ISO modern day June Cleavers...



  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Why does it have to be the woman? I personally hate cooking because I can never make something that everyone will eat unless it's frozen pizza, spaghetti, etc. I am not skillful, neither was my mother - her meals were bland and pretty boring and yes, the three of us sat down to eat together but it was not a pleasant meal, usually silence or my dad was nasty and telling me to be quiet a while and just eat. Always the same - meat, potatoes, some kind of veggie. If mom made broccoli for her and I, dad would without a doubt declare yech, blech, how can you eat that crap...instead of just eating his food that he likes. Meals were not "fun" or pleasant for me as a kid, and neither are they now. The only nice times we really had at mealtimes when I was a kid were most of the times on holidays (maybe) or if we went out to dinner at a restaurant and dad was on his best behavior not to be a jerk.

    When the kids are out of the house I may cook meals for my husband and I with pleasure...not sure. He does eat what I make without complaint, and is always willing to try something new and different, but my kids ...meh. The oldest one will try anything once - the other two are often very skeptical or flat out refuse to eat something out of our normal.

    I hate mealtimes. Even when my oldest was a brand new baby...when it was mealtime, she always chose then to have a crying jag. When she was old enough to be in her high chair and eat with us, she cried the entire time. We often said "Yup, it's supper time, the dog wants out 9 thousand times, and the baby is screaming. Joy." LOL
  • asianfashionista86
    asianfashionista86 Posts: 5,039 Member
  • Iscah13
    Iscah13 Posts: 1,954 Member
    I would rather bake. I love pies and cookies :)
  • asianfashionista86
    asianfashionista86 Posts: 5,039 Member
    borst14 wrote: »
    I would rather bake. I love pies and cookies :)

    A guy will make a joke about your cakes in 5...4..3..2
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    BethClicks wrote: »
    eh, I cook a meal every night for my family, nothing too elaborate but there's a protein and a veggie on the table every night. It takes 30 minutes max, better in the summer when the whole lot can be popped onto the grill!

    This is me too. We are busy with both of us working fulltime and two kids both in sports year round. We may not even get to eat at that same time, but a meal is prepared 95% of the time and we try to eat it together as much as possible.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I cook and I bake, but not daily. It's just not a huge priority for me and my lifestyle. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't feel like I missed out on anything because I have no memories of cooking with my mom when I was little. I don't see why it's a problem that my generation typically is less kitchen focused. If it makes you happy do it, if it doesn't make someone else happy then what's the issue?

    In my house my boyfriend spends as much time in the kitchen as I do and we enjoy it about equally. It's just what works for us.
  • FitFroglet
    FitFroglet Posts: 219 Member
    Laura732 wrote: »
    I'm another one that goes home and cooks everynight. Sometimes I even clean, too :wink:

    that's just showing off!

    I cook very regularly, but not every night.
    I tend to cook a pot of something that will do a couple of nights and I do buy meals from the shops to cook at home if I know I'm going to have little time between work and the gym (I walk or run everywhere now which eats into my spare time a bit).
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    I am Melanie. 34 mother of five ranging from 18-7. I run an in home daycare with an additional 10 kids. I cook and clean, dance and sing. Love being a mom and everything it entails! We rarely go out to dinner, don't do fast food. It's sad how family life has changed.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I cook nearly all our meals for our household of two plus dog (though I don't cook for him). Because there are only two of us, I usually only cook a couple dinners a week and we eat leftovers for a few days. On the days I don't cook dinner I usually have to run errands after work. The mondern day housewife is out there.
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I definitely don't think it has to be a "woman" thing; that's why I included husbands/fathers in my original post. And why I included the fact that these men, craving home cooking, could also take the reins in another response.
    I am simply asking if family meal times are soon to be a thing of the past?
    I am sorry to hear of your unhappy experiences with family meal times @wizzybeth. I can understand how that could shape a different outlook than the one I experienced!
  • tanya7768
    tanya7768 Posts: 28 Member
    I cook for my family every evening. Dinner on the table by 6 pm. I enjoy cooking for them. Except on Friday when we order pizza.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    edited July 2015
  • babyblues4
    babyblues4 Posts: 241 Member
    I cook every night. We also sit at the table with our 4 kids and eat as a cell phones, tvs etc. I love having a home cooked meal. I also make lunches for my husband and kids LOL
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Becka4prez wrote: »
    ThomasW13 wrote: »
    i love to cook. no family though of course so its not quite the same. i do it because i enjoy it more than anything,

