Getting started again for what feels like the 20th time...anyone else like this?

In the past I've had many successful weight loss journeys. 7 years ago I was at my heaviest, weighing 224lbs at 5 foot 6. I ended up losing 61lbs through good old fashion diet/exercise and weighed 163lbs, which looked amazing on me! Technically 163 is still overweight for my height, but for my body makeup, 163 looked more like 135-140lbs on me. So I don't really follow the standard weight to height ratio..any way, I say all of this to say, within the past 7 years, I went from losing 61, to falling off the wagon and gaining 31 lbs, then losing 31 lbs, to gaining 31lbs again, then losing it, and now I gained it back, AGAIN (again this all happened within the past 7yrs)......anyone else is like this? I know in this case, I just haven't been consistent, but I can't believe I put myself back in this situation. I worked so hard only to throw it all away... My excuse this time was that I lost my job and I use to do crossfit (which is super expensive!) I had to cut back on expenses, so as much as I loved crossfit and it did wonders for my body, I ended up canceling my membership to save me the $200+ I paid every month for it.. I still worked out at home, but what disrupted that was because I was unemployed, I ended up going on lots of vacations, and i must add that I fell in love which we all know happy relationships involves lots of going out to eat, going on mini vacays and etc... needless to say I gained happy weight lol. UGH, now I'm right back and it sucks. I can't blame anyone but myself..I'm venting I know, but anyone else can relate? Any words of advice? I need motivation again :(


  • hecticlife302
    hecticlife302 Posts: 10 Member
    I been in that situation myself lol I love going out and eating tha old greasy food is so good but so unhealthy .I lost 30 pounds ones and gained it all back now I'm determined to get a 6 pack so I'm just eating better and going to to the gym .my motivation is just looking good for next summer lol
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks for your comment Hecticlife302. I'm so mad at myself cuz I was doing so good! I'm just happy that I'm not the only one
  • hecticlife302
    hecticlife302 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm sure is plenty of people on the same boat .just don't give up and get up and try again that's all ..looking at ur pic u don't need to loose that much anyways .what's ur goals?
  • JustChristy79
    JustChristy79 Posts: 156 Member
    Hell no, you're not the only one! From my heaviest, I've managed to keep about 40 lbs off permanently. But the "last 20," I have lost over and over again. It's super annoying. If I'm really on my game, I can lose it. When I try to "find balance" & start having drinks & going out to dinner, it comes right back. I just deleted my MFP account & made a new one. I wanted a fresh start. I found some supportive & motivating new friends & I'm getting it done! (Again!)
  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    I'm right with you. I've probably gained and lossed hundreds of pounds in the last 8 years lol. I've gone from 140-123 (a few months of a bad mix of eating disorders) to a pregnant 206, back down to 140, up to 210, down to 140 again, pregnant 215, down to 182, back up to 209, now im 187 working my *kitten* off to get to 140. those are just the major jumps, there's been plenty of yoyo'ing between it. I love the way I look at 140. I'm.5'7 and have always put on muscle well so I don't like the way I look any skinnier than that. when I was 123 lbs I thought I was fat but my ribs, hip bones and entire spine stuck out so I need some meat. sorry this was so long, just saying I can relate :-) feel free to add me!
  • discretekim
    discretekim Posts: 314 Member
    Haha. I hear you on the in love part. That's how I gained my weight. About 25 pounds in six months and then I maintained for about a year before finally deciding to do something about it. I think you need to learn how to maintain. I know I need to work on it too. Good luck.
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm sure is plenty of people on the same boat .just don't give up and get up and try again that's all ..looking at ur pic u don't need to loose that much anyways .what's ur goals?

    I need to lose about 20 lbs and tighten up. I'm not trying to get skinny, I'm more concerned with tightening up.. I know the pic doesn't look terrible, but I def need to drop at least 15-20
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    Haha. I hear you on the in love part. That's how I gained my weight. About 25 pounds in six months and then I maintained for about a year before finally deciding to do something about it. I think you need to learn how to maintain. I know I need to work on it too. Good luck.

