15 pounds in 7 weeks..

Alright, I have until July 19th to lose 15 pounds.
7 weeks and 2 days.
I only weigh when I'm at my mom's house. I used to live with her, and when I moved out, I left my scale with her. She's diabetic and weighing is her only motivation to lose weight. So about once a week.

I just moved, adjusting to having two kids (just moved in with my fiance' who has a daughter himself), instead of just my son, starting a new job on Tuesday, etc. Lot's going on, distracting me. so I need some accountability.

Who's in.. just weigh in here, whenever you weigh in, and I'll set up weekly challenges.. starting Tuesday (which will make the official 7 week mark, and past this food holiday. We're avoiding cookouts this weekend, but I know not every can/wants to/needs to)

Name: Michelle
Current Weight: 211.8
Goal Weight for July 19th 198.8
Ultimate Goal: 150

Week 1 challenge: Walking, 30 minutes everyday

Feel free to add suggestions for challenges. Challenges will start on Tuesday's and end on Monday nights at midnight your time. I will be starting the walking tonight when I get off of work


  • wannabthin4life
    Alright, I have until July 19th to lose 15 pounds.
    7 weeks and 2 days.
    I only weigh when I'm at my mom's house. I used to live with her, and when I moved out, I left my scale with her. She's diabetic and weighing is her only motivation to lose weight. So about once a week.

    I just moved, adjusting to having two kids (just moved in with my fiance' who has a daughter himself), instead of just my son, starting a new job on Tuesday, etc. Lot's going on, distracting me. so I need some accountability.

    Who's in.. just weigh in here, whenever you weigh in, and I'll set up weekly challenges.. starting Tuesday (which will make the official 7 week mark, and past this food holiday. We're avoiding cookouts this weekend, but I know not every can/wants to/needs to)

    Name: Michelle
    Current Weight: 211.8
    Goal Weight for July 19th 198.8
    Ultimate Goal: 150

    Week 1 challenge: Walking, 30 minutes everyday

    Feel free to add suggestions for challenges. Challenges will start on Tuesday's and end on Monday nights at midnight your time. I will be starting the walking tonight when I get off of work

    Oh yea, I'm in!!!

    Name: Star
    Current Weight: 233.6
    Goal weight: 218.6 or less
    Ultimate Goal: 160
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello!! I'm in! I am a mom of 4 -ages 9;6;4;and 14 months. I work odd hours as Human Resources at a major retailer so between work and kids it can be hard to have a steady workout regime. So far I have lost 18 lbs since mid April and have a lot left to go!! Thanks for starting the challenge!!

    Are we going to do Tuesday weigh ins?

    Current weight: 195
    Goal for 7/19: 180
    Ultimate Goal: 120
  • LaurieinCO
    LaurieinCO Posts: 3 Member
    This is a perfect challenge for me!! I've been doing awful lately and this is the week I'm planning to get back on track - just bought my new walking shoes!! The timing is perfect because we are having a family get together for my parent's 40th anniversary at the end of July and I want to be looking and feeling better about myself - I know we'll be having lots of pictures taken!

    Here's my stats:

    Name: Laurie
    Current Weight: 190.0
    Goal Weight for July 19th 175
    Ultimate Goal: 150

    I'm also excited because we are just starting a "biggest loser" contest at work, so I have motivation coming from there also!! I CAN do this!!
  • 1kid1step1family
    Wow, thank you guys so much for joining. LOL. I didn't think I'd get responses so fast.. nice to see so many people think my goal is attainable and willing to work towards it too..

    Weigh in's can be whenever you normally weigh in, so long as we all weigh in on July 19th... I weigh in sporadically, since I don't have a home scale.. that's going to be one of my rewards.. lol. I too work crazy hours, as an associate at a major clothing retailer.. and will hopefully be working crazy hours with a marketing firm starting Tuesday. (second interview). I understand the difficult work out routines.

    WOW 18 pounds since Mid April! That's awesome!! Keep up the good work and good luck to everyone..
  • Hirondelle
    Hirondelle Posts: 10 Member
    Perfect challenge for me! Our engagement pictures are scheduled for July 19th and I could definitely spare 15 pounds!

