adipex Over weight Support!

brayden2011mfp Posts: 7 Member
edited July 2015 in Getting Started
hey guys and gals I would love to have support from people who understand where im coming from. Im 30 yrs old and have had yo-yo weight my whole life i started counting calories about a month ago and have lost 7lbs. I went to the dr the other day and got put on adipex Day #4 so far! but weighing 263 i have a ways to go. Any advice would be much appriecated :)


  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    What is the plan for when you stop Adipex?
  • brayden2011mfp
    brayden2011mfp Posts: 7 Member
    to continue with calorie counting lost 7lbs by doing it adipex to jump start it faster. hoping it will get me on the right path :)
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Just remember to log everything and be truthful about your calorie counting. Don't measure foods, but weigh them instead. Best of luck to you!!!
  • brayden2011mfp
    brayden2011mfp Posts: 7 Member
    thank you :) I am most def ready for big changes!
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited July 2015
    cathipa wrote: »
    What is the plan for when you stop Adipex?

    I second this. While the Adipex may have helped to "jumpstart" your weight loss, you will have to be prepared to make perhaps some bigger changes when you stop using it as it may be compensating or boosting metabolism or something ('m not familiar with how it works).

    When you use aids to boost weight loss or make it happen quicker it can really contribute to yo-yoing and since you said you've done that your whole life, I'd say slow and steady would work best for you. You've lost 7 lbs in 4 days? Is it water weight? What about your eating habits have you changed?

    Sometimes using aids/supplements/etc will help short term but causes frustration and could be counter productive long term.

    ETA: I read up on it quickly - it's an appetite suppressant for people with high risk factors such as high blood pressure or diabetes. It should be used in conjunction with diet and exercise, not in place of. Now that I re-read your first post and realized you lost 7lbs in one month I would say this could become a crutch and to be very, very careful about how long you use it for.
  • brayden2011mfp
    brayden2011mfp Posts: 7 Member
    no i started counting calories a month ago and lost 7lbs with-in that month. not sure how much since i started adipex sorry for the confusion. i am slowly making a lifestyle change ex: smaller portions and diet drinks instead of reg dr pepper which I was addicted to. In the four days i have been on Adipex i notice i am drinking lots of water instead of soda and my body is actually craving it for the first time! i have to make myself eat and have no hunger pains i know it is a crutch and i plan in stopping it after a few months in which hopefully my stomach will shrink and make me full faster i am just using it bc i have ALOT of weight to lose. i have lost about 40 pounds b4 by diet and exercise but i got pregnant and after my son was born i had a birth control implant which caused me to gain all i had lost plus a extra 40. i can maintain weight when its gone but that birth control really messed me up with the weight gain swelling and so forth. just needed a jump start cuz i have it in my mind to make this change.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    Sounds like you're using it smartly - as a tool to get started on a healthy plan and not as a "quick fix". I can't really add anything else helpful to the conversation, as you seem to have a reasonable idea of how to continue after you start with it. Just be prepared for your appetite to come back in full force after you stop use. I've heard the first week or so can be an adjustment.
  • brayden2011mfp
    brayden2011mfp Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you very much :)
  • brayden2011mfp
    brayden2011mfp Posts: 7 Member
    i just got my results back from the Dr and my cholestrol is slightly elevated :(. i dont eat meat so i dont underatand and it scares me my dad passed away at age 40 with a heart attack:( i am trying so hard to make a lifestyle change but i need help support and ideas on what i can and can not eat! Help!!!!!
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    What does your doctor recommend? It sounds like "slightly elevated" might not be anything to get too concerned about quite yet.

    The thing about cholesterol is that they're finding that a lot of what determines a person's cholesterol level is in their genes and has nothing to do with what they eat. If your dad had cholesterol problems, this is probably why you do as well. You need to consult with your doctor regarding what you can do do counteract this, as diet might not do anything for you.

    If you do want to go ahead and adjust your diet and see if it helps, here's what the old-school treatment has been. First off, meat has nothing to do with it. Fatty meat is what you would want to stay away from. So, if you're not abstaining from meat for moral reasons, go ahead and partake in fish, chicken, turkey, and lean cuts of pork and beef.