    but i definitely agree that it is a dying breed of people who enjoy it and are willing to do it regularly. most of the girls i know can't cook to save their life. unless its y'know like a grilled cheese or something.

    It's kind of unfortunate that women these days aren't learning to cook. I get the career thing, but, ladies, men like to eat. Learn to cook, keep a man! LOL

    Sexist much??

    I love to cook, and my husband is my "sous chef" while I'm doing it, but if he's hungry, he can make his own damn food.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I do hear what you're saying. Most of my friends, with or without children, just "grab whatever" and eat in front of the TV, iPad, etc. The whole family strewn about the living room or den, and 1/2 of the weeknight evenings they grab fast food. I don't judge that pattern but yes it does seem to be the norm.

    My husband and I cook every week night and some part of the weekend. He works from home and is a better cook, so he's more likely to have the meal ready when I get home and then I clean up. But it's really not that time-consuming for either of us to have a reasonably decent dinner on the table. It is a must that we sit together at the table and enjoy the food and each others' company every night. Sure, once in a blue moon we have something going on that means grabbing a taco or being part of separate activities away from home. But not really that often. We're in our 30's but we prefer to eat dinner early around 5-6 pm and then have a nice long evening to do whatever else we choose.

    Although I will say I think at 43 you're placing yourself a bit into a different generation really...I think really just 60+ year olds could say they are truly of a generation where the mom/wife cooked a from scratch family dinner nightly. Just my opinion though!
  • asianfashionista86
    asianfashionista86 Posts: 5,039 Member
    Becka4prez wrote: »
    ThomasW13 wrote: »
    i love to cook. no family though of course so its not quite the same. i do it because i enjoy it more than anything,

    but i definitely agree that it is a dying breed of people who enjoy it and are willing to do it regularly. most of the girls i know can't cook to save their life. unless its y'know like a grilled cheese or something.

    It's kind of unfortunate that women these days aren't learning to cook. I get the career thing, but, ladies, men like to eat. Learn to cook, keep a man! LOL

    Sexist much??

    I love to cook, and my husband is my "sous chef" while I'm doing it, but if he's hungry, he can make his own damn food.

    Well I think it depends on the guy some guys enjoy cooking. But the times and the factors that go into our everyday lives can change the course of how a day goes so. If the wife can't come home and cook the man should be able to provide for himself and find food on his own. Being entirely dependent on a woman for cooking and cleaning is not realistic in today's modern society.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Are you asking if family meal times are a thing of the past or cooking though? Because even if we get pizza, we sit down together and eat.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Becka4prez wrote: »
    ThomasW13 wrote: »
    i love to cook. no family though of course so its not quite the same. i do it because i enjoy it more than anything,

    but i definitely agree that it is a dying breed of people who enjoy it and are willing to do it regularly. most of the girls i know can't cook to save their life. unless its y'know like a grilled cheese or something.

    It's kind of unfortunate that women these days aren't learning to cook. I get the career thing, but, ladies, men like to eat. Learn to cook, keep a man! LOL

    Are you serious?

  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Are you asking if family meal times are a thing of the past or cooking though? Because even if we get pizza, we sit down together and eat.

    I'm a fan of that.
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    Are you asking if family meal times are a thing of the past or cooking though? Because even if we get pizza, we sit down together and eat.
    I think that I am asking a bit of both. The 2 are hard to separate in my mind. We absolutely have pizza, fast food, meal kits, etc; and, like you, still enjoy the meal time together. I guess I am more interested in the experiences & the "passing down" of traditions.