    Thank you!
  • JustChristy79
    JustChristy79 Posts: 156 Member

    I really hope you didn't toss out all your clothes over & over again. That's crazy!
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member

    I really hope you didn't toss out all your clothes over & over again. That's crazy!

    haha, know, all my "skinny" clothes, I'm keeping as motivation to be able to get into them again. lol
  • ryannreneexo
    ryannreneexo Posts: 15 Member
    Yep, totally in the same boat :/
  • potadre
    potadre Posts: 8 Member
    I can completely relate. Last year I tried calorie counting with MFP for the first time and got all the way down to my goal weight which I've never been able to do. I felt so great that I decided I could stop keeping track for a bit and see what happens and man, it's very easy to put all the weight back on! I stopped counting calories, stopped using my food scale and stopped weighing myself, for a few weeks I was afraid to even look, haha.

    I've gained about 15lbs in just the past 3 months maybe, even though I cycle pretty regularly I've just been eating and drinking whatever whenever (bike rides and beers, such a winning combo). I'm reaching the upper limit of some of my clothes fitting, and about 15lbs ago I decided to get rid of all the clothes that were too big because I was feeling so confident that I could maintain where I was, oooooops.

    Since my early teens I've been very self conscious about my body and my weight, and I was just getting to the point where I alllllmost felt confident; I really want that back. I also don't have much money right now, so I basically can't afford to buy new clothes even if I wanted to. Those two things in particular have motivated me to get back on track. I came back to MFP just a couple days ago after a hiatus of at least a couple months. I'm choosing to look at the whole picture without regrets, I needed to see what would happen if I took a break, and it didn't go as well as I'd hoped, haha. So, now I know for the future that I can take shorter breaks but need to maintain some discipline in order to feel better about myself and my life, and also remember that I've done it before, I have the tools and the knowledge, so I can get there again.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I'm the same :-( After each of my 3 babies I have got down to goal, twice using MFP. I had pretty severe mental health problems the last 3 years and have steadily gained...and gained. I now haven't been this fat since I was in Maternity clothes and have had to buy jeans and a skirt a size up :( I am trying to be positive and get back in the zone and am logging whether I've had a good or bad day but it is so hard. Today have eaten too much...because I have been feeling miserable about my weight!!! >:)
  • Hi, there. I have been there, too, and have a very long way to go, having just discovered this website today. I remember someone saying to me once "if you had a lovely bouquet and one of the flowers was wilting, would you throw away the whole bouquet, or just the one flower that had wilted?". Forget the bad days and falling off the wagon - you are very determined and will get there because you work hard and deserve it!
  • boogiewookie
    boogiewookie Posts: 206 Member
    haha I always keep my "skinny clothes" but get rid of my "fat" clothes every time. I always tell myself that I'm never going to get this big again so I don't need them. lies! ugg.
  • iwilllosethis67
    iwilllosethis67 Posts: 7 Member
    I have done that so many times I lost count! This time for sure I am doing it and so can you! There will always be things in life that happen to us that we can't control but we can control our eating! We are the only ones that can!
  • RhondaNicole17
    RhondaNicole17 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes! The farthest I've made it was 5 lbs down. I can't stay consistent. I'm busy (I know, who isn't?) and I was always very thin until recently with no effort. So I'm not used to working for this. Really need some tips
  • masihbelum
    masihbelum Posts: 8 Member
    I so relate! I remember losing ~10 lbs before I turned 30 and thought, "I never want to do THAT again," but here I am needing to lose 30+lbs (Dr.'s orders) and feel angry and overwhelmed.

    I'm not a good rule-follower by nature :wink:, so counting calories and scheduling exercise takes more self-discipline than most anything I've ever done. And that self-discipline has been hard as I've moved, changed jobs, gotten married, dealt with illness. But I'm realizing that I will only make progress if I make the same good decisions day after day after day.

    So I sat myself down to look at my bad habits (ouch!) and made a list of priorities for my health each day. Then I made achieving those goals as easy as possible: they are things I can schedule and do every day or as often as needed. I track those habits each day in an app. I also have a list of non-food pick-me-ups to turn to when the cravings start. And I'm finally learning not to keep my food weaknesses at home. I don't bake right now and we have to go out if we want dessert.

    This strategy is the result of a lot of really discouraging up and down over the past several months, but I've learned a lot through trial and error. Also, I'm learning what works for me at this time of life: what I'll do consistently and enjoy will probably be something I'll stick with!