trying to lose this baby belly

Hello my name is karrie I'm 22 and had my first baby October of last year . I gained a total of 40 pounds while pregnant and have only lost 20 . I need motivation!!! I wanna hit my 120lb weight goal so bad but Its honestly hard to get going on a steady plan .I'm tired of feeling tired and sluggish. Please sent me some motivation


  • tlucero1
    tlucero1 Posts: 1 Member
    Im in the same boat! My 2nd daughter is 6 months old and still trying to lose weight! I just keep thinking I WILL fit into that swimsuit before the summer is over! I gained 20 lbs w the pregnancy but I was already overweight and at my heaviest when I got pregnant:-(. We need to stay focused and work out as well as dieting. We can do it!
  • KiaCeline
    KiaCeline Posts: 10 Member
    I suggest the app EVERYMOVE it helps you set a plan, and the reminder to plank will definitely help with the tummy, for easy tips add and message me!
  • igarcia13
    igarcia13 Posts: 59 Member
    Congrats on your little one!! I also had my first baby last year in October, gained 50 lbs and I've lost 42. Are you breast feeding? Breast feeding helped me A LOT! I know it's hard to start a workout routine but try to do it for a couple of days and then you'll want to work out. It's also helpful to have a buddy to check up on you and remind you to work out. You can start off small, I started doing Jillians 30 day shred on YouTube. It's only 20 min but it will make you sweat!
  • vottisv
    vottisv Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi... Maybe I can help! I have 3 kids but after my first I was over weight, I had gained 60 lbs. It took 3 yrs too loose it. After my second I had gained 45 but after my 3rd I had only gained 30. Now I'm at my smallest weighing 111! My biggest, while pregnant, was 190. Only thanks to this app. I log every single thing that I eat, whichh helps me not snack and sneak in bites because I absolutely don't have the time to look up and log the calories. I bought a scale to help with my progress. I also do crunches every morning while watching the today show- I set my alarm and get up before everyone, drink coffe and get to work. I haven't been doing crunches for a month but already see results. I will always have a baby belly (extra skin) but wow the difference you feel! I'm a firm believer in anything counts- dont take that extra bite! I know you're tired from the baby but just try anything- leg lifts, push ups, crunches, anything- you don't have to conquer the world- just one little step
  • karrie53
    karrie53 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone ❤ this morning I actually wanted to eat more but didn't because I was embarrassed to add it to my food diary s I hope this helps me a lot . I need a lifestyle change not only for me but for my daughter. IGarcia13 I have the 6 week 6 pack and 30 day shred on DVD I just get so sore after one day and then I never can continue to workout because I hurt so bad lol I'm so out of shape it's unreal because when I was 20 I was 115 and I was so healthy I worked out every single day I can't believe I'm back to this point again. Its depressing