I want to give up

TahanyE Posts: 83
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Ive been trying to lose weight. I lost a bit after Talisyn was born and am down 15 from before I got pregnant. The last 2 weeks I have been working hard, eating better, drinking more water and exercising (something I NEVER do). Ive been doing 4 20+min workouts a week. I thought for sure Id see or feel results. I feel like *kitten* after I work out. I am irritable, angry, tempermental. I snap so much easier after a workout. I have also gained weight (doing cardio not weights or anything). My body also FEELS fatter. My stomach has gotten fatter and I LOOK horrid. I felt better 3 weeks ago then I do about myself now. This is SOOOO not going to help me stick to this. If Im this miserable eating well and working out then why would I keep doing it :frown:


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    your body might be transitioning, sometimes you gain muscle at the same time you lose fat, I gained weight when I first got on here because I was gaining muscle faster than I was losing fat, don't get discouraged it will start to come off.
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Don't give up. I think some people's bodies react differently to lifestyle changes and it might just take about 2 weeks before the lbs. start shedding off. I know that has happened to me in the past. Once you get over that hump you should be good to go, just stick with it!
  • I think most people hit a plateau when they are trying to lose weight. You get tired of eating healthy and tired or exercising and you wanna quit. You forget that you've come a long way and that losing weight takes time. I say keep working at it. Eventually it'll get easier and the scale will slowly but surely start to come down. If you stop what you are doing and gain all the weight back you'll feel bad and miserable just the same. So why not go out with a fight? Besides even if you don't lose a pound exercise is good for your heart and body (even when it doesn't feel like it).
  • jillecakes
    jillecakes Posts: 1
    Don't give up! 20 lbs is a great start and you should be so proud of that!! Maybe your body is still adjusting to all the changes you are making.. I don't have any answers for you, other than to hang in there. This is one of the hardest things you will ever do.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I have to agree. When you are exchanging muscle for fat the scale does not reflect that exchange. Do not give up and keep at it. It will show on the scale eventually.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    :heart: HUG - you are having a really bad moment. Try to take it easy the rest of your today and know that it is all going to work out, and this fitness thing will take hold. You are worth it and you deserve to have all your goals and dreams come to you.

    As my husband tells me when I get these feelings......"just a bad day darlin', nothing more and nothing less."

  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Ive been trying to lose weight. I lost a bit after Talisyn was born and am down 15 from before I got pregnant. The last 2 weeks I have been working hard, eating better, drinking more water and exercising (something I NEVER do). Ive been doing 4 20+min workouts a week. I thought for sure Id see or feel results. I feel like *kitten* after I work out. I am irritable, angry, tempermental. I snap so much easier after a workout. I have also gained weight (doing cardio not weights or anything). My body also FEELS fatter. My stomach has gotten fatter and I LOOK horrid. I felt better 3 weeks ago then I do about myself now. This is SOOOO not going to help me stick to this. If Im this miserable eating well and working out then why would I keep doing it :frown:

    okay, look... there is no giving up in this, if this was part of a health lifestyle... you really won't be able to give it up, because it would be a part of you. With what you said, i take you're eating healthy, and exercising. If you enjoyed it, you wouldn't consider quitting.

    This tells me, you're stressing your body too much. If you're under eating, and exercising a lot, this will most likely lead to over training, the symptoms are what you mentioned.

    If you're weighing yourself, the scale is very accurate, the human body changes weight constantly. it can gain or drop 5lbs in 1 day if not more. I wouldn't recommend judging your success by the scale.

    The most important thing in weight loss is your diet, I tried to view your diet, It's closed. I would assume with what you're saying, you might be eating too many carbs.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    First of all, how long ago was it since you had your baby? Second of all, YOU are worth this hard work. Although you might not see any changes in you now, it will happen. Sometimes you lose weight and gain muscle. Sometimes you lose inches and not even notice. You need to make sure you are mixing your workouts up a bit. So you arent soo miserable. Maybe your irritable, because you arent happy with your workout routines. You need to add more than cardio there hun. Need to have some strength and abs in there too.. :) Dont mean to go all jillian on you.. lol i listen to what she says for the 30 day shred. My best friend has done that 3 times and shes lost sooo much weight its amazing. But you have to be ready physically and mentally. Are you having some depression issues or anything? Just asking, because that could play effect to your losing weight. Are you eating all youre meals? drinking your water?
  • smoder1
    smoder1 Posts: 10
    Hi, sorry to here that you are having a hard time. There can be different reasons for everything. First with all of the stress of trying to lose weight, a new baby, and a toddler, you may be suffering from depression. Also if you are not eating enough calories then you can gain weight. You have to balance your food and exercise to lose weight. Don't know if this is your case, but I hope that it helps. Keep up the good work. It is hard when you seem to go backward instead of forward. Don't Give up!!
  • cbenj09
    cbenj09 Posts: 21 Member
    Hmmm, well I'm not a therapist but a lot of what you're saying and describing is exactly how I feel around my...um... menstrual cycle(???!!!) #PMS And, kids can do that to you. My daughter is 21 months now, and sometimes it's hard to feel like you can do something nice for yourself and you want to see and feel results quickly, b/c that's ALL you have time for!!! :)

    Either way, don't give up. I logged onto this thing after three days of eating and drinking my way into oblivion and I am taking the evening to start over and start a new week. So maybe that's something you can do. Forget the past and start anew!! Results or no results, new day, new week, heck- new month starting!! Set some new goals-- you'll be alright, girlie...

