Hey tall girls! 6ft and up! What is your goal weight?



  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm 6 feet and one half inch tall. Size 10 shoes. Size 8 ring finger. I also don't know what a reasonable goal weight is. I started at 208 and now I'm down to 193. I was in size 14 pants (tight) and now size 14 pants fit how they are supposed to in the leg and butt, but are often too big in the waist (I am now comfortably in a size 12 skirt and dress). My initial thought when I started was that I wanted to get in the healthy BMI range, which for my height is exactly 187 pounds. I did think I would try to get in the mid-170s eventually, but honestly that seems impossible. After reading some of these posts, maybe it's not, though. I've been lifting weights and I really do see a difference in my body composition, and am starting to lean more toward tracking inches rather than weight (although the two are correlated, really).
  • soapsandropes
    soapsandropes Posts: 269 Member
    I always wanted to be 6' tall, stopped at 5'10". Goal weight 150 lbs ish but it more about body composition and capability for me now. I wear a size 10 in pants and thanks to bones the smallest I will get is a 8 but that is fine with me.
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 283 Member
    I'm just a smidge under 6 feet tall and set my goal weight at 175, but frankly, 185 would be really great. Dropping 20 pounds will make a big difference and could end up being where I'm happy.
    I wear a size 11/10.5 shoe and am not particularly big boned. On the other hand, I'm not willowy or bean pole like in frame either. I have broad shoulders and at times can muscle up quite nicely.
    At my thinnest I was 127, but did not look good at all. I think I felt and looked my best in the 155 to 165 range. Once I get over 172, I start to feel a bit sluggish, so you can imagine that I'm not exactly picking them up and putting them down right now. :)
    I have noticed that there are some tall women who are just bigger than others. They seem to me to look quite good and are comfortable in their own skin, so if you are that type, relax. Most of us are some sort of combination of the 3 classic body types and you can't fight genetics too hard.
    Those BMI charts don't account for body type (I'm sensing a window of opportunity here), but no one wants to see the word "obese" ever, so I don't blame you for being a little sad.
    My first goal is to get just inside the healthy weight range. Perhaps that would work for you as well?

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I just started back here last week.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I'm 5'11" (and a ¼"). At my lowest after a year on MFP I got down to 163 and a size 8. Since then I "maintained", but really I just went up to 179 and back to 10's and 12's. Now I'm trying to get back to about 160-165. I realized by staying in the "healthy weight" for the last two years that that's closer to where I would like to be. However, that's being skinny fat. At that weight my shoulders and everything started to look too boney. So now I want to try to add on some muscle, so depending on how that goes, my goal weight might be higher, but I still liked size 8 pants.

    Ultimately I think a lot of it is how your clothes fit and how well you balance muscle/fat, not the actual size or weight amount.
  • cendacott532
    cendacott532 Posts: 1 Member
    It's so great to hear from tall ladies! I'm 5'11.5" and 148 right now, looking to drop between 6-8 pounds as I'm small framed and ALL my weight is distributed on my thighs/hips... so losing a bit would help me feel more balanced and comfortable in my jeans! And I would love to get a bit stronger and in better shape to keep up with my outdoorsy friends. It's so refreshing to hear from tall women who know that you don't have to be petite to be sexy :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I'm 5"11" and I have a large frame. That's not the nice way of saying overweight; I'm definitely overweight. But like many of you have said, I've got the large shoe size, large wrists/hands, broad shoulders... I'm just built like a valkyrie. And when I lift weights I don't get lean, I get muscular, and I'm totally ok with that. I'm never going to be a small, lithe woman, but I want to be healthy and strong, so that's my goal. Short-term I'm focusing just on getting below 200 lbs. Beyond that, I'll see what feels right.

    I'm almost 5'7" and all of the above applies to me, except my goal weight is 170.

  • Lizzles4Shizzles
    Lizzles4Shizzles Posts: 122 Member
    Tall starts way below 6 feet!

    I'm somewhere between 5'10" and 5'11". My goal weight is 190. I have an extremely long torso, large breasts and I am very muscular.

    I don't have goal sizes, but I currently wear size 8 (US) jeans at about 20 pounds above my goal. Not sure if I will get down to a 6--I am more interested in health, feeling good and looking good than on the particular size on the label.

    You sound like my body twin! With the exception of our current weights :) I'm much heavier than you but I'm also 5'11" with a goal weight of 190, also am very muscular (have always been very athletic) and very well endowed haha
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Tall starts way below 6 feet!

    I'm somewhere between 5'10" and 5'11". My goal weight is 190. I have an extremely long torso, large breasts and I am very muscular.

    I don't have goal sizes, but I currently wear size 8 (US) jeans at about 20 pounds above my goal. Not sure if I will get down to a 6--I am more interested in health, feeling good and looking good than on the particular size on the label.

    You sound like my body twin! With the exception of our current weights :) I'm much heavier than you but I'm also 5'11" with a goal weight of 190, also am very muscular (have always been very athletic) and very well endowed haha

    Finally, a twin!

    I think that I have lots of clothing-size twins, but nobody who is actually the same height/weight.
  • leviathas
    leviathas Posts: 37 Member
    vinerie wrote: »
    I'm 6 feet and one half inch tall. Size 10 shoes. Size 8 ring finger. I also don't know what a reasonable goal weight is. I started at 208 and now I'm down to 193. I was in size 14 pants (tight) and now size 14 pants fit how they are supposed to in the leg and butt, but are often too big in the waist (I am now comfortably in a size 12 skirt and dress). My initial thought when I started was that I wanted to get in the healthy BMI range, which for my height is exactly 187 pounds. I did think I would try to get in the mid-170s eventually, but honestly that seems impossible. After reading some of these posts, maybe it's not, though. I've been lifting weights and I really do see a difference in my body composition, and am starting to lean more toward tracking inches rather than weight (although the two are correlated, really).

