The dreaded plateau....grrr!

franceslinton Posts: 18 Member
edited July 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I've managed to overcome two plateaus. I beat one by cutting sugary treats. I got past the other by drastically lowering my carb intake (no breads, pasta, rice, cereal, etc). My second plateau came after quickly dropping 6lbs (in about 3 weeks) after I cut out sugar. I Beat that plateau by 2lbs, but now I'm stuck again! I've lost about 24 lbs total, down from 190. My goal is 155, and I'm at 166-167 (depending on the day, lol). I log very carefully, but I'll go a whole week without losing anything, then get frustrated and eat crap. You could say hat's the problem, but in May i was very diligent and lost .5 lbs. I exercise 1-3 times/week And try to leave a deficit. Any suggestions?


  • franceslinton
    franceslinton Posts: 18 Member
    edited July 2015
    Also, I'll add, July hasn't been perfect, so I could just be whining about things that are easily fixed by getting back to normal.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited July 2015
    Going a week without losing anything isn't unusual, it happens to most people at some point (or multiple points) while losing weight. A plateau is 6+ weeks with no loss.

    Cutting out certain foods isn't what fixes plateaus - a plateau is simply eating too much. All that matters for weight loss is calories. Can you open your diary? We may be able to help point out if there's any inaccuracies in your logging or anything like that.

    (Also if you hover over your post in the top right corner a little gear icon will appear, click on it and you can edit your post, that way you don't need to post a reply about typos, you can just fix them.)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    What demora said. A plateau tend to be 6 weeks of no weight loss. Not linear and learn to be patient. You lose becayse you are in deficit.
  • franceslinton
    franceslinton Posts: 18 Member
    Going a week without losing anything isn't unusual, it happens to most people at some point (or multiple points) while losing weight. A plateau is 6+ weeks with no loss.

    Cutting out certain foods isn't what fixed plateaus - a plateau is simple eating too much. All that matters for weight loss is calories. Can you open your diary?

    (Also if you hover over your post in the top right corner a little gear icon will appear, click on it and you can edit your post, that way you don't need to post a reply about typos, you can just fix them.)

    Okay, edit complete. Thanks. Lol
    Second, I believe my diary is public. My friends comment on It daily. I'll double check though. And last, okay, 1 week stalled frustrates me, but I'll take your word for it and stay focused. Thank you!
  • putthefriesdown
    putthefriesdown Posts: 1 Member
    I just spoke with a nutritional specialist about the same thing. Its not just calories in and out. Are you taking in excessive sodium while trying to lose weight? if so, that can stall your pounds lost because your body is burning fat but not able to shrink the fat cells entirely because they are being filled up with water as a result of the excess sodium. It was recommended that I limit my sodium to 1,200-1,500mg per day. Once I cut back on the salt, the weight started dropping again :) maybe that will help you!
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Going a week without losing anything isn't unusual, it happens to most people at some point (or multiple points) while losing weight. A plateau is 6+ weeks with no loss.

    Cutting out certain foods isn't what fixed plateaus - a plateau is simple eating too much. All that matters for weight loss is calories. Can you open your diary?

    (Also if you hover over your post in the top right corner a little gear icon will appear, click on it and you can edit your post, that way you don't need to post a reply about typos, you can just fix them.)

    Okay, edit complete. Thanks. Lol
    Second, I believe my diary is public. My friends comment on It daily. I'll double check though. And last, okay, 1 week stalled frustrates me, but I'll take your word for it and stay focused. Thank you!

    There's open to friends and open to public, yours must only be open to friends.

    And yeah, it can be difficult to stick with it if you're not seeing results, I feel the same sometimes! So I know how you feel, but it is just a matter of patience and persistence :)
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited July 2015
    I just spoke with a nutritional specialist about the same thing. Its not just calories in and out. Are you taking in excessive sodium while trying to lose weight? if so, that can stall your pounds lost because your body is burning fat but not able to shrink the fat cells entirely because they are being filled up with water as a result of the excess sodium. It was recommended that I limit my sodium to 1,200-1,500mg per day. Once I cut back on the salt, the weight started dropping again :) maybe that will help you!

    Sodium may give you higher temporary fluctuations where the body holds onto water, but it is just temporary and water. It won't actually stop you losing fat.

    But of course it is a good idea not to eat too much salt for health reasons.
  • franceslinton
    franceslinton Posts: 18 Member
    I just spoke with a nutritional specialist about the same thing. Its not just calories in and out. Are you taking in excessive sodium while trying to lose weight? if so, that can stall your pounds lost because your body is burning fat but not able to shrink the fat cells entirely because they are being filled up with water as a result of the excess sodium. It was recommended that I limit my sodium to 1,200-1,500mg per day. Once I cut back on the salt, the weight started dropping again :) maybe that will help you!

    Great idea! Thank you!
  • franceslinton
    franceslinton Posts: 18 Member
    my diary is public now. Remember, July hasn't been perfect, but if you look back, you'll see my norm.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited July 2015
    I had a look at your diary - your logging isn't very accurate. You've got measurements in cups and tablespoons and things like that. These methods are notoriously inaccurate for knowing how many calories you're actually eating. Start weighing everything with a food scale and you'll get a much better idea of what you're eating. There's a great video showing how different a cup of food can be compared to how much a cup should be when weighed that hopefully someone can post.