    Take care!
  • fitcrew
    fitcrew Posts: 67 Member
    Hey girl.....it sounds like you are having a rough time! I will shoot ya some advice and hopefully it helps you....

    1. I personally think you need to see a doctor and find out why you are getting cranky.... after a workout, you should feel happier

    2.go over your diet with a trainer or nutrition specialist....be sure that what you are eating really is in fact healthy!!Your diet is more than 70% of your weight loss success!!

    3.be sure that your workouts arent just maintaining your current weight...amp it up when you feel it gets easy

    4.AGAIN see a doc. weight gain could be something chemically imbalanced,thyroid issues....ANYTHING!!

    5 Instead of weighing yourself start measuring yourself....the scale happens to do more harm than good for most.....I get encouraged to work harder but my brain is wired funny.LOL

    Please dont just assume that it will get better if you stick to it.....you need to find out if there is anything wrong first and then fix it.
  • Keep at it. The end result is well worth it. Try changing up your workout. Maybe play a sport as a workout. Something fun. You ill be much better later, just keep it up.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Did you just start exercising this week? I'm worried you may be working it too hard and too fast. Perhaps slow it down a bit and see if that helps? If you're not enjoying the exercise, why are you punishing yourself? There's got to be another way to exercise and not feel like you're being penalized.

    Also, I'll second checking with your doctor. I see in your profile that you're diabetic. The changes you're making may have knocked your body out of balance. We're all just educated guessers online.
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Really, it's OK to feel cranky. WHY SHOULDN'T YOU FEEL CRANKY? All the hard work and your body responds with "Feh!"

    But trust us - doing the work, watching your food intake, and being reasonable in your exercise and food choices _will_ result in changes. We're here with you. It's hard work. That's why the word "diet" starts with "die."

    But really - it's a way to change your life by changing your lifestyle. If it's too many things at once - break it down to smaller chunks. Break it down into goals and tasks you can accomplish. Such as "for this week, I'm not going to worry about how much I weigh, but I'm going to focus on making conscious choices about what I eat and drink." There's no judgment in that goal. You're not going to evaluate success by a scale. You're just going to evaluate on whether you were being conscious and "adult" in your choices

    Best of luck to you. Stick around.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Don't give up!!!!!

    My first two weeks I worked my butt off. I ate no more than 1200 calories and worked out every single day for at least 30 minutes. I weighed myself after the two weeks and I lost not even one pound! Honestly, I cried the whole day! I was SO upset.

    I weighed myself today after another week and I have lost five pounds.
    I think what was going on is my body was in some state of shock and it took it that whole two weeks just to get with the program.

    Depending on how much you want to loose, working out for 20 minutes a session may not being sufficient. :(
    I know. The first thing you are probably thinking is how hard it was just to do 20 minutes and anything more than that is impossible. It's honestly not.
    I had to be one of the most out of shape people there is. Yes, at first working out is very hard. The reason is because your body needs to adjust. And your body will adjust I promise you. It will only get easier and easier.
    But unfortunately, loosing weight through exercise is not easy. It's about pushing yourself. You won't get results if you aren't pushing yourself. Therefore, you really need to find something you enjoy or it won't work.
    What exercising have you been doing? Have you ever tried just putting on music you really enjoy and dancing? Dancing can be really good exercise and can get your muscles used to more movement. What about exercise videos?

    I do workout videos such as Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I also work out on a elliptical machine. The first time I got on my elliptical machine I thought I was going to have to go see my doctor. I couldn't last longer than about three minutes at a time! Felt like I was going to die. Now, three weeks later, I can push through doing at least 35 minutes. I shoot for at least 45 minutes.

    Your body was built to be active and quite likes it actually. But if it is not used to regular exercise, it needs time to get stronger.
    And I promise you, it will. And working out will start to feel great.
    And regular exercise is the best mood enhancement there is.

    I sure went on and on. lol Hopefully I help even a little.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • TahanyE
    TahanyE Posts: 83
    Im eating about 1600 calories a day and if I work out I make up for what I work off so that Im staying about about 1600 a day. Im doing the EA Sports Active 2 where it starts off with short and easy workouts and works up in intensity and length as you go. I think Im goint to call my nutritionist this week and see if we can get together and discuss a different diet for me. I just feel really discouraged. It doesnt help that I feel like I need to be pushed and no one IRL is pushing me or anything.
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