    Wow we're very similar! Awesome to read about all you talk ladies.
    I'm 6 ft and almost 1 inch. SW: 198 CW: 195. Size 12. Aiming for my old weight of 165-175. Same shoe size too. I have a pretty large frame, broad shoulders and hips and ex varsity bball player. I think my skeleton itself weighs about 130 ahaha.

    Would love some tall friends on here as I'm only on week 2 of MFP! Good luck and so nice to hear about all your progress. Cheers.
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    6ft even here, I'm aiming for around 165. It's really far away, but that's my goal!

    But to be honest, I don't know if that's feasible for me. I have ridiculously long hands and feet (size 12 shoe), and I've never been a normal weight since I was a baby. I always hoped I'd lose shoe sizes with weight, but before and after my 70lb loss my feet and hands were/are bony and thin, just long, so I don't think that's going to happen. I love lifting weights, I tend to show muscle really quickly and it makes me want to lift more.

    So yeah, I'm just going to keep losing and worry about revising my goal when I get closer there. Congratulations to all you other wonderful tall girls who have done so well!!
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    6 foot 1 inch here. Currently at 135 and think I'll stop and maintain at 130...I have a small frame though :)
  • 2wise4u
    2wise4u Posts: 229 Member
    I'm 5'9", 205 lbs and wear a size 11 shoe. I wear a size 18 and have a goal weight of 145 lbs. My lowest adult weight was 160, I wore a size 12 (almost 10) and I felt fantastic and could have probably lost about 10 more pounds comfortably. Congrats on all who have lost and good luck on your future weight loss.
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    esyla wrote: »
    6' checking in. Right now I'm hovering around 215. I have no idea what my goal size would be, but my ideal goal weight is 165-175lbs. I just want to keep losing and finally get under 200!

    I started at 208 and when I got under 200 and stayed there for a bit, it felt SO good. Good luck to you!

    Also, I think tall ladies take much longer to change pants/dress sizes. I took some pictures wearing the same clothes I was wearing in pictures of me at a heavier weight. It was really shocking. I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was, simply, a huge motivator to keep going. Good luck fellow 6-footers (and those close to that mark, too!)
  • alliegator89
    alliegator89 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 6'2" and aiming for approximately 185. I'm at 205ish right now, but to be honest I don't weight myself that much. I'm mostly aiming to have a noticeably less jiggly body if that makes sense. I'm a 16 pant size right now...would love to get back down to a 12 (the size Iw as when I weighed 185).

    Just keep working and you can always revise your goal. Charts with ideal weights exist but it varies so much person to person that it is better to focus on what makes you feel healthy and happy.

    P.S. There are studies that show that BMI is a flawed way to measure obesity, so I wouldn't use that as a gauge.
  • marie5282
    marie5282 Posts: 61 Member
    I always find it interesting to read what sizes people wear, since it's so individual and based on where you carry your weight and all.

    I'm 5'10" with a larger build (broad shoulders, big hands, size 10.5/11 shoe, broad hip bones.) I'm currently 222 lbs and a size 14-18 depending on the clothing brand and cut/style. Even at a lower weight though (the lowest I recall being at this height was when I was in high school at about 165 lbs...and I thought I was fat then, ha!) I was still wearing a size 12. Currently my goal weight is 190 and I figure that I'll go from there once I reach it.

    Definitely would be willing to add friends from here if anyone wants. Good to have some tall girls on my newsfeed!
  • ramepithecus
    ramepithecus Posts: 40 Member
    edited July 2015
    Oooo - I'm in. 6'1" and I'm currently at 170lbs but I would like to be closer to 155 which is where I maintained for most of my 30's. If I can't lose it (and I've made no significant progress in 2 months) I would settle for rearranging the current weight.

    I think I win the shoe size competition: women's size 14, men's 12.5

    PS - I'm new to the community section and would add any friend requests.
  • kitaemma
    kitaemma Posts: 40 Member
    From how you're describing yourself I'd say we have very similar body types :) I'm 6'1", currently 200 and a size 10, at 185 I'm an 8 and that's a great place to be for me. At 175 I'm a size 6 with visible stomach definition
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    I'm 5'10, size 11 shoe, medium frame (? I guess...) and I don't have a "goal weight". When I first joined MFP, I set a goal of 130 (after not weighing myself for years, I gained some weight in college and ended up around 155 pounds). Three years down the line, 130 is neither feasible nor desirable for me. I got down to about 136 at my lowest and didn't like how I looked (and I was hardly skin and bones-- I've been lifting heavy 3 days a week for about 2 years now), so I'm emphasizing eating to build strength now. I think 145-150 (with a low BF%) is sort of my "target" at this point.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    2wise4u wrote: »
    I'm 5'9", 205 lbs and wear a size 11 shoe. I wear a size 18 and have a goal weight of 145 lbs. My lowest adult weight was 160, I wore a size 12 (almost 10) and I felt fantastic and could have probably lost about 10 more pounds comfortably. Congrats on all who have lost and good luck on your future weight loss.

    Basically the same weight and only slightly taller. I wear a US 8 on the bottom and a 10 or 12 on the top. Most of my dresses are size 12 due to boobs.

    Height and frame size matter, but proportions and body composition can make a big difference too.