Millionth time I have started a diet this year... HELP!!



  • TShultz69
    TShultz69 Posts: 16 Member
    Try starting with a cleanse/detox. It's great to get rid of cravings and reset your body. I recommend The Conscious Cleanse as it incorporates journaling to help with the emotional aspect of eating. Also, educate yourself as much as possible about nutrition. Watch Forks over Knives to begin with. Aim for a plant based, whole food diet. Get rid of ALL processed foods. Good luck you can do it! I have started a million and one times too so I'm right there with you
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    I almost always become discouraged when I "make a mistake" and have a bad day where I eat WAY too much. I've learned that if I look at the overarching picture rather than the snapshot, I can see the direction and view every day like a "practice." Some practice days are good and some aren't so good, but as long as I'm seeing improvement overall, it's a success. (I'm a violinist, so this viewpoint works really well for me)
  • DisBarb
    DisBarb Posts: 1 Member
    Yep, I suck. I've been complaining about being overweight, but have done nothing. So again, I am starting a new lifestyle change. I want so much to lose some weight. I'm not being unrealistic. I know what I can maintain with a little effort. I just don't do it, so I've put the weight back on. I suck. Today is a new start! I must write down everything I eat, so I can control my portions. This is what works for me. Good luck to us all!
  • LieneBrante
    LieneBrante Posts: 21 Member
    Thing is that yes she can eat what ever she likes and stay same as well. To start loosing weight she has to kick that metabolism in a gear and have less carbs sugar and fat. A little of that is fine but she needs more protein and fiber.otherwise it will not change much and she will fail again. Problem with that is that ppl think diet has to be boring . It does not. There are many amazing recepies online that consist of those types of ingredients. It's just the fact of balancing them out and staying on track of what you eating and not skipping meals so the hunger attacks kick in. Iw done it all before with success and have let my self eat what ever I want for two years. Time to pay the consequences. Treating your self is good thing but it shouldn't become a habit or a replacement for a bad day or relationship substitute.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    TShultz69 wrote: »
    Try starting with a cleanse/detox. It's great to get rid of cravings and reset your body. I recommend The Conscious Cleanse as it incorporates journaling to help with the emotional aspect of eating. Also, educate yourself as much as possible about nutrition. Watch Forks over Knives to begin with. Aim for a plant based, whole food diet. Get rid of ALL processed foods. Good luck you can do it! I have started a million and one times too so I'm right there with you

    Cleanses don't work. They are, sadly, complete woo. If they make you feel better, that's up to you, but they don't actually do anything for your body. She also doesn't have to get rid of processed food. The most successful people here often eat 'processed' foods, because they know that it doesn't help to demonise foods :)
    Thing is that yes she can eat what ever she likes and stay same as well. To start loosing weight she has to kick that metabolism in a gear and have less carbs sugar and fat. A little of that is fine but she needs more protein and fiber.otherwise it will not change much and she will fail again. Problem with that is that ppl think diet has to be boring . It does not. There are many amazing recepies online that consist of those types of ingredients. It's just the fact of balancing them out and staying on track of what you eating and not skipping meals so the hunger attacks kick in. Iw done it all before with success and have let my self eat what ever I want for two years. Time to pay the consequences. Treating your self is good thing but it shouldn't become a habit or a replacement for a bad day or relationship substitute.