    Secondly, the old belief is that saturated fats influence cholesterol. This would include heavy butters, creams, and cheeses. You should still be able to partake in these things, but choose the lower-fat options (oils, fat-free or skim cheeses, etc.)

    Whatever you do, make sure you're still getting plenty of unsaturated fats, especially monounsaturated fats. You can find a good helping in nuts and legums.
  • sunnyj81
    sunnyj81 Posts: 61 Member
    I've taken Adipex in the past. When coming off of it, you definitely have to watch everything you eat and monitor your intake/calories. Definitely keep working out. You'll not have that extra kick from the medication and it is easy to put double the weight on when finishing the medicine if you do not keep up your momentum. Good luck to you!
  • gwynndolynhp
    gwynndolynhp Posts: 3 Member
    I've gone from 212 to 165 so far with the help of Adipex I also lift weights and attend jazzercise classes. I stopped taking it for about 5 or 6 months and I did NOT gain any weight back. However I wasn't losing either my goal is just to get to 150. When I went off the medicine I kept up my exercise routine which is probably why I didn't gain any weight. When I stop taking it permanently i plan on keeping up my same routine. I encourage you in your efforts. Adipex helps me stick to my diet but I do diet and exercise
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    Wow glad to find a post that is not bashing this medication but helping someone on it. I have been on adipex for almost 3 months so far I went from 254 to 219 so 35lbs lost. I am only using the drug as a helping hand not as a replacement for anything. I track all of my food intake and count every calorie *most days I think I miss a Saturday twice a month. I work out 6 days a week 4 days I run at the gym doing HIIT and combined runs, I do a body weight boot camp one day a week and a WERQ fitness class once a week. I do worry about what will happen when I come off but I believe if I stick to what I am doing now I will be ok. I have no plans on going back to my old lifestyle I am loving my workouts and the feelings that I get from them. Please send me a friend request if you would like to I am always looking for new friends who are on this journey as well.
  • lrash1167
    lrash1167 Posts: 16 Member
    Just starting to take this med today... I need to lose roughly 50 pounds but I've had a complete hysterectomy and have neuropathy in my feet and suffer from sever COPD so my metabolism REAALY needs some help to get going and I can't do much cardio other than walking. I've been eating 1,200 calories a day (3 meals w/3 snacks and nothing past 7 pm) and walking 4 days a week now for 2 months and have only shed about 3 pounds so doctor says this should help... Here's hoping!!
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    lrash1167 wrote: »
    Just starting to take this med today... I need to lose roughly 50 pounds but I've had a complete hysterectomy and have neuropathy in my feet and suffer from sever COPD so my metabolism REAALY needs some help to get going and I can't do much cardio other than walking. I've been eating 1,200 calories a day (3 meals w/3 snacks and nothing past 7 pm) and walking 4 days a week now for 2 months and have only shed about 3 pounds so doctor says this should help... Here's hoping!!

    Go you it will help a lot if you can walk do some uphill walking it will burn more and bring the heart rate up more.
    NCGOALIEMOM Posts: 82 Member
    I was put on it in the past as well. I did pretty well the first couple of months and then it started to fry my adrenals (in retrospect, I was showing signs of adrenal burnout before that, so I can't say the medication was at fault entirely). I support the fact that it can jump start the weight loss/motivation and can give you that energy boost to get started on an exercise routine. I will say the one thing I noticed when I went off of it was my hunger was OUT OF CONTROL. I was starving ALL.THE.TIME I'm still battling with that and trying to get it under control. But I think in general it can be a really good catalyst for permanent change when you are fully prepared to wean off of it.
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    NCRawGirl wrote: »
    I was put on it in the past as well. I did pretty well the first couple of months and then it started to fry my adrenals (in retrospect, I was showing signs of adrenal burnout before that, so I can't say the medication was at fault entirely). I support the fact that it can jump start the weight loss/motivation and can give you that energy boost to get started on an exercise routine. I will say the one thing I noticed when I went off of it was my hunger was OUT OF CONTROL. I was starving ALL.THE.TIME I'm still battling with that and trying to get it under control. But I think in general it can be a really good catalyst for permanent change when you are fully prepared to wean off of it.

