Lost and overwhelmed

I am very lost and overwhelmed at all the weight loss tips, advice, methods, diet plans and ideals, etc. on the internet. I really have no idea what I can do or not do because there is just so much information that contradicts, conflicts, and confuses. I really just want a simple plan I can stick to without having to drop college work or buy giant machines for my apartment. Or having to resort to like...spinach cupcakes. I really can't stand spinach.

I think I have the food basis covered, and I have a pretty good plan to cut out junk, but I don't think I'm getting enough exercise. I don't even know if I don't think, because I can't get a straight answer.
Right now I'm biking every other day at least 15 minutes, and come August I will be walking quite a lot around my spacey college campus carrying my bag, which is shoulder strapped and is going to weigh a billion pounds with all my textbooks in it. ( u_u; )
I own a 10lb weight but I have no idea what to do with it and it might be a high starting weight for me. I cannot physically bend enough over my tummy to do sit ups or crunches, which is a huge blow to my self esteem and I hate them the more people suggest them. I just hate the idea that I'm staggering through this weight loss thing like a blind toddler. It makes me feel both stupid and unmotivated to do anything because I don't even know if it will make a difference or if I'm just making everything a pain in the A for myself.


  • snoringcat
    snoringcat Posts: 131 Member
    Weight loss is simple - it's calories in vs calories out. If you eat less than you burn, you will lose weight.

    MFP simplifies the calculation of how many calories you need to eat to lose 'x' amount (in lb/week). What you have to do is log accurately what you do eat to keep track of it. That means weighing & measuring everything you eat/drink. That's the intake bit.

    Phone apps or exercise monitors can help with the 'burn calories' bit - pedometers, Endomondo, MapMyWalk etc etc - there's loads out there & many link up to MFP.

    Personally, I use Endomondo when I run.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Fitdoge wrote: »
    I am very lost and overwhelmed at all the weight loss tips, advice, methods, diet plans and ideals, etc. on the internet. I really have no idea what I can do or not do because there is just so much information that contradicts, conflicts, and confuses. I really just want a simple plan I can stick to without having to drop college work or buy giant machines for my apartment. Or having to resort to like...spinach cupcakes. I really can't stand spinach.

    I think I have the food basis covered, and I have a pretty good plan to cut out junk, but I don't think I'm getting enough exercise. I don't even know if I don't think, because I can't get a straight answer.
    Right now I'm biking every other day at least 15 minutes, and come August I will be walking quite a lot around my spacey college campus carrying my bag, which is shoulder strapped and is going to weigh a billion pounds with all my textbooks in it. ( u_u; )
    I own a 10lb weight but I have no idea what to do with it and it might be a high starting weight for me. I cannot physically bend enough over my tummy to do sit ups or crunches, which is a huge blow to my self esteem and I hate them the more people suggest them. I just hate the idea that I'm staggering through this weight loss thing like a blind toddler. It makes me feel both stupid and unmotivated to do anything because I don't even know if it will make a difference or if I'm just making everything a pain in the A for myself.

    When you eat fewer calories you lose weight. Start logging in the diary the foods that you are eating now. Give yourself time to get used to it (a week or two). Then you can see places where you can reduce calories. Eat less junk. (Keep some perhaps.) Add / try some new foods perhaps. If you want to do walking now, that is good. :)

