Gestational Diabetes...high fiber diet?

SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member

So this is my second go round with GD and I HATE IT!!! I feel like I eat really well and now I have to re-learn a whole new way again...I keep reading how high fiber is awesome for GD because it slows the sugar break down...can someone please explain how I am apparently GD (my reading was 153, you are suppose to be under 140 with the hour test and she already said that she won't bother with the 3 hour and just make me go straight to using a glucometer four times a day, which starts tomorrow) when I don't eat ANY simple sugars (outside of a white potato here and there...maybe twice a month)...I eat complex carbs already and lean proteins, and veggies and fruits...I don't drink pop, diet or otherwise just tea and water! I just hate feeling like I knew what the hell I was doing enough to lose the weight that I did, and now I have to figure something else out...UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I just don't get this....I am 30 weeks along and I have gained only 12lbs (no I haven't updated my ticker and I won't until I see it going down again! Too depressing!!) I guess I just don't know what to change...this time, last time it was obvious, I was eating like a cow, this time not so much! :( midwife would like me to eat about 100 grams of carbs a day..seems a bit low...


  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    My doctor said it doesn't necessarily depend solely on diet. If diabetes runs in your family, you are more likely to develop it. Also, you have had it before, it puts you at risk for it with a second child. Was your last baby a bigger baby? If you have had a larger baby (almost 9 pounds or more at birth), that could be a possibility as well. Age is also a factor. Women over 35 are also at a higher risk for it.

    I am going for the 1 hour test next week and am praying I don't have it.
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    Well, my last baby was only 7lbs 2oz and I was 25 (my first baby was only 6lbs 13oz and was not gestational at 22). This time around I am 30. Diabetes does NOT run in our family and I honestly do not believe that I had it before, my numbers were always well controlled and it was my fasting number that would occasionally be elevated (103 a handful of times throughout the last ten weeks).

    Good luck on your test...I just kind of feel like it's a damned if ya do, damned if ya don't...just fighting the feeling of feeling like I am doing everything right for once and it not making much of a difference...
  • bridgetdyer
    bridgetdyer Posts: 1 Member
    It's not your fault, just genetics. Sometimes you just need insulin. Insist on seeing a nutritionist to help you with diet, the carb thing is very complicated.
  • weemsdm
    weemsdm Posts: 12 Member
    Your health provider should NOT be diagnosing GD based on the screening test. The limit for the screening test is set low so that no patients with the disease are missed--this results in a high false positive rate. GD should only be diagnosed based on 3 hour oral glucose tolerance test.

    I've have 4 children; failed 3/4 screening tests but the 3 hr tests were all completely normal. You should get a second opinion.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I have prediabetes and have done a lot of reading on diabetes, but I'm not sure my advice will apply to GD.

    It is now though that eating low carband higher fat is helpful to treating diabetes. If you eat low carb, like below 100g carbs per day, you will not get the extreme insulin and blood glucose spikes and drops. Carbohydrates are not good for diabetics. Eating high fibre won't do enough, and lowering protein or fat is counterproductive.

    Look at Dr Bernstein's diabete's solution book. He's type 1 but it works for type 2 too.

    Good luck. I hope everything normalizes soon.