Exercising and Dieting...not losing weight?

I started working out about a week ago, as well as eating below the recommended calorie intake...why is my weight staying as is?


  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Numerous reasons. Are you weighing and measuring your intake accurately?

    Is the "working out" new to you? If so, this can often lead to a person holding water which can make you "think" you aren't losing.

    To be honest though, while those are possibilities, 1 week is way to early to be able to tell. Keep at it for a month and reassess.
  • agal129
    agal129 Posts: 215 Member
    Make sure you are measuring your food and not "eyeballing" it.
  • MsSecondGuesser
    MsSecondGuesser Posts: 14 Member
    The working out consists of gentle yoga, pilates (which I felt worked well cuz I can definitely feel it the next morning), low/mid intensity zumba, etc. So it's nothing too intense. It is fairly new as I started only 4 days ago...

    Is it possible to lose 15 lbs in one month?
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    edited July 2015
    The working out consists of gentle yoga, pilates (which I felt worked well cuz I can definitely feel it the next morning), low/mid intensity zumba, etc. So it's nothing too intense. It is fairly new as I started only 4 days ago...

    Is it possible to lose 15 lbs in one month?

    Highly unlikely. The scale may say you lost quite a bit but it will probably be water weight. To truly lose body fat you need to be in a 3,500 calorie deficit in order to lose 1 pound of fat, which would mean you would need to have a deficit of 52,500 calories in one month. Do you know how many calories you burn in one day as opposed to how many you eat?
  • seneth
    seneth Posts: 13 Member
    A week is too early to tell, give it a month and see where ur @. I lost 12lbs my 1st month, but about 4-5lbs was water weight.
  • MsSecondGuesser
    MsSecondGuesser Posts: 14 Member
    Ok thanks guys!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited July 2015
    The working out consists of gentle yoga, pilates (which I felt worked well cuz I can definitely feel it the next morning), low/mid intensity zumba, etc. So it's nothing too intense. It is fairly new as I started only 4 days ago...

    Is it possible to lose 15 lbs in one month?

    With 17 pounds to go........nope

    A 15 pound a month loss would be a 1/2 pound loss every single day. That's a 1,750 calorie deficit every day of the week. That big a deficit can be had when you are a huge person. But you are smaller, and gentle to mid-intensity workouts won't burn a ton anyway....not gonna happen unless you eat almost nothing. Very dangerous....don't do it.

    Set your goal to 1 pound a week for the first few weeks. Then dial it back to 1/2 pound a week (really). Weight loss is super slow when you are close to goal.
  • DinoChicken
    DinoChicken Posts: 44 Member
    How much weight you can lose also depends on how much you have to lose (your current bmi) as well as the type of weight you count as loss. I personally love losing the water weight in the beginning as my face and the back of my arms instantly seem less flabby. That's one of the main reasons I always start with restricting my carbs severely and add them back when I reach my goal.

    So if its so easy why am I on here? I lost 60lb from oct1-jan1 one year starting at 205 and I'm 5'9. Those are real numbers.. I went <20g carbs a day with no other restrictions and used a stationary bike on its built in workouts. I brought my weight back up some to 150 during the first 6 mos after my loss because I didn't like my composition and from 2007 to 2012 kept myself within 10lbs of that weight.. Then at the end of 2012 I started nursing school and have rewarded my exhaustion and overstressed chair sitting self by gaining 45 lbs to my current weight of 200. I started today with new motivation. I graduate in exactly 13 weeks and want to be the person that started this journey and not here at 200 where I've become.
  • MsSecondGuesser
    MsSecondGuesser Posts: 14 Member
    I know that feeling! I lost about 35 lbs in 2 months when i first started and didn't keep my diet during the school year (also nursing).

    Good luck to you!