    If you're not losing weight, this is the reason - not carbs or sugar or salt.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I just spoke with a nutritional specialist about the same thing. Its not just calories in and out. Are you taking in excessive sodium while trying to lose weight? if so, that can stall your pounds lost because your body is burning fat but not able to shrink the fat cells entirely because they are being filled up with water as a result of the excess sodium. It was recommended that I limit my sodium to 1,200-1,500mg per day. Once I cut back on the salt, the weight started dropping again :) maybe that will help you!
    Speak to a different nutritionist then.
    It is about calorie in/out for weight loss. If one isn't in calorie deficit, weight loss won't happen. Neither will lyposis. And fat cells are designed to hold fat not water.
    Sodium does cause water retention in excess, but drinking enough water along with enough potassium will counter it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    A plateau in weight loss in 6 weeks or more of no weight movement if one has been CONSISTENT with diet and exercise. Any break in consistency stops it from being a plateau. That includes not exercising or even just having a small piece of candy.
    Everything else is a stall and is usual when one tries to lose weight. If you've been at it awhile and haven't changed your exercise routine, that would be the first thing I would adjust. Increase the intensity or duration is the usual.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    A plateau in weight loss in 6 weeks or more of no weight movement if one has been CONSISTENT with diet and exercise. Any break in consistency stops it from being a plateau. That includes not exercising or even just having a small piece of candy.
    Everything else is a stall and is usual when one tries to lose weight. If you've been at it awhile and haven't changed your exercise routine, that would be the first thing I would adjust. Increase the intensity or duration is the usual.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Well... you can not exercise or have chocolate if it's in your calories. You don't need to exercise or cut out sweets to lose weight.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    I just spoke with a nutritional specialist about the same thing. Its not just calories in and out. Are you taking in excessive sodium while trying to lose weight? if so, that can stall your pounds lost because your body is burning fat but not able to shrink the fat cells entirely because they are being filled up with water as a result of the excess sodium. It was recommended that I limit my sodium to 1,200-1,500mg per day. Once I cut back on the salt, the weight started dropping again :) maybe that will help you!

    I'm another vote for dumping this nutritional specialist (whatever that is). Sodium retention largely occurs in blood volume, not in fat cells. Seriously, there is no telling what else this person doesn't understand. Fire them.

    My body likes to hang on to water weight when I eat too much sodium and this has masked losses or appeared as gains for several days.

    As for the OP, I haven't plateaued in 65 pounds of weight loss (although there have been 2 to 3 week stalls). I suggest:

    -Logging accurately
    -Investing in a scale for weighing solids
    -Using the recipe builder instead of generic entries like "French toast." Who knows how different your recipes are?
    -If you eat out frequently, cut down on it until your losses begin again
  • jessimacd
    jessimacd Posts: 53 Member
    edited July 2015
    I am in a plateau as well - about 4 weeks now of being the exact same weight. Grrr! I have a similar starting weight and goal as you, and my plateau began when I hit 28 lbs lost. It's extra frustrating because it's summer and I'm trying SO hard and missing out on a lot of the indulging that everyone else is doing. My plan it to just keep on keeping on, and trust in the people who tell me I'll eventually push through the plateau. I also set little goals for myself, like last week it was to eat at least one salad w/protein for a meal per day (i.e., less carbs); this week it's to try to do something active every day.

    Good luck! I hope we both break through this plateau soon! :-)
  • franceslinton
    franceslinton Posts: 18 Member
    jmacbrodie wrote: »
    I am in a plateau as well - about 4 weeks now of being the exact same weight. Grrr! I have a similar starting weight and goal as you, and my plateau began when I hit 28 lbs lost. It's extra frustrating because it's summer and I'm trying SO hard and missing out on a lot of the indulging that everyone else is doing. My plan it to just keep on keeping on, and trust in the people who tell me I'll eventually push through the plateau. I also set little goals for myself, like last week it was to eat at least one salad w/protein for a meal per day (i.e., less carbs); this week it's to try to do something active every day.

    Good luck! I hope we both break through this plateau soon! :-)

    Good luck to you!
  • franceslinton
    franceslinton Posts: 18 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    To the others have said, focus on making sure you hit your caloric deficit. That is really all that matters in terms of weight loss. Cutting out sweets might have worked, but that is because the reduction in sugar caused a reduction in calories. It wasn't the sugar, it was the calories. I'd also just encourage you to have patience. Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. Those that go at it like it is the 100 yard dash don't tend to last very long and very rarely see the actual finish line. Best of luck to you and hang in there.

    Patience is my nemesis, but I'll try. Thank you! Cutting sugar didn't reduce calories, as I was always at or below my allowance. Eating 200 calories of m &m'sm's affects the buddy differently than 200 calories of protein. it wasn't the # of calories, but the type.
  • franceslinton
    franceslinton Posts: 18 Member
    As for the OP, I haven't plateaued in 65 pounds of weight loss (although there have been 2 to 3 week stalls). I suggest:

    -Logging accurately
    -Investing in a scale for weighing solids
    -Using the recipe builder instead of generic entries like "French toast." Who knows how different your recipes are?
    -If you eat out frequently, cut down on it until your losses begin again

    I do have a scale, I'll start using it. Thank you For your suggestions!