How about we try this again

almondaddict Posts: 14 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Over the years I've made countless posts similar to this one, always with the best intentions of sticking to a healthy lifestyle and losing weight. Bolstered by the motivation and support of people in similar situations to me, I'd keep up the effort and show great results, but more often than not I'd let myself fall victim to making excuses such as "you've had a rough week, eating that cake won't hurt" before eventually abandoning my efforts.

I'd really like this time to be different. Equipped with my past experiences of both success and failure, I've started a new account and know that with the right motivation I can 100% do this right.

So here we go, my name is Emma, I'm a 21 year old Economics student living with my boyfriend in Denmark. I, however, am Irish and moved here just two years ago. I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds in the long term. But anywhere from 30 onwards would make me delighted! I do realize that a lot of work will have to be put into changing my lifestyle, both eating habits and fitness wise. But I'm looking forward to the challenges and am hoping I can establish myself in this community with a strong foundation of support and motivation. So if you are in a similar position and need someone to keep you going, or to just be a friend in this process, add me!
