Ditching Low Carb and back to Calorie Counting



  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm sorry it didn't work for you. It happens. Not everyone can do low carb, just like not everyone can do vegan, vegetarian, etc. Find what works and stick with it. As for me, low carb helped make lbs that weren't budging on a higher carb eating plan go away and they have yet to return. But that's just me :)
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I agree that you should find what works for you as long as you're getting adequate nutrition. For myself, I found a balanced diet of moderate carbs and fat and higher protein was best. It helps me feel fuller and helps with some other issues I had experienced for a long time. Most importantly, find a method you can use for the rest of your life. If you follow a diet just til you reach your goal, you're likely to just gain the weight back over and over.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    honestly OP - whatever you do LC, IF, IFFYM, etc, etc is just a tool to get into a calorie deficit. If you failed at LC and have not made proper adjustments i.e. more accurate logging, use of food scale etc, you will probably fail at everything else. It really just boils down to CICO and accurately account for your intake..

  • tsalagi82
    tsalagi82 Posts: 76 Member
    I've tried every diet in the world, and the only one that I can live with is counting calories! I love my carbs!
  • Folky123
    Folky123 Posts: 3 Member
    So I have always been a calorie counter - CICO lifestyle. Joined a Gym that was focused on meeting daily Macronutrient numbers. Being a very habitual and regimented eater and exerciser - this made me very nervous. So invested a year into this new lifestyle and found that I was eating way more than what I normally did to reach the Macro numbers and a lot more calories. Have gained 10 kilos in a year and have decided that this is not for me - so will go back to my standard 3 meals a day all counted. But will be honest and say that moving into pre-menopause stage - apparently I have another enemy to fight and that is all those lovely hormones that they say attribute to excess weight gain thru mid section (tummy and hips) - but I will not be put into that "get older gain weight" box. Its not set in stone - right???
    Good luck to you and do what is right for you ;-)
  • werdnek
    werdnek Posts: 35 Member
    I've tried LCHF a few times and after an initial water loss I always lose NO weight. I also really like the science behind it and hoped it would work for me. Especially to help combat the diabetes that runs in my family. But I don't have a gallbladder, and have felt pretty sick the entire time as my body just couldn't deal with the extra fat along with the struggle to get adequate fiber. I have been told to stick with it and my body would adapt, but I've only managed to go six weeks before I just couldn't take the (about to get gross warning) runs and floating pellet poops (clumps of fat my body couldn't digest) that went along with it. My body did not adapt. Would it have eventually? No idea. I also tried taking digestive enzymes, probiotics, etc. Nothing helped.

    My body seems to love fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Everything runs smoothly and my energy is great when I eat the right balance. I do struggle with craving carbs and sugar, particularly in the afternoons, which I think LCHF helps with. But I have lost over 30 pounds this time eating chocolate and ice cream and drinking wine in moderation along with everything else. Nothing is off-limits. Best of all, I feel like I can do this forever, which is good because I have another 47 or more pounds to go. It is completely sustainable. I think we all need to find what works for us.

    Glad to hear icecream. I just te of ton of it. - well 8 or 10 ounces. Im on the low carb. but not so low. But Bread is off the table and I don't miss it. I did really well yesterday felt good ad energetic. About 8:00 p.m. during break from my night class I decided to pick up a couple of egg rolls. I think that is what ruined me today. It also rained today and that seems to have bad effect on me until it does rain. Barometric pressure I think. In any event if I'm counting calories my final score is about 1300 calories so I can't beat myself up too much can I?
  • Sorchya
    Sorchya Posts: 49 Member
    I love carbs and would never be able to stick to a low carb diet, but I have focused on spending my carbs on mostly "good" carbs, such as whole grains instead of white, eating the potato skin as well as the potato, enjoying fruit...I need to have some moderation to keep the calories under control so I make sure I also get my protein and veggies as well. And we have a great diner near by that makes the best pie so I don't ever have a pie in the house (I can not avoid eating too much when I do) and once in a while work a slice of their pie into my calorie count as a treat. By not saying I never can I am able to keep it just once in a while.

    And to the person who had no gallbladder and tried high fat....you did not fail, your body just lacked what was needed to digest the fat (bile, stored in the gallbladder).