


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Good luck, I look forward to your updates.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Guppcake wrote: »
    Changed it, for the 2nd time now, keeps going to the wrong weight goal by quite a bit :/

    It might be something in how you set up your ticker. There are links under the ticker to redo it, go to those and see if you can fiddle around with it.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    edited July 2015
    Guppcake wrote: »
    If I eat any less than I am already I'll be under eating, I've cut adding salt and sugar to drinks and food, the whole point of using Orlistat isbt just to lose weight but to make you aware of how much fat you are consuming, and if its making you *kitten* yourself after eating then what you've just eaten has too much fat in it, I haven't posted this thread for people to be negative(or for advice off of people who haven't taken it) but to track my personal experience, I am going by the advice my Dr and health consultant has given me.
    Point is that fat (even saturated) isn't bad. Over consumption of it is and you don't need a drug to figure out if you're over eating or not.
    I'll pose a question: Say you get to goal...................."How are you going to maintain not overeating fat?" If the answer is "I'll be more aware." then that's what you should be doing in the first place.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • rachelecosse
    rachelecosse Posts: 19 Member
    Uh, OP... Orlistat reduces the amount of calories you absorb from fat. If you can't eat any fewer calories without under eating, then Orlistat will mean you're under eating. *side eye emoji* And of course, if you're eating little to no fat as you claim, then taking Orlistat won't make any difference, will it? *angel face*

    As everyone has said have you *tried* meticulously weighing and logging?
  • AmberEliz13
    AmberEliz13 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have just started taking Xenical aswell, on day 4 now. 2lb weight loss so far and fingers crossed none of the nasty side effects but I am also watching what I eat aswell. Only side effect I have had is that I'm finding it really really hard to sleep. Has any one else had this problem?
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    I take alli lost nothing so far!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Fat is healthy! The over consumption of calories in general is what makes people gain weight.

    OP, have you been weighing and logging your food this whole time? How have you been estimating your exercise?

    This stuff is bunk.
  • Veejohnson1990
    Veejohnson1990 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi guys, been just over a week on the Orlistat now and I've lost 4lb :)
    I've had no accidents when it comes to the toillet department, been a bit more gassy than usual but nothing terrable :) there is a bright orange oily discharge when I go to the toillet that does sit on the surface slightly after the chain had been flushed but nothing a quick scrub or bleach can't sort out if your bothered by it, it makes me slightly constipated sometimes but nothing major, over all I'm quite happy with it.
    Let's hope I keep losing the weight ^_^
    Will log again in 2 weeks to let you know how its going.
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    ketorach wrote: »
    Lol, no I'm a he.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    I take alli lost nothing so far!
    I tried Alli once. Was sad I couldn't have more healthy fats and never had any side effects because I didn't overeat fat. But didn't lose weight either because I had to eat more carbs and protein bc I couldn't have the fat.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Guppcake wrote: »
    Hi guys, been just over a week on the Orlistat now and I've lost 4lb :)
    I've had no accidents when it comes to the toillet department, been a bit more gassy than usual but nothing terrable :) there is a bright orange oily discharge when I go to the toillet that does sit on the surface slightly after the chain had been flushed but nothing a quick scrub or bleach can't sort out if your bothered by it, it makes me slightly constipated sometimes but nothing major, over all I'm quite happy with it.
    Let's hope I keep losing the weight ^_^
    Will log again in 2 weeks to let you know how its going.

