OK, I'm totally confused now.

According to these calculations...I should be consuming 2100 calories in order to lose weight. MFP has me at 1200 cals. Can someone do their's using these calculations and tell me if your's is accurate?

It's been 2 1/2 weeks and I've only lost 1 lb. I have changed my eating habits drastically (I was eating WAY worse prior) and I have been working out. So I am clearly doing something wrong. This is so frustrating.:(

Edited to add the link for the calculations sorry: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/nutrition/40273-how-many-calories-should-i-eat.html


  • MNPierce80
    MNPierce80 Posts: 21
    how many pounds a week did you say you wanted to lose?
  • Achlys101
    Achlys101 Posts: 44
    Am confused too so I can't help you :(
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    Well, I am no doctor. However, I am well practiced in dieting. I think 2,100 calories is waaaaayyyy too many to be consuming, unless you are doing a LOT of exercise to rev of your metabolism. I am consuming 1,200-1,500 (depending on how many calories I burn using my elliptical) and I have lost 3 lbs. in 5 days. I say, stick to what your MFP says.
  • thibautseeker
    thibautseeker Posts: 69 Member
    If you're working out you've probably gained muscle which weighs heavier - it really is a case of measurements often giving the best indication of how you are doing!

    MFP gives you back extra calories for any exercise you do so you do stay at losing either 2 or 1 lb per week (depending on what you've put in when you signed up). It's always best to lose weight slowly not only is it less likely to go back on again quickly if you do have a lapse but it also gives your body a better chance to tone up as you're losing.
  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    I put in that I want to lose 2 lbs a week. I just thought that since I have changed my eating so drastically and have been working out 5 days a week...2 things that I haven't been doing well at all for years, That I would have seen a better result by now.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    A 1lb loss is good - it takes your body a while to adjust to the new regime you're throwing at it. Keep at it for a few more weeks and then re-assess.
  • Kaiwyn
    Kaiwyn Posts: 11
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Ok, I went to the link and the calculations it has you doing are to figure your MAINTENANCE calories for your current weight. In order to lose one pound a week (which is recommended and the most healthy rate for most people) you need to subtract 500 from that, SO... your weight LOSS calories would be 1600, not 2100. If you told MFP you wanted to lose 2 pounds, it would have put you at 1200 as that is the safest low calorie count for a female to consume in order to still have her body function properly. However, I have told many people that they should change THAT goal to 1300 so they can still eat TO or a tiny bit OVER the 1200 in order to be healthy, without having the site say you're over. If any of that needs more clarification, feel free to add and/or message me. And good luck!
  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    I've just had a quick look at the site and I think the calculation it gives is for your BMR - i.e. the amount of calories you need to live if you just lay very still all day - and then gives you an extra calculation which will give you the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight.

    So don't worry, it's right but only if you don't want to lose weight!

    Stick with what MFP tells you and you'll be fine - eat whatever MFP tells you is your calorie amount for the day and do some exercise, you'll soon start to lose.
  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member

    UGH! I didn't catch that typo!! THanks. So I re-calc'd. And now it says 965 calories to lose weight. That is waaay too low.

    I'll check out the link you provided.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member

    UGH! I didn't catch that typo!! THanks. So I re-calc'd. And now it says 965 calories to lose weight. That is waaay too low.

    I'll check out the link you provided.

    No diet site should ever recommend less than 1200! Be sure you are doing the numbers correctly. I stay around 1200 to 1500 and lose 2-3# weekly