Feeling embarrassed weighing food

pianofire Posts: 15 Member
Like a lot of people at MFP, I weigh or measure out most of my food apart from low calorie veg. I

I don't mind doing this on my own, but I feel kind of silly when I'm about to share a delicious hearty meal with my boyfriend. We only eat together once or twice a week so I don't want to subject him to my rather bland diet - most of the time the food is not exactly unhealthy, but he uses a lot more butter and cheese and serves about double the amount of meat I can allow myself to eat. We've been together for a long time so he knows that I can easily eat him under the table with pride, so I'm a bit embarrassed now that I weigh all of my food.

I always serve him first and I wait until he sits down so he can't see me weighing my food and divvying out a pathetic little amount of rich food onto my plate.

I'm sure he'd only find it endearing or slightly eccentric, but I can't help but feel a little pathetic because I'm not overweight or anything, I just want to lose a few kg!

Does anyone else feel like this?


  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    I think you're right—I think your boyfriend will probably find it endearing. And you're not pathetic in the slightest. In fact, you're taking care of yourself, and many guys find healthiness to be sexy. My hubby teases me about the food scale all the time, it's cute!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I don't weigh my meal if my boyfriend cooks. I watch him cook and account for all the oil and butter. I look at the package of meat to see how much the whole thing weighs and assume I'm eating half (and sometimes less as I'm not embarrassed to eat only a portion). I'll suggest a salad, or even if he isn't eating one-I'll make myself one just so I'm filled up along with my smaller portion of whatever he is having.

    If we are at my place, I'll slap the stuff on a food scale I guess (though I really don't like cooking for him). It's not like he is standing over me watching every move I make.
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    My girl is not exactly on board with the whole calorie counting thing (she thinks it leads to anorexia, especially because I also work out every day in some form), so weighing my meal around her is... Well, it leads to tension, to say the least. But just like I still work out around her, I also still weigh my food around her. I am not about to stretch out the weight loss part of my road to fitness just because she has irrational thoughts about it. I just stubbornly weigh my food.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    The only thing I have to add here is that the food you eat does not have to be bland or boring. There are many delious, savory recipes to work with. In fact, my BF prefers what I cook to what he would be having at his house.
  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    My wife and children used to make fun of me too, until I lost all my weight and achieved a nice body. Now my wife is more open to using a scale from time to time. Be yourself, you shouldn't have to hide who you are. How else are you suppose to know exactly what's going on with your diet? The only person that can change you is you
  • pianofire
    pianofire Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for your support everyone, it's nice to know that others have been in a similar situation.
    The only thing I have to add here is that the food you eat does not have to be bland or boring. There are many delious, savory recipes to work with. In fact, my BF prefers what I cook to what he would be having at his house.

    Perhaps bland wasn't the right word, I really should have said rich. I love to cook and I'm pretty well equipped with delicious and healthy Asian and Middle Eastern recipes, it's just when I really feel like something stodgy that I feel I'm lacking flavour. :)
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    He was curious when I first started doing it but he just accepts it even though he doesn't really understand how narrow my allowance is. The only time he's rolled his eyes was when I was digging through a stirfry to separately weigh the meat and that's because I was blocking him from getting to his food. So now, I just serve him first and do whatever I need to do. I figure that I'll be at this for a while and I can't hide it, so I might as fly the flag high!
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    My husband was ambivalent about my weighing food. He bought the scale for me, and at times seemed annoyed with my requests for things like leaving pasta sauce off so I could measure. Then a couple of months ago he finally caved and started weighing his food too. He's now 15 pounds down, and the next time he has to go see the doctor she won't have to threaten to put him on meds to help him lose weight.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I get the eye rolls and "obsessive " comments nearly every time my husband sees me weigh my food.
    I just block him out... There are worse things I could be doing :tongue:
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited July 2015
    Just do what you want to do. It doesnt matter what others think if what they think is conflicting with personal progress. As soon as it matters, that is when you fail.

    I asked the bartender at my local sports bar if they have nutrition facts for the garlic fries. She kind of gave me a look, but she asked the manager and he said no. So, I had to estimate.

