness is!

    Keep up the good work!
    Karen x
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Week Three Day Five

    Thanks for your comments guys!

    Yea must admit the motivation is starting to waive this week and had a few slip ups but being I'll doesn't help and not exercising fully pays it's price. Although I look at the bigger picture i have been regularly exercising for for almost 3 months and dieting for about 4 so it's advisable to take a break around now and start enjoying a few naughties for a week.

    Came home and went for a run didn't push myself too hard just shy of 4km in about 20mins amazingly found it hard but speed was good 6mins a km nearly. Stitches were back and felt quite sick maybe too soon or the big lunch will see how I go in the morning.

    I do believe if I had jumped straight into the book 4 months ago I would have lost 5kgs and more very easily however hitting a plateau and illness hasn't helped.

    Ok so as promised some results for you....

    Wed 10/5

    Chest (cm) 100
    Waist (cm) 93
    Hips (cm) 95
    Thighs (cm) 58

    Push ups 10

    Tricep dips 27

    Wall sit 6 sec

    Core level 2

    Wed 17/5

    Chest 99
    Waist 92
    Hips 94
    Thighs 54

    Pushups 12
    Triceps 50
    Wall sit 12 secs
    Core level 2

    Not doing any tests this week will carry over until next week.

    Really going to push this week as having my birthday party next Saturday so some naughties will be permitted

    On Sunday I am going to a seminar to meet both Michelle and Shannon in Bendigo will he great to get some motivation to drive me for the next 6 months!
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Week Three Day Six

    Ok will keep today brief as it's getting rather late.

    Had a light breakfast and did lots of housework outside and some gardenIng and took the dogs for a good 8km walk then went to the shopping centre so all in all lots of exercise and didn't run once lol

    Had lunch out today and was interesting to try and find a healthy option. I settles with poached eggs and requested for some multigrain toast instead of the English muffin and only ate the one slice of bread not the two provided - allowed myself a skinny latte so just that still came in at about 430cals!!

    Came home and walked some more testing my new toy a heart rate monitor this way I can be more accurate on my calorie burns and ensuring that I stay fat burning during my runs.

    Looking forward to meeting the biggest loser guys tomorrow will be great to listen to all their words of wisdom so that I can come home and truly smash in to this week before my party and show of my new body!!
  • sare26
    sare26 Posts: 13 Member
    wow how great to see Michelle and Shannon! i love them both (although I am in love with the Commando!). Hopefully it will be a very motivating experience for you.
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Week Three Day 7

    Will keep this brief had a great morning went to Bendigo and met up with the famous duo and topped up my motivation - a word neither of them believe in. Consistancy is the name of the game - you do something for a month or so everyday it becomes a habit -'I found it this week while being ill that my body and mind missed it - I can't believe I just said that I MISSED EXERCISING!!! The new and improved moi!

    Look it doesnt matter if you don't train hard everyday - some days are going to be hard sometimes you'll just complete the course sometimes you'll smash your Personal records the trick is consistency.

    I have the audio of seminar so will look at ways of uploading it so my valued followers can have a listen.

    Feeling alot more pumped and ready to hit a new week firing - run in the morning and get to test my new HR monitor out properly.

    All the best!

    P.s had a naughty weigh in this morning - 76.8kg hehehe

    Oh and one last tip guaranteed to help you smash those cravings....

    So I expect your all drinking your daily cups of green tea, if not give it ago, make sure you buy a decent brand I find twinnings of London pretty good - ok add a thin slice of fresh ginger to your mug and allow to infuse as you drink - not only a fantastic flavor burst but it really helps kick a mid afternoon craving - try it and let me know if it works for you!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    I agree! I dont see it as so much motivation these days its become a habit to get up and do it...I knew when i first started if i could do the first 10 days or so non stop that i'd end up sticking to it...It just took 13-14 months to actually do that lol!

    That would be great to hear if you end up putting it up :)

    Have fun with the HRM...I know when i got mine it made me WANT to work extra hard :)
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Week Four Day One!

    Ok went for a run this morning was aiming mentally for 10km and unfortunately today my body let me down instead of the mind did about 3pm and had to stop was puffed! Walked it out for 5 mins then pushed myself to complete the run home - totalled about 6.5km.

    Did 4 or 5 walks through out my working day today and ate quite well. Not really sticking to the diet plan anymore just using the recipes I like the most and enjoy and cycling through those.

    Accelerator day tomorrow and planning on some circuit training in the morning.
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Week Four Day Two and Three....

    Hey all appologies for nOt getting on last night was wrecked.....

