Starting over again

nursedink Posts: 5 Member
if only I could go back in time and change things I would. From 12/31/13 to 05/30/14 I lost 43 lbs. Then the dreaded plateau hit and I completely 100% gave up. To say that I am disappointed in myself is an understatement. I looked at myself in the mirror this evening and felt like I could be a contestant on Extreme Weight Loss. It's time for my to get myself in gear, get this excess weight off and start on the road to becoming who I want to be.


  • jamiebowling89
    jamiebowling89 Posts: 6 Member
    I know how you feel. Only 1 year ago, I was at my goal weight, and I looked/felt awesome. That was 30lbs and countless slices of pizza ago. :/ I'm determined to get back to where I was. We did it before, and we can do it again. :) Good luck!
  • carriemya
    carriemya Posts: 13 Member
    Me too. I keep losing the same 10-15lbs over and over again. It's so discouraging.
  • nursedink
    nursedink Posts: 5 Member
    I spent some time last night dreadfully taking measurements and did my "official"'weigh in this morning and am completely disgusted. Never have I weighed as much as I do right now. Stopping by fast food restaurants 5 days a week for a biscuit or a bagel, and drinking who knows how many Pepsi's every day has to stop NOW!!! Encouragment is requested. I've done it once, I can do it again. One step at a time, 1 smart meal at a time.
  • April_Marie85
    April_Marie85 Posts: 118 Member
    I started yesterday. I'm at my highest weight i've ever been in my life and I want to stop NOW from gaining anymore! first step I am doing is cutting out soda! Its a weakness, love orange soda and rootbeer! but no more! Another thing im doing is (sad face) cutting down my coffee intake because i'm highly addicted to coffee! i drink it constantly! You said you felt like you could be a contestant on extreme weight loss? I KNOW i could be! Add me if you like, we can support and encourage each other. The more friends/support the better! :smile:
  • nursedink
    nursedink Posts: 5 Member
    One of my first steps is cutting out soft drinks also. There is no doubt that I will go thru caffeine withdrawals and will simply drink a small amount of diet Pepsi, the next step is to drink lots of water. People say that we all are supposed to drink 1/2 of our body weight in ounces daily. Better start now, that's a lot of water.
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    I log every bite I eat daily and I changed my lifestyle 21 days ago. I drink at least 110oz of water a day! It gets easier with each day. Sounds like you are ready to rock! Feel free to add me. You got this!
  • Berger62
    Berger62 Posts: 1 Member
    I am an active women approaching mid 50's with a sugar problem. I love it, and as I have gotten older, it has resulted in a great deal of belly fat and extra weight...I am approaching the weight in which I was when I delivered my son 20 years ago. New exercise routine is now in place and I am going to try to get my food in line...
  • nursedink
    nursedink Posts: 5 Member
    Today my daughter, husband and I went to a local gym for the first time in at least 6 months and it felt great. There's no doubt that I'll be sore tomorrow morning. I'm going to try my best to focus on the things I changed over a year ago when I lost 43 lbs. So far I've don't pretty good. I've only had 1 soft drink (and I chose diet) since Thursday and that was to ease the caffeine withdrawal headache I had.
  • JensJourney11
    JensJourney11 Posts: 90 Member
    I hear you! It is discouraging when you look at the # on the scale and wonder how you let it get this far. Been there many times! I lost a lot of weight, a couple of times and for the past 2 years or so, I've been struggling with the same 15 pounds. I'm really dedicated for a few weeks, then I cave and eat too much, gain a couple pounds back, etc. I'm done with that! Tracking my food and really being aware of what I'm eating makes a huge difference for me. Great job going to the gym today and best of luck! :)
  • EmGetsFit
    EmGetsFit Posts: 151 Member
    I'm ready for a fresh start too! I've been on MFP for 2+ years, did great for awhile, then gained back weight & skipped workouts... mostly due to stress, lack of motivation, the usual reasons. Anyway, I'm SO ready to take it seriously again and lose 20-ish lbs. We can all do it!!! Nursedink, great job getting started again and hitting the gym! Feel free to add me, I like to encourage others too. ❤
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    This is my 3rd time on MFP cause I keep letting life get in the way. It's to the point now if I don't get serious and lose weight my life could end early. I need to lose 123 pounds to be at goal. Feel free to add me. I need motivational friends.
  • SuzieBWorkin
    SuzieBWorkin Posts: 10 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm not sure the culprit for everyone but make sure to get your thyroid checked. I have gained 15 pounds over the last few months, despite eating a pretty healthy vegetarian diet. My thyroid was overactive. Keep working hard everyone and look out for those sneaky reasons of weight gain!
  • RachelPainting
    RachelPainting Posts: 2 Member
    I have just started using this app and so far it seems great. I am at my heaviest I have ever been. Same as everyone else.....get the weight off, look great then the little treats start sneaking back in and the pants get tighter. I have an added problem this time round in that I have been inactive for the past three months after a laparotomy. Never had surgery before and I am usually very has thrown me! My body gets so tired so quickly now and even though I am seeing small improvements every week I am not a very patient woman :s . Onwards and my lovely husband least you are still here in this world and you are beautiful (isn't he awesome).
  • Marg672
    Marg672 Posts: 48 Member
    You can do it! It is not a diet it is a lifestyle
  • RachelPainting
    RachelPainting Posts: 2 Member
    You are so right. I wish I could stop loving food sooooo much but I am a bit of a food junkie, even as far as that is what I do for a job......cook......Thanks for the encouragement - it does help :)
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    This is my 3rd time on MFP cause I keep letting life get in the way. It's to the point now if I don't get serious and lose weight my life could end early. I need to lose 123 pounds to be at goal. Feel free to add me. I need motivational friends.

    I'm always hearing that. "Life gets in the way." What exactly does that mean? Instead of "Death gets in the way."?
  • NaughtyNibbling
    NaughtyNibbling Posts: 11 Member
    if You have strong soda cravings, you can try sparkling water. they come in many flavors
  • tweetywatch
    tweetywatch Posts: 1 Member
    I'm just restarting fitness pal. After many failed attempt at weight loss, I found fitness pal was the one thing that works. With that being said, I encountered some personal stess and stopped. After a year, I've gained back what I worked so hard to lose. I've done a stellar job putting off restarting my weight loss. Today I was packing to go on a trip. The things I wanted to take didn't fit. Starting a diet before going on a trip makes little sense but it was the precursor to change. Best wishes to you all. I sure can relate to those statements of being the heaviest I've been. What a wake up.
  • nursedink
    nursedink Posts: 5 Member
    Let me just say right now that I HATE shin splints. My left shin is killing me. Think I'll ice it for a little while this evening.
  • as5811
    as5811 Posts: 62 Member
    I started MFP earlier in the year. Right now I've hit a plateau and dealing with somthings. I've managed to maintain so far. I don't want to go back - I want to keep going forward!