Activity level??

mcb1995x Posts: 2 Member
edited July 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been questioning this week as to whether i should put my activity level as sedentary or lightly active. I work usually 4 days a week with the hours ranging from 3 hours a day to at the most 8, but its usually between 3 and 5 hours. Besides that I am not active besides when I go to the gym (3-5 times a week although i didn't think you were supposed to count actual exercise into activity level). Right now I have it set as lightly active although I'm not sure!! Any help would be appreciated!!

EDIT: I probably should have mentioned that i'm a cashier and I am standing the entire time, along with lightly cleaning, packaging food, etc.


  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    In general it's going to be what you do for a job, not so much your activity outside of that. And exercise you should log seperately.

    If you have a Fitbit or other activity tracker that adjusts your calorie goal automatically you can see if it has to adjust your number a lot and if so, consider adjusting it.
  • mcb1995x
    mcb1995x Posts: 2 Member
    In general it's going to be what you do for a job, not so much your activity outside of that. And exercise you should log seperately.

    If you have a Fitbit or other activity tracker that adjusts your calorie goal automatically you can see if it has to adjust your number a lot and if so, consider adjusting it.

    I unfortunately do not have a fitbit and at the moment can not afford to get one:/
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    That sounds sedentary to me, but you should be able to work out if it's right or not by if you're hitting your goals. If you're trying to lose weight is it coming off at the speed you expect? If not adjust your activity level up or down as required. Hope that helps! :)
  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    mcb1995x wrote: »
    In general it's going to be what you do for a job, not so much your activity outside of that. And exercise you should log seperately.

    If you have a Fitbit or other activity tracker that adjusts your calorie goal automatically you can see if it has to adjust your number a lot and if so, consider adjusting it.

    I unfortunately do not have a fitbit and at the moment can not afford to get one:/

    That's fine. There's always the good ol' fasion "pick X setting and see if the weight is coming off as expected" as Krystle suggested.

    If you are standing at your job and walking around for a moderate portion of your day i would set that to Lightly Active as Sedentary is more for people like me who sit down and stare at a screen all day, and no part of their job besides using the restroom requires movement.