"H20" Exploding the pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 5 & 6



  • elysetoplin
    elysetoplin Posts: 253
    the weather is changing down here (i live in new orleans) and it's hot and humid alllllllllll the time. it makes it so much harder to get out and work out, because it involves either getting up at the crack of dawn before it gets too hot or waiting until the evening when tons of other things are going on and i'm competing against sunset to get my workouts in. and so, i don't know why i keep doing htis, but instead of figuring out something else to do, i do nothing. i've hardly worked out this month - i mean, i have, but not nearly at the level i know i can), and even though i'm eating well i just started gaining weight again...SOOOOOOOOOO frustrating. it's only been a couple of pounds but i don't want that to become a bad trend. and i feel terrible about my progress on these challenges. the other thing that's been difficult about running (which is my primary workout) in the heat is having to wear shorts. i like my nike shorts for just sitting around, but when i work out in them they ride up so much that i spend most of the run stopping to adjust them so that my legs don't chafe. it almost makes me feel too fat to work out, which i also know i'm not but again, really frustrating.

    tomorrow i'm going to go to the pool at my gym and go swimming. swimming was my original sport (if you can call it that, i guess - i swam competitively in summer leagues for ten years, but only in the summer), but i haven't done laps in about three. i'm a little nervous, but excited, too. and i think i'm going to make it a two-workout day and go to a boxing class at my gym tomorrow night. hopefully i'll get out of this rut and back to my goals.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    April, I really hope you start feeling better and that the blood pressure gets under control!!! Scary stuff... I have bad genetics with HBP, so I know all about how those swings can make you feel and it's not fun at all!!!

    Elyse.. good luck with the swimming. I love being in the water, but have never been a good swimmer. I mean, I can splash around and have fun all day, but strokes and flip turns have never been my thing. I even talked to a girl I work with who teaches swimming about helping me out and she's willing, but we're thinking this winter at the community pool because we're both busy this summer. If I could become a good swimmer, I'd love to do some triatholons!!! Maybe just the sprint one's, but who knows? Never wanted to before, but they appeal to me somehow now that I'm an athlete!!! Still strange to say that... athlete... me? Yup!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    April, I really hope you start feeling better and that the blood pressure gets under control!!! Scary stuff... I have bad genetics with HBP, so I know all about how those swings can make you feel and it's not fun at all!!!

    Elyse.. good luck with the swimming. I love being in the water, but have never been a good swimmer. I mean, I can splash around and have fun all day, but strokes and flip turns have never been my thing. I even talked to a girl I work with who teaches swimming about helping me out and she's willing, but we're thinking this winter at the community pool because we're both busy this summer. If I could become a good swimmer, I'd love to do some triatholons!!! Maybe just the sprint one's, but who knows? Never wanted to before, but they appeal to me somehow now that I'm an athlete!!! Still strange to say that... athlete... me? Yup!

    Thank you.. Im slowly winging myself off the medicine.. so that i dont have to worry about lbp.. ;( sick of feeling like crap. My back is tolerable.. so im going to make due..
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    April - I hope your back is feeling better, and we're all here to support you as you get back into your program. Everyone gets lazy about their eating/workouts sometimes and if you docs advice gets you back on the right track, that's great. We really appreciate all the effort you put in to our challenges, and I hope you're able to take some of your time/effort and work on YOU! Great job on the yogurt instead of icecream!

    JustJenn - How is the shin feeling? Have you found stretches or ice to help? I was so excited to read about your 5k on June 12th! I hope you're able to run it!!

    Pink - I've checked out the pacing music but it's really techno or something - I may get to that later, but today I used my music and took your advice, just going at a reasonable pace. I'm doing of for now, 'cause my goal is to just be able to jog continuously, regardless of pace. So I can tell myself to take it slow and steady! I did today and I felt quite good about it. Thanks! Oh, and a string bikini....HOT! You're a superstar (and you got it for a good deal...I love it) :happy: I wanna say take a pic of the bikini, but I don't want to sound like a creeper!

    nursee67 - Enjoy the time with your husband and the sunshine! I know it is stressful on the family (and diet!) when a family member is in the hospital...I hope she is doing better very soon.

    linemansgirl - 20 minutes!!! WOW! We are working toward the same goal, and I'm looking forward to getting to where you're at. I ran outside for the first time today, and it was great. I seriously don't know how you do it with 5 kids at home. That's some serious time management. It makes me think that I could find time if we did have a baby! (big if!) Do you have a 5k race planned?

    Nikstergirl - I've heard a lot about the bathroom issue for runners and I'm just glad you made it home. I've heard lots of "bush" stories from runners...yikes! Did you get to go and play kickball or did you head home? I can relate on the husband away a lot issue, and sometimes I don't do what I want just so I can spend time with him. But sometimes it is grrrrrr inducing!

