I work at a bakery-advice needed!

I work at a bakery part time that makes bread, cakes, donuts, and assorted pastries. My job requires me to be around food all the time, sell it, or clean up after it (scraping and washing fudge covered trays among other tasks). I've seen support telling others to treat themselves occasionally, but if I have anything while at work the rest of my self control slips. Please, does anyone have any tips at all on how to improve my will power?


  • acmanna
    acmanna Posts: 200 Member
    If you know that you are going to eat something while there, just plan for it in your day. I generally have to have 1 "treat" a day, like chocolate etc. Instead of a full pastry have half, or tell yourself that you will take it home with you and then if you can wait your whole shift without it, you probably won't want it. Also, drink plenty of water to help with your cravings. Bring some fresh fruit with you and dip that in a small amount of fudge, still satisfying but it doesn't have as many calories. Make sure to log everything that you eat, once you see it on paper it becomes even more of a reality check. Best wishes!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I agree about logging everything. Log on good days and bad.
    Bring a high protein lunch and get used to ALWAYS waiting until after the shift to eat a few very small treats.
  • timtakel
    timtakel Posts: 50 Member
    I don't have direct help, but I can tell you it's a bad idea to try to trick yourself with little psycho tricks. Even if they would work, they only do if you don't know that they are applied. Applying them to yourself comes down to willpower, never rely on that, its a very limited resource.
  • pineapple_pizza
    pineapple_pizza Posts: 34 Member
    I think it's best if you plan your treats ahead of time. Decide what days out of the week you'll have a treat and log it the night before. Therefore, you've already decided what and how much you will have. It will also allow you to see realistically how much you are consuming and how it affects your calorie goals. Then mentally commit to that amount before bed and once again before work!

    Also, if you could somehow get the exact measurements for the pastry recipes from the bakers, it would help you log most accurately. I don't know how likely you can obtain that information, but it would definitely alleviate your concern a ton to know exact calorie counts.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    How long have you worked there? I know people who work at a bakery and another who works at a chocolates shop. They said that yes in the beginning it was awesome and hard, but eventually they got sick of the stuff and didn't want the goodies anymore.

    I used to work at a cheesesteak joint in college, about 10 years ago and to this day I have no real desire for cheesesteaks and they used to be one of my favorite sandwiches.
  • Jill814
    Jill814 Posts: 30 Member
    good luck!! that would be the worst job for me! its my go to every time!! i would go with what someone else said, if it is something you really want then put it aside for when you get home and if you do well all day, have half of it. i am just awful with will power, 95% of the time i lose, so then it really comes down to how bad do you want to lose weight/be healthy? not saying you cant EVER had goodies but if you can control and just have 1 day a week or if you have to start smaller start smaller and just do 1/2 a treat a day, but log log log. good luck! you got this!!!
  • LieneBrante
    LieneBrante Posts: 21 Member
    I'm a chef . Pretty much same story. So this is what I do:I precook all my meals for days and freeze them in. Grab one every morning before I go to work . Obviously have breakfast in morning .also it gets thought by noon towards dinner time and shift end this is what I do . I take a pen and draw infinity sign on my hand .it reminds me that if I eat this or that it will be infinite battle with the weight and it's the first thing I see when I strech out to munch on something I shouldn't. Works like electricity and gives me that moral strength support.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Log everything, but I'll tell you something. I worked part-time at the bakery in Ryan's for a few years. It didn't take long before I got so sick and tired of sweets. And I loved them before! So chances are you'll get to the point of not really wanting the sweets, despite being around them.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    I worked in a bakery for 10 years and still am there but as a bookkeeper unless of an emergency then I will fill in. I can not have just a nibble or plan for something If you look at the calories in just a quarter of the item you want you would think no I 'd rather eat lunch. I plan everything I eat and log it before I go so there is no wiggle room. Good luck!!