Fruit and veggies.



  • I used to eat hardly any fruit or vegetables prior to changing my eating habits but I eat tons of the stuff now, I have salad virtually every day and my snacks are usually fruit based. My son has always been a fruitaholic but my daughter worries me, she eats no fruit or veg and just wont try any.
  • SusiB60
    SusiB60 Posts: 104 Member
    I always try to get my five in, but too many always bloats me out and makes me a bit farty :D
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I think some people, me included, don't always log all their veggies. Most portions of veggies seem to be about 20 calories (I usaully check new stuff) and I tend to use about four/five different veggies per meal, it gets tedious adding them in all the time so I choose one vegetable in the list and log a bigger portion to incorporate all the other veggies I have.

    I log fruit though, as it varies and they can be pretty high in calories.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    yep. I've looked at diaries that were under the calories with not one single fruit or veg. I wonder how they "go". Without water, fruit and veg my body would likely go into shock.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I think some people, me included, don't always log all their veggies. Most portions of veggies seem to be about 20 calories (I usaully check new stuff) and I tend to use about four/five different veggies per meal, it gets tedious adding them in all the time so I choose one vegetable in the list and log a bigger portion to incorporate all the other veggies I have.

    I log fruit though, as it varies and they can be pretty high in calories.
    That may not be a good idea. Some veg have natural sugar, protein and sodium in them. By not logging them you may be inaccurately filling out your diary.
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    yep I have to have my minimun of 4 fruits and 2 or more veggies fresh a day. Otherwise don't feel good
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'd love to know if anyone has had any luck with some veggies that don't cause gas!! I hate that gassy feeling!!! Any suggestions!!!
    Green leafy veg aren't gassy for me. Also the more active I am the less gassy the other veg are for me. I think the increased activity help my body process them better.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'd love to know if anyone has had any luck with some veggies that don't cause gas!! I hate that gassy feeling!!! Any suggestions!!!

    I get that from bread. If you cut out wheat, you may find you don't get bloated from vegetables.

    I limit my gluten. Perhaps that's why I don't have problems.
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    It may depend on the day you are looking at people's diaries. I have some days where I eat probably 15 portions of fruits and vegetables, and others where I may have only 3. It varied depending on the day of the week, as my veg box arrives on thursdays. By Weds I have usually almost run out.

    I am surprised how much processed food people seem to eat, though. And eggs. I never knew anyone could eat more than one egg a day! I don't like them.

    I'm like this too. I pick up my produce from my food co-op on Tuesdays, so if you see my food diary right after Tuesday it will likely be almost all fruits and veggies, but by Sunday we're running low and I'll be down to 3 or 4 servings a day.

    Can't say the same for eggs though. I have a flock of hens and we eat mostly veg. Our fresh eggs are one of our primary protein sources.
  • miss_dreamer
    miss_dreamer Posts: 50 Member
    I know i don't eat enough fruit or veg. On some days I will eat an apple, some blueberries, a banana and then vegetables with dinner, but on other days i'll barely eat an apple. -sigh- i need to change this habit, but there are just times when i really don't want fruit or veg.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I think some people, me included, don't always log all their veggies. Most portions of veggies seem to be about 20 calories (I usaully check new stuff) and I tend to use about four/five different veggies per meal, it gets tedious adding them in all the time so I choose one vegetable in the list and log a bigger portion to incorporate all the other veggies I have.

    I log fruit though, as it varies and they can be pretty high in calories.
    That may not be a good idea. Some veg have natural sugar, protein and sodium in them. By not logging them you may be inaccurately filling out your diary.

    Probably. Although the days where my sodium levels are less than about 1000mg below the recommended makes me not too worried about sodium levels from veggies.

    I do tend to check new veggies out on the MFP tracker just to see what their constituents are but too be honest as long as I am eating good wholesome food at round about my calorie level, I'm not so bothered by the rest. I'm also too lazy to log them in detail!!!
  • just_dance
    just_dance Posts: 15
    oh it also weirds me out how many of my friends eat frozen veggies (if they do eat them at all)... then complain that they don't like vegetables... DUH!!!! lol
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