    Elyse - enjoy the workout - the strokes will come back to you, but you may feel it later. Have a great swim!

    Today I jogged 2.25 km (1.3 miles for you Americans!) OUTSIDE with some fast walking breaks, but it was a good start! As I was going along I followed some of your advice and was thinking "I just need to run to that driveway...ok...now that stop sign...etc". And I was thinking "I'm a runner now!"

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    how's everyone doing with the challenges? Are we struggling. Anyone have suggestions for the next one?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    well im outta here for the night.. i have an appointment to meet up with a girl I work with, for ideas of what she wants for wedding pictures.. ;) Since im doing her wedding.. ;)
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    We got home from our weekend family reunion :yawn: I could sleep for a week. :D We had a great time though.

    We had internet connection there, but (seriously) it was slower than dial-up. So I just logged on and off each day and only that took about 10 min. :noway:

    I don't feel like I did very well over the weekend. I may just skip weighing this week and see what next week looks like. :laugh: Maybe if I gained any it will be down by then. :wink: I'm not sure yet what I'll do though.

    I'll try to catch up with everyone later. I need to get the kids around.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and enjoying the holiday!!! :bigsmile:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Alegria - no, the picnic was cancelled anyway, so no kickball!!! Boo... oh well, that way I didn't have any hard feelings. Good for you on the running. Becoming a runner was so surreal for me. I'm still getting used to the idea and it's been a year for me!

    Well, the weekend weather here in Michigan was awful, but today was great for the extra holiday!!!! Sunny and high 80's! Yay! I went to a town nearby where I grew up and walked the boardwalk and pier. It was actually chilly out on the water (which is usually is) because the water temps are still under 50!!! Brr!!! But the walk was great, crowded as I expected it would be, but wonderful. Then I came home and went to the gym to lift since I didn't get that in yesterday (a major storm hit and I didn't want to be swept away!). So now it's the usual end-of-the-weekend laundry and supper time!!!

    Have a great week!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hope everyone had a beautiful Memorial Day. :) I had a meeting with a girl Im taking pictures for next month. Took flowers out to my daddy at the cemetery, and cleaned up all the old flowers around his grave. Took a few pictures at his grave. Went to my hubbys work for a few. Went to my mommas house, helped her grill hamburgers and brats. had dinner. Saw ALL of my siblings on my moms side of the family, over the course of the day. And came home and CLEANED for TWO hours. (cleaned the bathroom, it was in dire need of cleaning. scrubbed the floor by hand, vacuumed and steam cleaned the hallway and half of my bedroom) whew.. Sweating bullets.. About to clean the litter box, and take the trash down to the dumpster, and call it a night. Ready for a nice shower to wind down, then go to bed. Back to work I go tomorrow. :) I was able to with stand today, so I think Ill be good tomorrow.. :)
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    The wedding was emotional and funny and absolutely beautiful!! It rained so they moved it indoors. :ohwell: Still, it was perfect! My oldest son wrote the most touching speech ever. My oldest daughter wrote a really funny one. Both were very appropriate! :bigsmile: Funny how kids raised in the same home can be SO different! :happy: I did more crying than anything and didn't take many pictures at all. The ones I did take were blurry!! :happy: I am exhausted and glad it's over!!

    I have to admit... I gained 3#. But ya know what? I DON'T CARE!!! Back to the program today... (The slave driver even gave me a pass for the weekend!) :bigsmile:

    Oh... my ex- made it to the wedding, in a wheelchair... but at least he was there. My son walked her down the aisle and handed her to David to "give her away". It was good. The hardest part - and the MOST touching - was the father/daughter dance. Cayla helped him up from the wheelchair and he held onto her and cried. She was so gentle and loving with him and smiled through her tears. They "danced" to "I loved her first" by Heartland. There wasn't a dry eye in the place. And no one said a word. It was like the music was there... but everyone was stuck in the moment. Still brings tears to my eyes.

    In any case... the whole experience was beyond words...
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Nikstergirl - I'm glad at least your day yesterday was nice. :smile: I'm so proud of you for running! :flowerforyou: Keep it up!!!!

    April, How's your back today? That's great that you got that much done yesterday. I hope you keep feeling good this week.

    Cazz - (((HUGS))) I'm sure the wedding was beautiful. My SIL had that song at her wedding. I'm glad your daughter's dad made it and I'm glad you had a good time. Don't worry, the 3 #'s will melt away this week. At least you weighed - I didn't even do that, because I'm afraid I'll have gained. :laugh:

    To all the rest of you - HOW ARE YOU???? You're not discouraged, are you? :noway: Let's keep at it, Girls. We can't give up now, we have to keep moving and keep going!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    As I said, I didn't weigh this morning. Everything over the weekend had salt and I feel SO swollen, even my fingers. :grumble: So I'm hoping I'll be back to normal, next week this time and will weigh then - yes, I know I'm cheating. :laugh:

    Come on, Ladies, let's get moving today!!!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Wow, Cazz... I have tears in my eyes reading about the wedding!!! What I wouldn't have given to have had the chance to dance with my Dad at my wedding... man I miss that guy! How special! And wonderful that your kids are so close and love each other the way they do.... even when they're so different!!!