    I would do that anywhere, and I would weigh food if information was variable (given I am counting). What other people think of me is irrelevant to me, and I couldn't care less. My nutrition is not about them.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'd draw the line at whipping out my scales in a restaurant or friends/families houses.
  • GWehsling
    GWehsling Posts: 120 Member
    We have a cafeteria at my workplace and I have requested them to weigh food for me before. Initially, they must have thought me a tight person who wants to know value for money, but after telling them I am on a strict diet, they're okay with it. Six months of this and I have noticed there are a lot of compliments all of a sudden and some of my colleagues have started going to the local gym, too, so I get the last laugh (not that I care).

    Here's a suggestion - if you're cooking, weigh the ingredients and serve out actual portions, so for example, if you are making a 'serves 4' meal, dish yourself out one quarter of the food and let everybody else go nuts on what is left in the pot. Weighing or measuring ingredients before cooking is somewhat normal behaviour, I think.

    If you're eating out or at somebodies house, well, with some experience and practice, you'll get the hang of visually identifying 'a portion'. Asking somebody to serve you a small amount or asking if you can weigh usually leads to a conversation you're not comfortable with, but that's also called accountability and over time, you should be in a position to show that you were 'right' all along. Stick with it if it's good for you.

    Finally, if your boyfriend/family/mother doesn't get it, you can be blunt and tell them it's something you want to do and it hurts nobody. My flatmate used to giggle when she caught me weighing snacks, now she struggles to compliment my achievements because, I guess, pride is hard thing to swallow.

    TL;DR - just keep being you.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My husband laughs at my food scale, but I'm not bothered. He thinks I'm a bit mad lol.

    When he cooks I just guesstimate though. Usually it's something like a stew, so mainly veggies anyway.

    I definitely wouldn't take a food scale to a restaurant or a friend's house.

    If you're that worried, why not just do a big workout the day you eat at your boyfriend's? That might offset any extra calories.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    My boyfriend is the one who cooks, and was a bit annoyed when I asked him to start weighing the food, but does it on most days now.
    Fortunatly a lot of our food is pre packaged, so often I assume I ate half of it. (Which will probably be a slight overestimation, but I'm not too concerned)
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    My boyfriend bought me my current food scale! I sometimes weight my food when I'm at his place, too, with his postage scale, but I'm pretty good at taking reasonable portions of the more caloric foods we eat together. And we always have 17 million different veggies or fruits, so my plate never looks anemic compared to his.

    My roommate probably thinks I'm crazy for weighing each component of a fruit salad as I make it, but I'm not the one who gets drunk alone at 9 in the morning. Hopefully, she'll feel happier soon, and I can be a good influence on her.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    My wife and children used to make fun of me too, until I lost all my weight and achieved a nice body. Now my wife is more open to using a scale from time to time. Be yourself, you shouldn't have to hide who you are. How else are you suppose to know exactly what's going on with your diet? The only person that can change you is you

    Absolutely this. DH thought I was finally going absolutely nuts and I could tell he was really concerned. Until I lost the weight. And then he was diagnosed with high blood pressure, and now he weighs his food also to track sodium and potassium intake.. Go figure. Just do it. After a few days, he'll be used to it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    how long have you all been dating? This is such a none issue- I can't possibly understand why you would feel uncomfortable. It's just data.

    I mean- I brought a food scale home and just started using it- we don't live together- but he was there before the food scale and barely batted an eye at it when I started using it.

    He didn't even care when I took it with me to the damn restaurant. (which I have done more than once)

    it's science. So if he gives you *kitten* just say Bro- do you even science- and go back to eating.

    such a none issue- it shouldn't even register.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    how long have you all been dating? This is such a none issue- I can't possibly understand why you would feel uncomfortable. It's just data.

    I mean- I brought a food scale home and just started using it- we don't live together- but he was there before the food scale and barely batted an eye at it when I started using it.

    He didn't even care when I took it with me to the damn restaurant. (which I have done more than once)

    it's science. So if he gives you *kitten* just say Bro- do you even science- and go back to eating.

    such a none issue- it shouldn't even register.

    I agree with this. Just curious if you use it when he cooks too?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If you're only trying to lose a few kg, why do you have to eat so little? What's your deficit set to?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    how long have you all been dating? This is such a none issue- I can't possibly understand why you would feel uncomfortable. It's just data.

    I mean- I brought a food scale home and just started using it- we don't live together- but he was there before the food scale and barely batted an eye at it when I started using it.

    He didn't even care when I took it with me to the damn restaurant. (which I have done more than once)

    it's science. So if he gives you *kitten* just say Bro- do you even science- and go back to eating.

    such a none issue- it shouldn't even register.

    And all of this