Insanity versus Turbo Fire (preferably if you've done both)

Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
Here's the deal. I already own TF and have done a hybrid with it and ChaLean Extreme. I love Chalene Johnson and her style. However, I have been watching the Insanity infomercials lately, and they look intriguing. I am thinking of doing a program later this year, and I can't decide which one I want to do. I haven't done just straight Turbo Fire by itself.

If anyone has done both, which one did you like better? Which one gave you better results? Should I spend that much money on Insanity when I already own TF?

I would like to lose about 10 more pounds that have been stuck there for over a year. I also want to tone up.



  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Anyone? :smile:
  • cuddlegrl
    cuddlegrl Posts: 101 Member
    I have insanity and I think it's well worth it (I'm in recovery week now). There are so many different workouts it can easily be added to something. If you are looking to tone up have you considered P90X?

    Check my friends list for Kim_MC and send her a message. I believe she has TF and she just finished the Insanity program. I think you 2 are at the same place goal wise too.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    I have done both TF and Insanity...

    Let me just say that TF was a warm up to Insanity for me. Thank goodness I finished TF first, or else I don't think I would have made it through Insanity. Seriously, it is that much harder. I think that you will miss the weight training - esp. if you were doing a TF/CE hybrid, but you can fit in weight training on the Insanity recovery/rest days. As for the programs.... TF is actually fun, and I like to do it, and actually missed doing it while going through Insanity. For me, Insanity is a mental battle every time i have to start it, because it is THAT hard, and that repetitive. Chalene is awesome (I am a former TurboJam junkie) and Shaun T is kinda like a drill sgt (not fun like he was in Hip Hop Abs), he kinda just yells at you.

    In terms of results, TF got me into better shape, and made some difference in my body, however, I got used to the workouts quickly and didn't find them all that hard. Now, after finishing Insanity, I do TF workouts on my easy days or when I feel lazy. Insanity on the other hand, got a little easier every time, but never lost the high calorie burn, and i saw body changes that I haven't seen ever. It will push you every time. It is exhausting mentally and physically. The highest burn I ever got on TF was about 450 cals on Fire 45, whereas on Insanity, I can get up to 630 on one dvd.

    Hope that helps... I can't honestly tell you if you should get Insanity or not, because I don't like it, but I'm glad I did it and actually am going to start the Asylum tomorrow...
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Thanks for the (honest) replies!
  • daveelamp
    daveelamp Posts: 43
    Havent done TF, but iv recently started Insanity... like the lady above says.. its going to push ur physical and mental limits and isnt a whole lotta fun. But you will get fitter, stronger and in better shape with it. All depends on your of fitness i think... if your in decent shape and ready for some Insanity then do it... you will enjoy the results with it im sure. :)

    Good luck
  • cuddlegrl
    cuddlegrl Posts: 101 Member
    I have fun doing most of the Insanity workouts. The only one I dont have fun with is Core Cardio and Balance because it hurts my hip. It's different for everyone. He does yell a lot but its for motivation not to force you into anything. There are plenty of opportunities to stop if you need to and he says it all the time to stop and get a drink if you have too. The people in the video are always dropping out for a quick break or some water. Before I got it I looked at tons of youtube videos to see what it was really about.

    I think I might give TF a try after Insanity :smile:
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Whatever you do, don't spend $150 through the infomercial. Check out Craigs List and Ebay.

    Here's the beach body deals I've bought in the past few years

    Turbo Jam: $15 retail $75
    ChaLene Extreme: $25 retail $150
    Turbo Fire: $50 retail $140 BUT, I actually bought 3 sets and sold them all for $120 each on ebay. Kept a copy for myself and my sister
    Insanity: my sister bought it for $30, gave me a copy

    My vote out of your 2 choices is for Turbo Fire. It's more fun and Chalene is a great motivator. Shaun isn't as interesting/motivating and it's definitely not fun so you may lose interest.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Have not done the full Turbofire program, but have done most if not all of the workouts. I have done Insanity and just finished Asylum (it's sequel). All I can say is Shaun T is a mutha. Turbo Fire is like a warm up like someone else said. I have 2 friends that love Chalene and they are doing Asylum right now and say it doesn't even compare. Insanity is a tougher program by far. But if you like dancey type stuff more than just all out beat yourself up, go for TurboFire. IF you want a beatdown mental and physical go for Insanity. Either one will probably make you happy.