    The weather here just can't make up its mind... I swear it's on crack or something!!!! Was hot and muggy and windy all day long, then I get out of work and this wicked storm cloud starts moving in... so I decide to head up to the gym for my 2 miles... and it rains for about 3.7 seconds... and then the sun comes out again!!!! Geesh! So I ran at the gym, which was fine, and now the temps have dropped about 20 degrees in the last two hours!!!! Seriously, summer.. make up your freaking mind!!!!!

    Totally jealous of my hubby today... he was in NYC which is one place I've been dying to go my whole life!!!! Parked right around the corner from David Letterman!!!! Broadway and 52nd... yup, I'm not even kidding!!!! Me? Stuck in small town USA.... I'm so sheltered!!!! Not that I'd want to do it in a semi... but I HAVE to get to NYC someday! He has no interest in going back... whatever! I'll go alone if I have to!!!!

    Such is life... Almost halfway to the 150 miles!!!! I'm really hoping I make this goal, it's very motivational!!!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Alegria - Having that "I'm a runner" mindset is fantastic! Congrats on accomplishing that. Oh, and you creepy creeper, wanting a picture of me in my bikini! Pfft, what do you think I am, a camera *kitten*?!

    ....here's the link. :laugh: http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w219/cuddlebunny116/c6aff7b7-1-1.jpg

    Crystal - Glad to hear you had a nice time at the family reunion. I hate it when fingers swell...stupid sodium.

    April - I'm so happy to hear that you keep getting more and more business. That is so great.

    Cazz - Awwwww, yay for a wonderful and perfect wedding! Like everyone else, I turned to mush when I read about the dance.

    Nikster - The weather is being incosistent here in Los Angeles too. One day it will be hot (close to 90 degrees), and the next it is overcast and in the 50s. You should just book yourself your trip to NYC. Get it on the calendar and make it happen!

    Hi everyone! Had a nice weekend and Memorial Day. I'm a little sunburned from my reading in the sun I did yesterday...dummy me forgot to shake up the aerosol can of sunscreen, so even though I was sure to spray thoroughly, I pretty much just got filler all over me. Oy. But hey, first sunburn of the summer!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... I am positive I will weigh myself daily until those 3# come off! Was pleasantly surprised that 1# is already gone this morning! :bigsmile:
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Cazz - I'm so glad that your ex came to your daughter's wedding and she was able to celebrate with both her parents. It sounds like the night was amazing and touching for everyone. It's great that you're already down 1 pound, and I'm sure the other 2 will melt away very soon.

    Nikstergirl - New York would be awesome! Maybe you could go with a girlfriend or two for a girl's weekend sometime? Got any girl friends that need a bachelorette party?

    Crystal - I say fair game to not weighing in this week. If you know you're extra swollen and you've had too much salt, guzzle some water for a few days and have a new weigh-in day.

    Pink - I KNEW you would have a pic of yourself in your hot new bikini. And damn!!! I bet you were the star of the beach :) I have a very similar bikini with a cute little skirt too. Halter tops are the best for supporting the ladies! I love that your LA "shifty" weather is from 90-50 degrees...I live in Winnipeg, MB and for most of May the weather was between 35-50 degrees. Now that sucked! Today was lovely - sunny and 68. I wanna go to California!

    Actually my husband and I really want to go to Disneyland. I've never been, and we were trying to see if we could do it in August, but money is probably too tight for this summer (we are finishing our basement). When we finally plan our trip, I'm getting tips/advice from Pink and anyone else in the LA area.

    My happy's:
    - sunshine again!
    - we're getting a concrete driveway poured tomorrow morning - finally, no more gravel
    - I had a great workout today...tough, but very satisfying

    I'm at 73.5 miles and feeling good about it. Like Nikstergirl, this challenge is keeping me motivated to keep moving. I didn't work out for two days (I was really sore and needed a break), and I really, really wanted to anyway. I'm a workout weirdo now :) My trainer will be thrilled.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hi everyone! Stopping by to say hi!

    Caught up on all the stories...

    Cazz- Wonderful wedding story...tears came to my eyes. Glad it all worked out. I bet your daughter was stunning!

    Nikster- I have never been to NY either. I think at some point I would love to go. The only 'east' place I have been is Boston...fun town.

    Crystal- Why weigh in? Sometimes it is better to let it be. As long as you had fun, that is all that counts!

