PCOS has Entered the Game

Hi, I'm Sam. Long story short, I've been overweight my whole life. I've never seen my adult body at a healthy weight. I've become so use to being chubby, it's a part of my core identity. I have lost weight before; about 30 pounds when I was in Weight Watchers. In eighth grade...

I've been recently diagnosed with PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome). This means that I have a hormone imbalance which causes me to have insulin resistance, which leads to weight gain. I gained a lot of weight REALLY fast. I've gained about 25-30 pounds within the past year. My doctor told me in order to lose weight and manage my disorder I HAD to shed the weight or my condition could become much more severe. I am currently on my first day of my low glycemic index / low-carb "diet" that I will have to maintain for the rest of my life. Not to mention I'm getting married next April, and I wanna look smokin hot.

So, yea. That's why I'm here. :p Nice to meet you! I'd love to connect with other PCOS sufferers or anybody who needs a buddy! :)


  • zonkiethegreat
    zonkiethegreat Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Sam! I think you and I have shared the same experiences, I also lost a lot weight (about 20-25 lbs) when I was in 8th grade, with help form a nutritionist. AND I'm also getting married next April!!! April 17th to be exact! :)

    I gained 30 pounds in one year and am now the heaviest I've ever been, and I don't even eat that much....I also have been diagnosed with PCOS.....and it SUCKS. But I am confident that with exercise and eating right, we CAN DO IT! :smiley:
  • SamShepard2015
    SamShepard2015 Posts: 9 Member
    That's crazy!! We're body buddies! Haha Congratulations on the engagement. Our date is set for April 2nd :) How long have you been diagnosed with pcos for? It's still a little scary for me since I just don't know what to expect.
  • ashroz88
    ashroz88 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm with you on the weight gain! Although not diagnosed with pcos I've been told it's a possibility with some of my symptoms. I've had rapid right gain since 2011. I really need to get on track and get to a healthy weight as i feel i can barely remember myself being fit.

    Although I'm not getting married i recently moved cross country and want visitors who haven't seen me in a while to be impressed with my lifestyle change!
  • SarahJonasson
    SarahJonasson Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there Sam! I also have PCOS! Its such a pain but with hard work we can get through it! Congratulations on your engagement!
  • SamShepard2015
    SamShepard2015 Posts: 9 Member
    I totally get that. I just know this time I'm going to follow through since my health is at stake. I vow in front of zonkiethegreat and ashroz88 as witnesses that this time I will NOT fall off the wagon again, or ... straight up abandon the wagon if I'm being completely honest.
  • overkat
    overkat Posts: 7 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 12 years ago. Weight has been (and will probably always be) a struggle for me. 6 years ago I lost close to 70 pounds. I stopped being careful with my diet and put 50 back on in in the first 2 years of dating my boyfriend. I've lost 40 of that since February, and I'm down to 28% body fat (I was at 39%).
    It sucks having to pay such close attention to what I'm eating, and there are definitely days that I want to move into Dunkin Donuts and never leave. But it's worth it to know that I am stronger and healthier, and that I'm not letting the PCOS take over.
  • SamShepard2015
    SamShepard2015 Posts: 9 Member
    frogg272 wrote: »
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 12 years ago. Weight has been (and will probably always be) a struggle for me. 6 years ago I lost close to 70 pounds. I stopped being careful with my diet and put 50 back on in in the first 2 years of dating my boyfriend. I've lost 40 of that since February, and I'm down to 28% body fat (I was at 39%).
    It sucks having to pay such close attention to what I'm eating, and there are definitely days that I want to move into Dunkin Donuts and never leave. But it's worth it to know that I am stronger and healthier, and that I'm not letting the PCOS take over.

    That's what is so hard for me to wrap my head around, being recently diagnosed. I will never have the same relationship with food ever again. I mean it was a toxic relationship, but a familiar one. I've just got to get used to this completely opposite lifestyle. I'm just thrilled that I have the tools to finally lose weight again. And congrats on being 40 pounds down, that's great!!
  • EmGetsFit
    EmGetsFit Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all. I don't have PCOS (so far) but have had some hormonal problems with similar symptoms... rapid gains/slow losses, sugar imbalance, fatigue, etc. I'm determined to use MFP diligently this time so I can get healthy and stay healthy! Goal is to lose 20-25 lbs, increase protein, decrease sugar, eventually get off cholesterol meds... Anyway, if anyone wants to add me I will gladly be a supportive friend!
  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm a cyster, too! It's so hard to lose weight with this. I have a yo-yo problem with my weight. I have to make really hard effort to make sure I don't gain any and zero effort gain more. Smh. Congrats on the engagement and good luck! Let's keep each other motivated!
  • Tx_Julie_Mango
    Tx_Julie_Mango Posts: 48 Member
    Hello Cysters,

    I know the struggle. Feel free to add me 2015 Goal is to join onderland!

