I need help on Elliptical Weight loss

5 days of the week I run on the elliptical i am 157.4 pounds and 5 ft 5 inches i want to reach an goal weight of 125 pounds! I have a great lower body due to the fact that i play soccer but my upper body is struggling i have a good ammount of fat on my stomach and alot of it is in my upper chest (I am a male) in desperate need of support and tips


  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    You need to add some resistance training of some sort to your routine. Find some form of resistance (weights or body weight) that you like and add it in 3-4 days a week.
  • R1rainbows
    R1rainbows Posts: 129 Member
    I have slowly built up to 45-47 minutes of interval resistance/speed on my elliptical 6x a week. You truly can't spot reduce your trouble areas... but I can attest that staying in my calorie goals, I've successfully lost almost 24 pounds and multitudes of inches over my whole body in just a little over two months. Keep at it, it'll come off, just most likely not all from one area :)
  • claraoswold
    claraoswold Posts: 89 Member
    Spot reduction is a myth. Start doing some strength training as well, it will help your shape.
  • ScubaSteve1962
    ScubaSteve1962 Posts: 609 Member
    How long, what's your heart rate, what resistance, what speed. I do the elliptical five days a week, started at 6 mph to get my heart rate above 80% now it's up to 8 mph. I do that for 1 hr. I use a HRM to control the resistance.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I lost about 50 lbs largely using the elliptical as my low impact cardio. I use one of the interval modes and gradually increase the resistance over time. Used this 3-5x/week and had great results. Now that I'm at a better weight I run, but still go back to the elliptical when I need to work out soreness or my knees are bothering me.