My body & me aren't seeing eye to eye!

ok HELP!! My body seems to have a preset weight it loves! No matter what I do I can only get down to a specific number. Now I'm Latina and built curvey as it is but I want to be more..toned and compact. How do you guys get past your bodies comfort zone? Is there even such a thing or am I just a odd ball?


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I would say that is just a odd ball case. If that was true I would not weigh less than 200 pounds. I have been over 200s for over a decade. Not anymore.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    When you say no matter what you do you can't get below a certain number, what have you tried in the past?
  • rd2bme
    rd2bme Posts: 14 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I would say that is just a odd ball case. If that was true I would not weigh less than 200 pounds. I have been over 200s for over a decade. Not anymore.

    I'm saying my "dieting weight" won't go past a set weight. I have gained weight with 3 kids and cancer recovery. Each time I lose the weight it will only go so low and I plateau. I'm sure I'm a odd ball don't get me wrong, I usually am in all areas haha was just hoping someone also had this issue and had advice to push beyond it
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    When you say no matter what you do you can't get below a certain number, what have you tried in the past?

    Just going to emphasize the bold.

    Do yo use a food scale? Do you log every day? How long have you been doing this? What is our height/weight/age/workout routine?
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Just making a point, but it could be possible that as you lose weight, the calorie intake that started the weight loss is no longer valuable after you have lost weight. Perhaps you were not adjusting your caloric need changes as your body weight dropped? A 200lb individual can lose weight eating more calories daily than a 130lb person. It may be as simple as re-calculating your calorie target, and increasing your accuracy.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Get a food scale, learn how to accurately measure what you're eating & drinking. Learn how to log accurately. If you aren't losing weight, then it means you aren't eating in a deficit.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Most bodies get more stubborn as you have less weight to lose. You would have to adjust your calorie intake more times than not if you are at a plateau. Are you using a food scale?

    Btw,congrats on your recovery. #livestrong
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Our bodies do settle into comfort zones. Those comfort zones are largely set by our lifestyles, though (after genetics). So it depends on how much you're willing to change your lifestyle to change how your genetics express themselves.

    Check this out

    Like when I ate a certain way and exercised a certain way (i.e. HARD), my body settled - comfortably - at 124 lbs and stayed there for years. That was a surprise to me, initially, because I was in high school the last time I weighed that. But there it was.

    Right now my body is settling around 136-138, because I'm eating a certain way (that, I could def change if I really wanted to) and exercising a certain way (which I can't change right now, because of some limits).
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    edited July 2015
    This may or may not be what you're talking about, but I think that maybe my body has what I refer to as a "happy weight". I have been consistently working out and eating well for a few years now, and the lowest I have been able to maintain consistently, and where I am now, is about 121 pounds (aka happy weight). That puts me on the low end of normal body weight for my height, which I am pretty okay with. Could I perhaps achieve something lower? Sure. However, I try to remember that I'm a normal human being. I drink alcohol when I want, eat a more relaxed (more what I want) on the weekends, and eat ice cream on Sunday night while I watch True Detective. If I eliminated such practices I would be pretty sad but I'd probably lose a little extra.

    But back to your question, which I believe is how to push past this "plateau" of sorts. Its a little difficult to tell with no indication of your eating habits, but perhaps you are not eating at a correct deficit consistently enough to continue losing weight over time. Also not sure what your workout routine is, but incorporating weightlifting into it could really help with the "toned and compact" part; again, as long as you log accurately and consistently.
  • rd2bme
    rd2bme Posts: 14 Member
    edited July 2015
    psulemon wrote: »
    When you say no matter what you do you can't get below a certain number, what have you tried in the past?

    Just going to emphasize the bold.

    Do yo use a food scale? Do you log every day? How long have you been doing this? What is our height/weight/age/workout routine?

    Yes I use a food scale. I measure everything! I meal prep for the week on Sunday's (4 oz meat, 1 cup veggies, and pre measured snacks only) but maybe I'm used to that caloric intake and that's the problem. I eat on average 1,000 /1,100 calories a day. I workout 4/5 days a week 30 mins cardio (fat burn) 45 mins lifting (rotate legs, shoulders and back, arms ect) I have been dieting strictly for 2 months but have dieted for as long as I can remember. My biggest was post baby/cancer and I lost 80lbs. Still only getting to 128lbs. That's what I'm at now and I'm 5'3. My husband was a trainer but he offers no additional help because to him I'm healthy. He doesn't agree with the getting rid of curves mission haha should I see someone to closer look at my diet maybe?
  • rd2bme
    rd2bme Posts: 14 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    Most bodies get more stubborn as you have less weight to lose. You would have to adjust your calorie intake more times than not if you are at a plateau. Are you using a food scale?

    Btw,congrats on your recovery. #livestrong

    Thank you!!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    First, can you make your diary public (so we can look)?

    Well, I would ask why you are eating so little. The average women I know loses at 1700-2100. Really unless you have some metabolic issue, i would up that to provide your body with more nutrients. It's potential that you have experience some metabolic adaption if you have done this before/frequently.
  • rd2bme
    rd2bme Posts: 14 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    First, can you make your diary public (so we can look)?

    Well, I would ask why you are eating so little. The average women I know loses at 1700-2100. Really unless you have some metabolic issue, i would up that to provide your body with more nutrients. It's potential that you have experience some metabolic adaption if you have done this before/frequently.

    That's what I was just reading! After treatment though if I eat 1,500 or higher I will not lose a lb. it's just how my body reacted so now I'm in this low calorie cycle. Maybe at this point I should just switch it all up and play with a slight increase. Thanks everyone for the links and advice! It beats the discouraged feeling
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    rd2bme wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    First, can you make your diary public (so we can look)?

    Well, I would ask why you are eating so little. The average women I know loses at 1700-2100. Really unless you have some metabolic issue, i would up that to provide your body with more nutrients. It's potential that you have experience some metabolic adaption if you have done this before/frequently.

    That's what I was just reading! After treatment though if I eat 1,500 or higher I will not lose a lb. it's just how my body reacted so now I'm in this low calorie cycle. Maybe at this point I should just switch it all up and play with a slight increase. Thanks everyone for the links and advice! It beats the discouraged feeling

    Well it's always possible that your metabolism took a large hit from the cancer, especially, if you lost a lot of weight quickly from treatment.

    It could potentially be beneficial for you to work on a recomp. I would check out this thread. It's potential that after a few months, that you could see larger improvements in both body composition and who knows, maybe improved metabolism.
  • rd2bme
    rd2bme Posts: 14 Member
    psulemon wrote: »

    Well it's always possible that your metabolism took a large hit from the cancer, especially, if you lost a lot of weight quickly from treatment.

    It could potentially be beneficial for you to work on a recomp. I would check out this thread. It's potential that after a few months, that you could see larger improvements in both body composition and who knows, maybe improved metabolism.

    Thank you! Super helpful thread!! You are awesome :)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    rd2bme wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »

    Well it's always possible that your metabolism took a large hit from the cancer, especially, if you lost a lot of weight quickly from treatment.

    It could potentially be beneficial for you to work on a recomp. I would check out this thread. It's potential that after a few months, that you could see larger improvements in both body composition and who knows, maybe improved metabolism.

    Thank you! Super helpful thread!! You are awesome :)

    No problem. If you need any more help, feel free to friend me or PM me.