    You do not need to 'kick your metabolism into gear'. Nothing can do that, really, except muscle gain. If your metabolism stopped working, you'd die! Also, there is NOTHING wrong with fat. Fat is good! It keeps you full! A lot of successful people have high protein high fat macros. If you've done it all before, then why are you back...? Those who maintain successfully are those who do not cut anything out. Most successful people here have a treat every day and fit it into their calories. Some say 80/20 - 80% nutrient dense 'good' food, 20% 'treat' food. For example I had soup and a banana for lunch, and some tea. For dinner I'll have a chicken and cheese toasty and some broccoli. Then for dessert I'm going to have a brownie - it fits into my calories and macros, so why should I not have it? Having it keeps me sane. It keeps me from having days where I go 'fugg it' and eat a 100 chocolate bars. It will not slow my weight loss down.
    Good luck to everyone :)
  • LieneBrante
    LieneBrante Posts: 21 Member
    Fat and protein isn't the same thing.and looking at what you just wrote for what you eating is pretty much what I sed before,minus the brownie as I sed a treat :I put down yogurt and fruit as it is much healthier substitute .some ppl have slower metabolism in general and when your cholesterol levels and sugar or salts at sky high it will never work as perfect as it could if your body gets the right amount nutrition it needs.i can be that smart coz I have personal trainer who has explained and does this for me on every day bases now.coz in past yes iw lost weight but I went wrong about it and the unhealthy choises have returned and got me over time exactly where I was before.
  • LieneBrante
    LieneBrante Posts: 21 Member
    And I'm not talking about cutting cake out for rest of hers life .of course not but whilst she's trying to reach the desired results she should stay away from high carbs and after moderate
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Lol thank you, glad you can appreciate that my lifestyle is a little challenging, my little ones are 6months and 18months, so you can appreciate that I need to do things with them in mind, am thinking maybe long walks out with the buggy is a good start with regards to exercise and food I think I just need to forward plan, so I'm not tempted to carry on doing what I've been doing which is going for ready made, easy to grab food!! Love some of the ideas that people have used that work for them, much appreciated!

    Have ready made food that isn't junk available. Precut and clean fruits and veggies when the children sleep, or buy it already precut and cleaned if you can. Make stews, soups, chili, and sauces and freeze it in microwavable containers for quick and easy meals.

    Instead of rocking your babies, walk them to sleep. Just lifting and caring for your children is exercise. As is laundry and cleaning and other household chores. You can get plenty of exercise without carving out time specifically for it. If you are moving, you are exercising.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    TShultz69 wrote: »
    Try starting with a cleanse/detox. It's great to get rid of cravings and reset your body. I recommend The Conscious Cleanse as it incorporates journaling to help with the emotional aspect of eating. Also, educate yourself as much as possible about nutrition. Watch Forks over Knives to begin with. Aim for a plant based, whole food diet. Get rid of ALL processed foods. Good luck you can do it! I have started a million and one times too so I'm right there with you

  • LieneBrante
    LieneBrante Posts: 21 Member
    Lol thank you, glad you can appreciate that my lifestyle is a little challenging, my little ones are 6months and 18months, so you can appreciate that I need to do things with them in mind, am thinking maybe long walks out with the buggy is a good start with regards to exercise and food I think I just need to forward plan, so I'm not tempted to carry on doing what I've been doing which is going for ready made, easy to grab food!! Love some of the ideas that people have used that work for them, much appreciated!

    Have ready made food that isn't junk available. Precut and clean fruits and veggies when the children sleep, or buy it already precut and cleaned if you can. Make stews, soups, chili, and sauces and freeze it in microwavable containers for quick and easy meals.

    Instead of rocking your babies, walk them to sleep. Just lifting and caring for your children is exercise. As is laundry and cleaning and other household chores. You can get plenty of exercise without carving out time specifically for it. If you are moving, you are exercising.
    That is a great suggestion!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    edited July 2015
    Keep in mind that this shouldn't be a 'diet', but a change in your eating habits. What worked for me was to log for a week without any changes and look for patterns. Then, I started changing a little bit at a time. By going slow, I was retraining myself on what works for me and lowering what I consider a portion size. This helps to correct a lot of bad eating habits I had, and while it's not perfect and I occasionally mess up, it's gotten to the point that I can self-correct pretty easily without having to sit and plan things.

    TShultz69 wrote: »
    Try starting with a cleanse/detox. It's great to get rid of cravings and reset your body. I recommend The Conscious Cleanse as it incorporates journaling to help with the emotional aspect of eating. Also, educate yourself as much as possible about nutrition. Watch Forks over Knives to begin with. Aim for a plant based, whole food diet. Get rid of ALL processed foods. Good luck you can do it! I have started a million and one times too so I'm right there with you


    Detoxes don't work because guess what? Your body already does that. That's what the liver and kidneys are for.

    Plant based, whole food diet? Aside from being expensive, don't really do much. Yes, you need to have a healthy balanced diet, but you don't need to become a vegetarian to do so. If you want to or have an ethical reason for doing so, that's one thing, and more power to you. But that's not a requirement for a healthy diet.

    Processed foods? I eat them all the time and guess what? I'm losing weight and in much better health that I used to be. Granted, if your entire diet is fast food and microwaved meals, you're not doing yourself any favors, but it's all about moderation. You can make healthy food choices and still have microwave meals and eat out.