    Things going well had a good day yesterday and did some strategic eating knowing that today was going to be a blow out - biggest morning tea!

    As I've said before and have proved in my results strategic planning off foods works - so yesterday I made sure that I came in 300 cals or more then today I had a whopping 2000cals which cause your metabolism to basically sky rocket and all the things that cause your fat burning to slow after a week or so on reduce calories reset so tomorrow my body will be back at it's prime capability for loosing wait - this is perfect for smashing through a plateau too!

    Just remember that this only works to your advantage one meal once a week and then eat regular on diet plan meals the remainder of that day. The following day smash a big workout and watch the weight drop off and eat lightly again with a defeict of 300 calories or more.

    The above is a great tool to have under your belt and cam help you in planning around that special event where you now that sticking to a plan is impossible or you simply don't want too - I had my 26 birthday on Saturday And I fully intend to indulge but I also plan a good sid workout first think on Sat to counter act some of it!!

    Ok so yeah ate pretty badly today but skipped dinner as wasn't hungry and made sure I got plenty of calories burnt through out the day. Came home and went for a run - I was really looking forward to it and it showed - was only 3.7km but I smashed it in 22mins 8.3km per hour avg - 2mins on myusual average!! Go me!

    All the best and speak tomorrow!!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Im trying out the zig zag calorie thing the last wk or so aswell...Is so damn hard!! lolI was aiming for 2000 every 3rd day with about 1350 for my normal, and i think i got to around 1700...Have to go shopping for some more healthier snacks to eat!!

    Great job on your running times!! Well Done!

    And Happy Birthday for Saturday! Hope u have a great day
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Week Four Day Four and Five

    Nothing major to report, yesterday did my bigger calorie defiecit to allow for tomorrows super well earned splurge!!

    Was full on day at work, the planned run didn't happen but walking around Airport West Shopping centre had to equal a few km's and the walks around work. Shopping for the party so only got chance to wrote to you all whilst at the hairdressers!

    So the end is nearly near Sunday my four weeks are up and have I lost the last 5 kgs???? Well, your gonna have to wait a few more days ;) will I reach my goal of 75kg for tomorrow? That's still within reach I think just got to find so
    E time to get some work in!

    Cleaning counts? Entire house to look forward too and then there's 300kg of wood to move!'

    Well tomorrow I will upload my final pics and fitness test results after I kick in another super Saturday workout cardio and weights.

    Oh and I'll upload the mp3 of the seminar for you as well!

    Today planning on doing something
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey peeps,

    heres the seminar as promised - just make sure you have your volume turned up!!


    Hope all goes well and will be back tomorrow with my final fitness test results and some new pics - before and after over the past few weeks and then on Sunday then answer to the ultimate question.................

    So Did I actually lose 5kgs in 4 weeks?????

    Check in on Sunday!

    Catch ya Jamie! :-) xx
  • rooboi85
    rooboi85 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey all,

    So I've come to the end of my four week journey - and what a journey I've been high, low, good days, bad days, but I've been consistent.

    I've learned a new way of eating and balancing my treat foods with exercise and strategic fasting.

    But this is not the end and for me personally setting a goal and achieving it used to mean I'd start to slip and end up back where I was in a few months.

    I want to keep my new confidence In myself - I can do anything I put my mind too!

    For the first time in a while I've also felt sexy! that's better than any gift in my eyes and a gift only you can give.

    This weekend of indulgence has proven that was I am still drawn to bad choices but after consuming them they rarely taste like you dream they will.

    Ok so the results..

    10 May - 81.4 Kg
    4 June - 74.5 Kg

    Total loss - 5.9kg

    A fantastic result - when really this result was acheived more close to 3 weeks due to illness and technically I've still got 5 days to go....

    Chest was 100cm now 98cm
    Waist was 93 now 87!!!
    Hips was 95cm now 91.75
    Thighs 58cm now 52cm!

    Total weight loss to date - 11kg in a bout 9.5 weeks

    Above is the proof that each and everyone of us can do this and smash it by having faith, believing in ones self and by being consistent not everyday but 6 days aiming for 7 days a week.

    So what's next on my journey - I'm going to enter into a 10km fun run this year and am in training for my 1/2 marathon which I should complete in November.

    Going to start pricing up for a personal trainer once a week to focus purely on the muscle gain.

    Lastly, I'm looking into a change of career with training as a personal trainer.

    I hope you have all enjoyed following these blogs and have found them inciteful and I hope that some of you go out and buy the book and give it a go yourselves.
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