Sick of plain veggies help??

how can I make veggies taste so good? Details please


  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member
    Veggies already taste good.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
  • clh72569
    clh72569 Posts: 280 Member
    I bake them in the oven with a light spray of olive oil and salt an pepper. Delish!!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Salt, sauces, spices, herbs?

    There is no need to eat vegetables plain unless you would like to.
  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    Curry them lots :)
  • samiamorisseau
    samiamorisseau Posts: 107 Member
    Salt, sauces, spices, herbs?

    There is no need to eat vegetables plain unless you would like to.

    I usually steam veggies after I steam them do I just put the herbs??
  • discretekim
    discretekim Posts: 314 Member
    Do you like sugar snap peas?
  • David_2015
    David_2015 Posts: 231 Member
    Add a homemade tomato sauce?
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Butter and salt does the trick for me.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't really like veggies. There are ones that I don't mind so I can eat them, but honestly, if I don't like a veggie, it doesn't matter how it's prepared, I'm probably not going to like it. Take cauliflower. I've tried roasted, baked, mixed into things, butter, cheese and fried. The ONLY way I'll eat it is fried, and that's only at one restaurant. So maybe instead of trying to make all veggies taste good, focus on a handful that you're ok with and see what you can do with them. Then, branch out.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited July 2015
    Herbs and butter....gotta have some butter!

    Olive oil, garlic, and salt.......toss to coat, roast in the oven

    Asparagus on the grill. Brush with oil and soy sauce. Grilled peppers are nice too.

    Make a veggie dip with Greek yogurt & dry Hidden Valley Ranch mix
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Roasted - toss veggies with a little olive oil, put them in the oven at a high heat cook until desired doneness. Gives some of them a different taste - its the only way I will eat brussel sprouts
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Just wait till you're hungrier. Everything tastes better when you're hungry. :)
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Butter, butter, and more butter.
  • theawill519
    theawill519 Posts: 242 Member
    I used to steam or boil them- YUCK. Now, I melt a little bit of butter in a pan and sautee them with salt, pepper, and garlic. Delish!
  • jbgibso3
    jbgibso3 Posts: 40 Member
    I used steamed vegetables several times a week because it's fast when I have to work two jobs. Steam them and then add a spray of olive oil to give them moisture, and add black pepper and fresh or dried herbs. Just enough to your liking. You can also add homemade or store bought pesto and a little bit of cheese on top.
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Salt, sauces, spices, herbs?

    There is no need to eat vegetables plain unless you would like to.

    I usually steam veggies after I steam them do I just put the herbs??

    Ah, there's your problem. Steamed veggies are fine, but probably the least flavorful way to prepare them. Yes, you can add herbs after steaming, or you could stir fry or roast them instead with the herbs mixed in already. I have an olive oil sprayer to use less oil while cooking. Roasted veggies are the best (and the link above is awesome for that) but if you're in a hurry, you can lightly stir fry or saute them in a skillet on the stove top. It takes hardly any time, you can do it with minimal (or no oil), they retain their nutrients (some escape when they're boiled or steamed) and you can experiment with different flavors added to the cooking process (salt and pepper are always good, but you can do anything, like taco or ranch seasoning or a full on sauce too).

    One of my fave veggie stir fry sauces is simple and low cal--just mix soy sauce, sriracha sauce and splenda in bowl (experiment to find the combo that pleases your taste buds) and toss it into a skillet with your veggies. You can also add an egg, or another protein, to make it a whole meal. You can do this with any veggie, but I find it very easy to buy the bags of broccoli slaw at the grocery (shredded broccoli and cabbage) as the base of the stir fry.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Seriously, a sweet potato baked in the oven requires absolutely nothing. Just wrap in it aluminum foil until it's soft. Remove the outer leaves of brussel sprouts and shake them up in plastic bags with olive oil, and then roast them on low - delicious! Same with asparagus. Stir spinach in some bacon grease with finely chopped onions. Roast corn on the cob in the original husk - very easy to take off once done. Salads. Oh, yes! My favorite is spring mix with french fried onions, avocado, mandarin oranges, and sliced mushrooms. Doesn't even need dressing.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Roast them, lightly stir fry them, slow cook them with different spices. If steaming them is the quickest way for yo for you toss them in lemon juice and garlic/herbs (and a little olive oil if it's in your calories). I found a sauce which I occasionally use which is low in calories but a strong flavour - it's vintage cheddar and dill. Just a tbsp is plenty.