    These threads can help:
  • fullylugged
    fullylugged Posts: 67 Member
    edited July 2015
    Cycling is a great low impact exercise. Gradually increase from 15 mins a day, maybe add 5 mins at a time, until you can do an hour. That will probably burn 500 cal. Finding local pals to pedal with is good too. There are a number of eating plans that will enable weight loss. Pick one you can stay with for a while and allow yourself time to learn more and refine your decisions. Welcome to MFP
  • Fitdoge
    Fitdoge Posts: 52 Member
    Cycling is a great low impact exercise. Gradually increase from 15 mins a day, maybe add 5 mins at a time, until you can do an hour. That will probably burn 500 cal. Finding local pals to pedal with is good too. There are a number of eating plans that will enable weight loss. Pick one you can stay with for a while and allow yourself time to learn more and refine your decisions. Welcome to MFP
    Thank you! I actually bike 15 minutes minimum but the longest I have been out I think is 3 hours. Generally my riding sessions last an hour and a half. Thanks for the advice!
  • creneis
    creneis Posts: 1 Member
    My first ever reply here! hurra!
    I totally understand your confusion. It is always to commit to something you don't understand fully, it creates this "horror of the dark places" as i call it often.
    It's not something only you have, so don't punish yourself! Moreover, it is not something too difficult to overcome. x
    I think you need a plan. Don't make it "loose x pounds in x weeks", this would only stress you out. Instead, plan to stop all the junk food gradually, week by week, replacing all the meals and snacks with healthy alternatives and habits. Give yourself plenty of times, but find a buddy to be accountable!

    See me, for example: I decided to cut off all the snacks. I know (i've tried!) to cut them out in one day, but that doesn't work with me. So in 4 weeks i plan on having at least 3 good meals a day and not more than 1 snack. I don't have problem with junk food, that's why it's not included in my plan.

    Then working out. You need to workout in order to LIVE, not lose weight. I remember being 17 and thinking "aerobics is boooooring, i don't need it". I am 30 years old and feel like working out is the biggest pillar of sanity in my life. When i fall out of habit, i feel like crap, everything aches, my mood swings and i become a total b*tch to people around me. Returning to the gym is my biggest dream (and most difficult to make true for a number of reasons). But i run! At least something. I run not to loose weight, but to live long and pain-free life.

    I understand you are starting college. That's great! Congratulations! This will change many things you know about the world. Consider it a good time to introduce a new habit of doing sports in your life. Start right away, so you have time to choose what exactly do you like. If you think about gym, get a book called "New rules of lifting" it has a version for girls. And it is super-helpful, it gives you a plan and everything you need. You DON'T need to be slim before joining a gym on campus. Just start.

    In general, my advice to you is this: love yourself. Make this a habit. Pamper yourself with good food in good amounts, working out, having fun, physically and intellectually.

    Also, if you're looking for a MFP accountability buddy, pm me :) I am looking for one, too.
  • Here4Ponies
    Here4Ponies Posts: 116 Member
    I've stopped and started this journey countless times in the last five or so years. I start out so good by logging everything I eat, exercising, blah blah blah then I start obsessing over being perfect about it, it becomes too time consuming, too confusing with all the advice (You must be Paleo! NO! IIFYM is the ONLY way to do this! Lots of cardio! NO! Lift weights!) Meh, whatever. I've lost 20lbs this past year (not much but better than in the past) by making common sense changes that work for ME.

    This is what I've done so far:
    1. Be more active, not just by exercising.
    2. Cut out the trigger foods (salty-crunchy and other processed foods)
    3. Choose protein foods first then fruits and veggies, then the higher carbs

    Once those habits became more or less ingrained, I added formal exercise. I only started tracking my food last week.

    It's been slow but a lot less frustrating than trying to decipher all the noise.

    Oh, and don't do sit-ups. I hate them, too.Try planks instead. Do them with your hands on the couch if you need an easy version to start with.
  • karlis87
    karlis87 Posts: 111 Member
    i too get overwhelmed by all the advice. I do a workout video at home called Kettlebell Kickboxing for my exercise. I like that because I can just follow along doing what she does and I don't have to figure out the exercises on my own. And for diet I eat what I want to eat, just less and over time I start eating healthier because I want to eat more. I'm not an expert but that is what works for me because it's simple and not overwhelming.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    keep it simple
    eat at a calorie deficit.
    for help, log everything on the food and exercise tracker
    and read the stickies on this forum.
    it only needs to be as complicated as you need/want it to be