100 lbs to lose, and a long way to go!

Hello all, I am a 34 yr. Old mom of 3. Just starting this weight loss adventure and hopefully I can hang in there!


  • lilbitoftrouble
    lilbitoftrouble Posts: 2,052 Member
    You can and may I suggest you look at a smaller number to tackle. Of coarse 100 is the goal but what I mean is you've got 5lbs and you can do that and then on to the next 5lbs. You get the idea of coarse. That is how I approached my weight loss and I am down 70lbs and I am almost to my goal weight.

    Good luck to you and if you would like a friend to be on this journey with you then feel free to add me.
  • hopehejji
    hopehejji Posts: 5 Member
    You can do it, I have the same goal!! You can add me if you'd like and we can encourage each other :-) my name is hope
  • angiepangie43
    angiepangie43 Posts: 15 Member
    Keep us posted on your progress! You can do it!
  • pjones81
    pjones81 Posts: 25 Member
    It is possible, it IS doable, one day at a time! !
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome! You can do this. Just try and make each day the best you can. I have lost 180 lbs in 11 months just trying to make each day the best that I can. Anyone can feel free to add me for support.
  • Danixkm
    Danixkm Posts: 114 Member
    You can and may I suggest you look at a smaller number to tackle. Of coarse 100 is the goal but what I mean is you've got 5lbs and you can do that and then on to the next 5lbs. You get the idea of coarse. That is how I approached my weight loss and I am down 70lbs and I am almost to my goal weight.

    Good luck to you and if you would like a friend to be on this journey with you then feel free to add me.

    I strongly agree with this. Set mini goals along the way and welcome to MFP
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    Welcome! Best of luck! But you CAN do it! I agree with everyone else. Set mini goals!
  • psucato
    psucato Posts: 71 Member
    Its totally doable i have dropped 135 in past 5 month with a good diet. Still need to lose 120 tho would love it you would add me we can keep each other going. My food loges are open if you want to see what im eating or i can email the diet im on im always happy to help and get new friends.
  • Cocoa1020
    Cocoa1020 Posts: 197 Member
    good luck! i have about 60lbs to drop. when i get my weight down i'll see if i need to lose more on the way. Everyone can feel free to add me :smile:
  • kimmyfoster77
    kimmyfoster77 Posts: 6 Member
    I to am a mum of 6 kids, it's hard to find time to eat properly etc, but this place an the support from others helps keep me goin x
  • xBillx
    xBillx Posts: 9 Member
    You have not failed until you give up. Please feel free to add me for my and your inspiration.
  • Miss_Cherry_on_top
    Miss_Cherry_on_top Posts: 15 Member
    I also have 100lbs to lose! Add me if you like :smile:
  • Mandapanda1820
    Mandapanda1820 Posts: 1 Member
    That is my goal as well. Just started this 3 days ago!