    Good Luck to you all, I hope we can all achieve our goals.
  • Lizzles4Shizzles
    Lizzles4Shizzles Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everyone - I also have PCOS - diagnosed 10 years ago at age 18. I've been on Metformin & spironolactone since then, but would LOVE to eventually get off both meds, and of course, losing weight is the only way to make that happen. Feel free to add me! It's definitely a struggle and it helps to have others who know what you're going through :)
  • zonkiethegreat
    zonkiethegreat Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a cyster, too! It's so hard to lose weight with this. I have a yo-yo problem with my weight. I have to make really hard effort to make sure I don't gain any and zero effort gain more. Smh. Congrats on the engagement and good luck! Let's keep each other motivated!

    I've always had a yo-yo problem too. I've had times in my life where I would lose weight very fast, but then regain it quickly within a few months. I think that has greatly affected my metabolism and health. I'm currently enrolled and attending about 4 times a week a gym called "Orange Theory". It's an HIIT one hour regimen and it's tough but kinda fun, and I've always been terrible about exercise. So I'm hoping that this and a combination of Metformin and eating healthier will help me drop weight slowly but SURELY. It's been really hard.

    I've never weighed this much before... :(
  • zonkiethegreat
    zonkiethegreat Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone - I also have PCOS - diagnosed 10 years ago at age 18. I've been on Metformin & spironolactone since then, but would LOVE to eventually get off both meds, and of course, losing weight is the only way to make that happen. Feel free to add me! It's definitely a struggle and it helps to have others who know what you're going through :)

    Lizzie has metformin and spiro really helped you with weight loss? Just curious, because I'm at my wits end. :/
  • zonkiethegreat
    zonkiethegreat Posts: 15 Member
    That's crazy!! We're body buddies! Haha Congratulations on the engagement. Our date is set for April 2nd :) How long have you been diagnosed with pcos for? It's still a little scary for me since I just don't know what to expect.

    Hey Sam! :) Thank you! I'm super excited about the wedding! :)

    I've been diagnosed for about 3 years or so. It's not an official diagnosis, but doctors have it in my chart as a "question mark" because I have a lot of the symptoms. I think I have it fairly mild, but it's been a total headache to lose weight.

    I've been prescribed Metformin for 2 years now, but I just started to be good at taking it daily. I'm hoping it helps me further along. I also just started one month ago to really work out in earnest. I've never been good about exercise, and I'm finally doing it for real now. :)

  • Lizzles4Shizzles
    Lizzles4Shizzles Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everyone - I also have PCOS - diagnosed 10 years ago at age 18. I've been on Metformin & spironolactone since then, but would LOVE to eventually get off both meds, and of course, losing weight is the only way to make that happen. Feel free to add me! It's definitely a struggle and it helps to have others who know what you're going through :)

    Lizzie has metformin and spiro really helped you with weight loss? Just curious, because I'm at my wits end. :/

    To be honest, I've been on both medications for so long, I can't really even say for sure. I do know that when I do what I KNOW I'm supposed to do (i.e. eat right and exercise), I do lose weight at a normal rate, so I can only assume the Metformin is helping with that - but I've never tried to lose weight without being on it, so I can't compare the two. Also, the spironolactone helps with balancing hormones (and helps with the stupid excess hair growth) but is also a diuretic so it helps me not retain water as badly as I do when I'm not taking it. So that always helps.
  • SamShepard2015
    SamShepard2015 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a cyster, too! It's so hard to lose weight with this. I have a yo-yo problem with my weight. I have to make really hard effort to make sure I don't gain any and zero effort gain more. Smh. Congrats on the engagement and good luck! Let's keep each other motivated!

    I've always had a yo-yo problem too. I've had times in my life where I would lose weight very fast, but then regain it quickly within a few months. I think that has greatly affected my metabolism and health. I'm currently enrolled and attending about 4 times a week a gym called "Orange Theory". It's an HIIT one hour regimen and it's tough but kinda fun, and I've always been terrible about exercise. So I'm hoping that this and a combination of Metformin and eating healthier will help me drop weight slowly but SURELY. It's been really hard.

    I've never weighed this much before... :(

    There is one of those right down the road from my house! I looked at their website and the routine did look pretty tough. I'm so out of shape right now, I don't know how much id enjoy it. :/ I'm walking most days or doing exercise videos in my living room. Once I'm comfortable with that I would love to join something like that.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    Did you know Jillian Michaels has PCOS as well...and she is awesome ! ;-)
  • hbaer88
    hbaer88 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey cysters!! Diagnosed 4yrs ago and reached my highest at 198. Scary thing is I was I was ok with it. After talking to my doctor it hit me that I did not want to be big but healthy like my 2 skinny sisters. So here I am and taking charge of my health. Feel free to add me!
  • Supersallysunshine
    Supersallysunshine Posts: 21 Member
    pcos here. I have only been low(er) carbing for a week and I have already seen a improvement with my skin discoloration! I believe diet can make a big difference in my life. Lets see what we can do!