    What are adrenals if you don't mind me asking and what does it due to you when they burnout? Also how long have you been off of it?
    NCGOALIEMOM Posts: 82 Member
    NCRawGirl wrote: »
    I was put on it in the past as well. I did pretty well the first couple of months and then it started to fry my adrenals (in retrospect, I was showing signs of adrenal burnout before that, so I can't say the medication was at fault entirely). I support the fact that it can jump start the weight loss/motivation and can give you that energy boost to get started on an exercise routine. I will say the one thing I noticed when I went off of it was my hunger was OUT OF CONTROL. I was starving ALL.THE.TIME I'm still battling with that and trying to get it under control. But I think in general it can be a really good catalyst for permanent change when you are fully prepared to wean off of it.

    What are adrenals if you don't mind me asking and what does it due to you when they burnout? Also how long have you been off of it?

    Your adrenals are your adrenal glands. The glands that regulate adrenaline/cortisol and thyroid hormone function. When they burn out, your thyroid levels get messed up, your sleep gets messed up, your cortisone (stress hormone) gets messed up. Basically you pack on weight like nobody's business...and it takes FOREVER to heal. I've been doing supplement therapy for a year now and I'm still not close to recovered. They have cortisone therapy as well, but cortisone stresses the adrenals long term so not choosing that was a no brainer. Basically my body no longer handles stress at all, I'm exhausted all the time, I can't sleep without massive sleep medication. My adrenine spikes at 3am and I will wake up feeling like I've sprinted a 5k and cannot go back to sleep. Stimulants the worsen the recovery, so that's why I had to stop taking it (I can't even have a cup of coffee anymore) in retrospect I should have NEVER started taking it as I had adrenal exhaustion symptoms before my first dose but a lot of doctors are clueless about adrenal function. If you want to learn more than you ever want to know about adrenals/thyroid/hormones and how they all play an integral part of our health and weight loss, is the most comprehensive website I have found to date. There is a plethora of information there.
  • no i started counting calories a month ago and lost 7lbs with-in that month. not sure how much since i started adipex sorry for the confusion. i am slowly making a lifestyle change ex: smaller portions and diet drinks instead of reg dr pepper which I was addicted to. In the four days i have been on Adipex i notice i am drinking lots of water instead of soda and my body is actually craving it for the first time! i have to make myself eat and have no hunger pains i know it is a crutch and i plan in stopping it after a few months in which hopefully my stomach will shrink and make me full faster i am just using it bc i have ALOT of weight to lose. i have lost about 40 pounds b4 by diet and exercise but i got pregnant and after my son was born i had a birth control implant which caused me to gain all i had lost plus a extra 40. i can maintain weight when its gone but that birth control really messed me up with the weight gain swelling and so forth. just needed a jump start cuz i have it in my mind to make this change.

    I didn't read the rest of the thread so if I'm repeating what someone else has said I do apologize! Diet sodas, diet ANYTHING are so unhealthy. The artificial sweeteners trick your body into thinking you've consumed sugar, and in turn your body releases insulin. But then the insulin doesn't have the glucose to process, and your body says, "Whoa! Too much insulin in the blood! We need more sugar to get rid of this insulin!" So your body then tells the brain you need sugar, which in turn makes you crave something sweet. This cycle repeats over and over and eventually your body produces less and less insulin, which leaves sugar in your blood. This cycle can actually MAKE a person diabetic. I know this because it's exactly how my mother became diabetic.

    In addition, aspartame is a neurotoxin. It changes your brain chemistry. It can kill you. I know this because it was a major contributing factor in my mother's sudden and unexpected death one year ago. She had an addiction to diet Peach Snapple.

    Sugar is NOT the enemy. It needs to be moderated and monitored. Natural sugars (found in food without being added like fruits and some vegetables) are fine. Refined sugars are ok IN MODERATION. If you want to have ONE soda, go for it. Just don't make it a diet soda.

    Good luck and I hope you meet your goals!
  • Jozzmenia
    Jozzmenia Posts: 252 Member
    I used adipex to jump start in the past. When i was in law school it was great because once i lost some pounds working out was easier and i wanted less food. Lost about 50 pounds in 3 months and after 6 months had worked up to running/jogging 10 miles per day. I think i was only on the adipex for 2 months. It can work just have to make yhe the mosy of the time you're on its not long term.