    That's great that you have lost! Is there a plan for what to do after you stop the medication? My only concern (thinking as a patient) since you originally said you cannot lose is what will happen when the medication is withdrawn?
  • Veejohnson1990
    Veejohnson1990 Posts: 35 Member
    edited July 2015
    I have already implemented a few things simply from takng these tablets, by reducing my meal size even more, eating fruit and fibre for breakfast, cut salt out of my diet also cut down on sugar intake(as in in cups of tea, don't eat a lot of sweat things) and I've also been advised to have my implant removed by several drs as it maybe preventing me from losing weight, the implant itself never made me put it on, I was pit on a anti depressant for migraines and I went from 12st to 14+ in 3 months :( but ever since then I've struggled to get rid of the gained weight witch is why I went on the Orlistat. :)
  • juliefilidei
    juliefilidei Posts: 5 Member
    I used OTC orlistat A.K.A. Alli and I've since developed a hypersensitivity to the milk protein casein and it causes a paralytic ileus in my ascending and transverse colon. At first, I didn't think it would cause such a thing since it deals with the lipases in your body, but I read that with long term use it can cause liver damage and after more research, found that some people using it did report developing an ileus. If you've never had one or don't know what it is, it's HORRIBLE! It's when all or part of your intestines is paralyzed. It's usually temporary but sometimes requires meds to get things moving again. You get a sour stomach for hours before you're even able to get rid of everything that's backed up in your system (through violent vomiting) and spend the next few hours dry heaving. Then spend the next 3+ days on a clear liquid diet trying to allow your GI tract to recover. I wouldn't recommend anyone risk having this problem. It does get a little better after stopping the Alli but I still don't know if the sensitivity will ever completely go away.
  • Veejohnson1990
    Veejohnson1990 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi guys,
    Just another up date after weighing myself at the drs yesterday,
    I now weight and measure on the 28.07.15
    14st 5lb
    Bust 40 inch
    Waist 35 inch
    Hips 45 inch
    Thighs 26.2 inch

    Compared to this when I first weighed and measured my self on the 04.17.15
    14st & 10lb
    Bust 40 inch
    Waist 36.5 inch
    Hips 47 inch
    Thighs 27 inch

    So improvements are starting to be made :) nearly been 4 weeksnon the Orlistat, no problems with it yet, looking forward to the end result ^_^
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Unbeknownst to many who try to use a "fat absorber" to lose weight, Orlistat or Alli doesn't discriminate about the fat it absorbs. So it absorbs good fat too. So the dilema is that if you're not eating a lot of fat (which is ESSENTIAL to optimal body function), then you still have to supplement with good fats well before taking Orlistat so it doesn't impede absorption. Lots of extra work for little results. You CANNOT lose weight without a calorie deficit, but you can while eating fat. If you're not losing weight correctly, it's because you're consuming more than you need to.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    This is spot on.

    @Guppcake, can I possibly talk you into throwing away the pills and just eating at a calorie deficit? Weigh your food and eat within your deficit calorie goals and you will lose weight....and stay out of the bathroom so much.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Guppcake wrote: »
    I have already implemented a few things simply from takng these tablets, by reducing my meal size even more, eating fruit and fibre for breakfast, cut salt out of my diet also cut down on sugar intake(as in in cups of tea, don't eat a lot of sweat things) and I've also been advised to have my implant removed by several drs as it maybe preventing me from losing weight, the implant itself never made me put it on, I was pit on a anti depressant for migraines and I went from 12st to 14+ in 3 months :( but ever since then I've struggled to get rid of the gained weight witch is why I went on the Orlistat. :)

    The actions I have put in bold--by doing these things, you are creating a calorie deficit. It's not the pills that are making you lose weight, it's that you've created a calorie deficit.

  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    edited July 2015
    Guppcake wrote: »
    Hi guys,
    Just another up date after weighing myself at the drs yesterday,
    I now weight and measure on the 28.07.15
    14st 5lb
    Bust 40 inch
    Waist 35 inch
    Hips 45 inch
    Thighs 26.2 inch

    Compared to this when I first weighed and measured my self on the 04.17.15
    14st & 10lb
    Bust 40 inch
    Waist 36.5 inch
    Hips 47 inch
    Thighs 27 inch

    So improvements are starting to be made :) nearly been 4 weeksnon the Orlistat, no problems with it yet, looking forward to the end result ^_^

    Never mind, edited my comment because I read wrong.
  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    You lost lb in 4 weeks? ??? Cico would be the same and safer. ...
  • Tahlia68
    Tahlia68 Posts: 204 Member
    Really bad idea. Don't understand why people turn to pills ect to loose weight? The side effects of Orlistat are terrible and definitely by some big pads/nappies because you will start loosing control of your bowels. Why not try a normal balanced diet? CICO not hard when you try and are determined to loose weight. Good luck!!