10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout!



  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Time to get back to recording and updating this post. I have been doing my workouts and am 4 workouts away from completing the 10K Swings. I was hoping to complete the challenge in a single month, or 30 day period, but I'll be a few days over...

    So last week I went to Munich for a few days for work and lucky me, found a gym right across the street that had Kettlebells. The only 'real' 'bell they had though was a 32Kilo (70lbs for my American followers... I can say that as I'm an American living in Europe! ;) ) So, I did my 500 Swings with the 32 Kilo.

    Workouts are below.
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Munich Workout on Thursday July 9th at an Awesome gym with an outdoor, rooftop area.

    Here is my workout:

    10 Swings (32Kilo KB)
    3 Chins
    15 Swings (32Kilo KB)
    2 Chins
    25 Swings (32Kilo KB)
    1 Chin
    50 Swings (32Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Each set of the cluster is performed with no rest between swings/chins/swings.
    Rest of 2.5 -3 minutes between clusters

    Time: 32:22

  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Munich Workout on Friday July 10th at the same rooftop gym as the previous workout.

    This workout was great, however, I couldn't do the last 50 swings of each cluster non-stop. I had to set the 'bell down at 30 swings and shake my hands out for a few seconds before completing the final 20

    Workout below:

    10 Swings (32Kilo KB)
    3 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    15 Swings (32Kilo KB)
    2 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    25 Swings (32Kilo KB)
    1 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    50 Swings (32Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Each set of the cluster is performed with no rest between swings/presses/swings.
    Rest of 3 minutes between clusters

    Time: 33:02
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Back at my home gym tonight.

    This workout amazed me at how 'light' the 28Kilo KB felt. The first cluster felt like I was swinging a 24Kilo bell again... :smile:

    This is workout number 16, so only 4 more to go and I'll have nailed the 10,000 Swings again!

    Workout below:


    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's - 5 Reps
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's - 3 Reps
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's - 2 Reps
    50 Swings (28Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    That is a total of 500 Swings and 50 KB Front Squats.

    Time: 32:45
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    bahiablk wrote: »
    This sounds cool. I've done kettle bells on and off for 4 years. I usually do 300 swings on alternating days with traditional strength training. On swing days. I alternate 100 swing sets with windmills, snatches, and cleans. I mostly use 16, 20, and 24 kilo bells.
    I agree with you about people who come to the gym with no plan. I use an app called Gym Buddy on my iPhone to plan my workouts and record my sets, reps, and weight lifted.

    I'm a real believer in the 'bells now...

    Tonight's 500 Swing workout was done after a heavy (for me) Chest and Bicep workout, using the KB's as my cardio for the night.

  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Later workout for me tonight as I had a long drive to the gym from a customer meeting this evening. Normally I would just skip the workout, but I was determined to get it in today...

    Time was a bit slower tonight than the last time I did the 'Dips workout'; about 30 seconds slower.

    This is workout # 17, so I only have 3 more to go and I'll be completed the 10,000 Swings. I will complete the challenge this week. A bit more than a month, so not too bad considering the travel I've had to do for work the past few weeks.

    Workout below:

    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    5 Dips
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    3 Dips
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    2 Dips
    50 Swings (28Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    500 KB Swings and 50 BW Dips.

    Time: 29:01
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Ok, so I did finish the 10,000 Swings and have logged them all, I just got behind on updating this post.
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    July 16 Workout:

    Good workout overall. Forearms were tired on the last couple of clusters.

    Workout below:

    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    3 Chins
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    2 Chins
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    1 Chin
    50 Swings (28Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Each set of the cluster is performed with no rest between swings/chins/swings.
    Rest of 2.5 -3 minutes between clusters

    Time: 32:07

    One more to go and I'll have completed the 10K...
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    July 17 Workout:

    Felt great, good workout!

    Workout below:

    Workout below:


    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    3 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    2 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    1 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    50 Swings (28Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Each set of the cluster is performed with no rest between swings/presses/swings.
    Rest of 2.5 - 3 minutes between clusters

    Time: 29:38

    I was wrong in my previous post, I have ONE more to go... :smiley:
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    July 18 workout

    This was my final (20) workout of the 10,000 Swing Challenge! I decided to use the lighter 24 Kilo 'bell and do Dips as I wanted to compare the time Delta between my first workout and my last. I shaved almost 4 full minutes off my workout. To me that is outstanding!

    10 Swings (24Kilo KB)
    5 Dips
    15 Swings (24Kilo KB)
    3 Dips
    25 Swings (24Kilo KB)
    2 Dips
    50 Swings (24Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Time: 24:32