    Pink- Sexy girl! Love the top! You are looking better everyday...cheers to your hard work! By the way...thought of you the other day...HGTV has a make your yard like Disney... here is the link. Starts June 6.

    Alegria- Great job on the miles! Hope you do get to that trip to Disney...the happiest place on earth. Hope the driveway pour goes well!

    I am currently nursing a wounded shoulder...I wanted to be off light duty but Dr says one more week. Have to go to therapy. Like I have time!
    My mom in law is doing SO much better. Hopefully will be going home next week!
    I need to update my walking ticker...

    Finally some great weather.
    Mom in Law improving.
    Vacation to Michigan coming soon! June wedding...

    Have a great rest of your week!

  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Cazz - Love seeing those pounds just drop off. And those were happy pounds, anyway. Can't get mad at them for being there, because you were happy when you got them!

    Alegria - Thanks girlie. :) I haven't gone to the beach yet, just laid out in my back yard. But when I came in hubby told me the neighbor boys were peeking through their side window to watch me. LOL! Silly boys! Halter tops really are the only way to reign in the girls. I don't think there's any way I could ever wear one of those neat little bandeau tops. Oh, if you like halter tops, try Target! They've got some really cute ones right now...just waiting for them to go on sale. :) I know we're completely spoiled with weather here. We're wimps. :laugh: I'm glad you're getting a nice new driveway! You're going to carve your initials into the wet cement, right?! At leat put some little metal trinket into the cement. WTG at your miles!! 70+!! *bow* I had already decided that I wasn't going to the track tonight, but as soon as I read your post I checked the clock to see if I still had time. You're inspiring!

    Nursee - Thank you! *hug* I squealed with delight when I clicked on that link, I hadn't heard about it yet! I love the idea of this show. It gives me so many ideas for my yard! Thanks so much for pointing it out!! :) I hope the one more week of light duty goes smoothly. Yay for an upcomin wedding! What are you going to wear?!

    Happy hump day everyone! Another lovely early summer day here in la la land. Hubby and I totally engorged on Weinerschnitzel for lunch, but it was SO. DAMN. GOOD. I'll be a good girl, though, and will still be within my calorie limits. I'm finding the zig-zag thing challenging. I'm so used to my "hit 1600" mentality, that having to think each day about the number I'm supposed to get to is definitely hard. I need something, though. I'm definitely happy with being down 0.6 this week, but I'd really super love to see one nice chunk come off.

    Happies for today:
    -lovely weather
    -got a great deal on sunscreen (4 Hawaiian Tropics tanning/sunscreen items for $6.98 total, they're normally $12 each!)
    -in a plain happy mood, thinking about planning a trip to Vegas
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I think I'm finally at a crossroad in my life. its one where i need to decide which bridges to burn. I think part of my current issue, is the negatvity that i am getting from some people that i am currently friends with. I think my trying to help them, when they obviously dont want help, or they cant stand seeing anyone happy if they are miserable. I think its effecting me, and my mindset for losing weight. Its time to decide what i want to do. how many times can you put yourself on the line before its enough? I just dont understand it sometimes, I guess..
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... only 0.8# left! And yeah... not at all upset about the 3# gain. To be honest, I knew it would happen. It wasn't a surprise. I had a wonderful time so it was well worth it!! :drinker: In 2 weeks, I leave for my annual trip back home to Ohio. My goal is not to gain more than 5#!! :laugh: We'll see what happens! :smile:

    Pink: Your money saving skills amaze me! I wanna be like that, i'm just not good at it. Tried when I was a SAHM and had more time. Now, I like to spend my "extra" time sewing and scrapbooking! Plus, I need to add... YOU LOOK AMAZING IN YOUR BIKINI!!! YAY for you!

    Linda: Glad to hear your MIL is on the up-swing!! BOO on your shoulder, though! It sucks, I know. :frown:

    April: At least you have a grip on the problem. Now to find the correct solution for YOU.

    For everyone else: Sounds like you are all doing well! Keep up the good work!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    I'll post more later, but I'm having a fantastic day so far (although it's only 10 am, so who knows?).

    Today is my birthday (32) and I know it's not very "adult" to make a big deal of it, but I like to have a special day - put on a nice dress, do a little bit extra with the makeup, and step up to the heels instead of flats. So I'm feeling pretty awesome, my favourite dress fits perfectly, and my husband, who is NOT into giving cards, surprised me with a beautiful card that made me tear up. And then made me laugh. What more could a girl ask for? Ok, I just teared up thinking about it...NOT COOL! :happy: :happy:

    My happies:
    - last year I got married and then started a new, healthy lifestyle
    - my birthday marks the beginning of a new year where I can look forward to being more athletic and hopefully <gulp> a runner!
    - I have the best husband and some wonderful friends, including a great group of supportive women on MFP

    I'm so glad I joined this group and have so much awesome support! Oh lord, I better stop before I get teary again.