one day at a time.

Well... I've been logging my food about two weeks now but I just stumbled into this area! Looking forward to the support as I change my habits and learn healthy alternatives dealing with stress and late night snacking.... I was 210 pounds when I started, last week I am down to 204. I am starting to see the difference and feel it. My short term goal is 185/190 by October 1st....


  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Good for you, and I like your "one day at a time" attitude. Keep up the good work!
  • worthlesswalkers
    worthlesswalkers Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you! It as that same attitude I used when I quit smoking and now I'm using it to find my inner thinner person!
  • Twakes558
    Twakes558 Posts: 541 Member
    Great work! Stay positive and keep up the great attitude
  • worthlesswalkers
    worthlesswalkers Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you!
  • vanhook2003
    vanhook2003 Posts: 5 Member
    Have you tried music or reading to relax you in the evening? Get an accountability partner that is a good listener. You are doing great!
  • worthlesswalkers
    worthlesswalkers Posts: 9 Member

    Thank you!
  • ylchavis3
    ylchavis3 Posts: 3 Member
    You look Fantastic!!! I just starte this week!! soooo! it does work? Smile
  • worthlesswalkers
    worthlesswalkers Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you! My profile picture is from about 6 years ago, taken about 6 months after having baby number 2! I felt great and felt like I looked good. My goal is to regain that feeling and confidence. I am not content sitting on my butt and complaining about not being able to lose weight while I eat everything and anything I see..... The key word you used was WORK, yes it works, it's hard work but very worth it! I've been working out almost nightly and really trying to watch portion size, I've lost 7 pounds and can feel my core muscles strengthening, my arms feel less flabby and my legs feel stronger. My goal is to be 185 by October 1st..... Will you join me in making daily choices that improve our health?