    CW: 167.2
    GW: 152?
  • 1kid1step1family
    Wow 40 years! That's awesome, you don't hear that too often anymore. You can and will do this. We all can and will !!! We just have to keep eachother motivated!!

    I have Ceder Point July 19th, my birthday July 21st, Family get together the last weekend in July, for a family reunion. My sister is having a baby, so my other motivation is losing a pound for every pound she gains. She's only 3 months along, and I'm throwing her baby shower in October.. I have to be skinnier than the preggo lady.. lol. She's always been tiny.. she's currently a size 9, size 7 when she got pregnant. I need her to get to a 13 by then, so I can be in an 11 lmao.
    This is a perfect challenge for me!! I've been doing awful lately and this is the week I'm planning to get back on track - just bought my new walking shoes!! The timing is perfect because we are having a family get together for my parent's 40th anniversary at the end of July and I want to be looking and feeling better about myself - I know we'll be having lots of pictures taken!

    Here's my stats:

    Name: Laurie
    Current Weight: 190.0
    Goal Weight for July 19th 175
    Ultimate Goal: 150

    I'm also excited because we are just starting a "biggest loser" contest at work, so I have motivation coming from there also!! I CAN do this!!
  • 1kid1step1family
    Congrats on the engagement!!!!
    Perfect challenge for me! Our engagement pictures are scheduled for July 19th and I could definitely spare 15 pounds!

    CW: 167.2
    GW: 152?
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Wow 40 years! That's awesome, you don't hear that too often anymore. You can and will do this. We all can and will !!! We just have to keep eachother motivated!!

    I have Ceder Point July 19th, my birthday July 21st, Family get together the last weekend in July, for a family reunion. My sister is having a baby, so my other motivation is losing a pound for every pound she gains. She's only 3 months along, and I'm throwing her baby shower in October.. I have to be skinnier than the preggo lady.. lol. She's always been tiny.. she's currently a size 9, size 7 when she got pregnant. I need her to get to a 13 by then, so I can be in an 11 lmao.

    Haha too funny....Good motivation though!!
  • drlynned
    drlynned Posts: 34
    I'm in! It's a challenge, and yet it just seems so fun :happy: This will definitely be a great thing because we can motivate each other and it will keep me accountable. You guys are going to do your best to lose those 15 pounds, so I gotta do the same. Thanks for starting this, and best of luck to everyone.

    SW: 205
    CW: 162
    GW for July 19: 147
    GW: 145 (I'll be so close to my goal weight! :tongue: )
  • 1kid1step1family
    Ugh so it started storming yesterday when I got off of work.. go figure. Oh well.. after the long drive home, I was so stiff from working 9 hours, I probably would have found any excuse.. lol. Yesterday was a bad food day.. TOM had me eating chocolate all day.. today will be better..
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    I walked 40 minutes yesterday. Instead of driving to pick up my kids from their friends' house I walked :) They weren't too happy about it but oh well!! lol
    It was a bad food day for me too and this morning I am seriously retaining water. Ugh. Gonna push my water extra today and hope for a better tomorrow.
    I plan on getting my 30 minutes in today by walking back and forth to my daughter's t-ball game.

    Have a great day all!!
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Blah...did not get a walk in yesterday. I did some cardio (30 day shred) instead. My genious plan to walk to t ball didn't pan out when we were running late. Oh well. After my 3 older kids are at school going to take the baby and the dog for a walk....or so goes the plan for now lol

    How did everyone else do?? Have a great day!!
  • Hirondelle
    Hirondelle Posts: 10 Member
    I was at my door (starting week 4 of C25K) when a storm arrived... Seriously?! Now I'm waiting for the skies to clear.
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Oh no!! Hopefully the weather clears up for you!!

    I just walked 40 minutes with my poor dog who I think is now dead lol. Poor thing- he's more out of shape than me!!
  • 1kid1step1family
    Ugh sick, and I've just got too many excuses going on...

    I am trying to find another job, so I've been going to interviews all week, and have another one tomorrow, after the interviews, I'm working, picking my son up from the sitters, making dinner etc. etc. etc. and then not walking. This is horrible..

    any idea's for a week 2 challenge? Sit-up?, cardio?