Prednisone users

bpkt2013 Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2015 in Motivation and Support
In January I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and put on 50mg prednisone. I have tapered down to 7.5mg daily (tapering 2.5mg every 4 weeks) and picked up 25lbs along the way. Prior to my diagnosis I had lost 60lbs.
if you were on prednisone, at what dose were you able to lose weight? When did the moon face go away? Im able to excerise very little.


  • BrookeLatimer
    BrookeLatimer Posts: 2 Member
    I wish I had some advise for you! My dog was put on pred. And he gained 40 pounds in two months, I know that and muscle wasting are unfortunate side effects of the drug. :( but with a restricted diet and extra exercise we were able to get the weight of him rather quickly. I hope you have luck reaching your goals, hang in there!
  • kkh77557
    kkh77557 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I have been on prednisone for 6 years. When I was first diagnosed with my autoimmune disease, I was stick thin. Within months I gained a decent amount of weight. In the past 6 years my dose goes up and down between 10-60mg. I cant say I've had much success with weight loss on prednisone. I'm just trying to maintain. Since you are tapering down to a low dose, weight loss should get easier. Just remember that.. What i call prednisone hunger isnt real hunger. Watch your portions very carefully. Avoid high sodium things. The moon face for me just depends. For everybody it can be different but the 2.5mg every 4 weeks should be low enough for it to go away. You'll get there!
  • kspirit
    kspirit Posts: 61 Member
    Oh boy. I feel your pain. I too have taken predisone off and on for my chronic asthma and always gain weight. It takes time for the moon face to go away and the bloat. I am not giving up though. I am determined to lose this weight. I read lots of inspiring blogs from those losing weigh to help me stay positive. Good luck. Make me a friend if you like.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 674 Member
    I took prednisone for a year after my kidney transplant. Prior to the surgery, I was 110 lbs at 5'6", and was on the very restrictive dialysis diet. It took me around two years to gain 5 lbs. Looking back at pictures, I was very puffy and had the moon face. You'd think I would have gained a ton of weight that first year, but I guess I was so happy and active due to not being on dialysis anymore! I was also rather fit before my surgery.

    I guess the key would be to develop new habits. Mindfulness about what you're eating and why. Keep in the habit of exercising daily, even if it's just a walk around the block or passive stretching in bed. It's more about retraining your brain than your body.
  • Double__Tapp
    Double__Tapp Posts: 83 Member
    I was given Prednisone for undiagnosed breathing issues. I have been taking it off and on for 6 months and gained 13 pounds. I want to find out what my breathing issue is and get off of it. I have been able to maintain but not lose.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    About fifteen months ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (ITP) and was put on VERY high doses of prednisone, 95mg. I probably gained about 10lbs in two months, though my dosage slowly decreased. Then I started MFP. The thing is, prednisone alone does NOT cause weight gain, only a bit of bloating and water weight. We gain weight on it because it makes you SO hungry. Once I started to control my food and monitor how much I was eating, I lost weight, even though my dosage at that point was still around 40-50mg. I was off the prednisone briefly in august but was quickly put back on it, 75mg. I was on about 30mg until February when I had a new treatment (rituximab) which seems to have sorted the problem. I've lost 60lbs in thirteen months, and most of that was whilst still on high doses of prednisone. Good luck!
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    Hi there. Im not on steriods but I have a long term health condition and take meds that do have the same effects.

    Im really sorry, Im too am looking for answers.

    Im determined to keep going regardless of how meds are effecting me and I was wondering if any one would like to add me I'd be happy to support you along with my own journey.

    I Wish you all the best :)
  • I, too, have an autoimmune disease and I occasionally take Prednisone. Even when I didn't feel that crazy "prednisone" hunger, I gained weight. And that moon-face thing happens so fast. It's very discouraging. I put on weight before and after my diagnosis (related to inactivity, because I had lots of joint pain) and then I put on steroid weight too. Now I'm working on taking the prednisone weight off, and hoping that I can stay off it, and somewhat afraid of what happens if I cant.

    I have noticed that a primarily veggie-based diet along with a couple of supplements (specifically, curcumin) has brought down my own personal inflammation so that I can actually feel my body being better. This encourages me to stick with it so that I can stay off the prednisone as long as possible. I try to limit (not exclude, because I'm human and love those things so much) all processed sugar, artificial sweetener, and white flour. I don't mean to sound pretentious, I just know that it's kind of working. YMMV, though I don't think it's bad advice to stick to foods that are known to be low on the inflammation scale.

    I have no real advice, I'd really like to just follow this conversation to see what other say. But, you're not alone!
  • blondx7
    blondx7 Posts: 1,683 Member
    bpkt2013 wrote: »
    In January I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and put on 50mg prednisone. I have tapered down to 7.5mg daily (tapering 2.5mg every 4 weeks) and picked up 25lbs along the way. Prior to my diagnosis I had lost 60lbs.
    if you were on prednisone, at what dose were you able to lose weight? When did the moon face go away? Im able to excerise very little.

    I picked up more than that when I was on over 100 mg daily and tapered down.

    I didn't start losing weight until I quit the prednisone. The moon face went away quickly. that is not to say you can't lose weight on prednisone. I just didn't start exercising and changing my diet until after the illness resolved/prednisone ended.

    My friend's dad ate raw carrots constantly when he was on prednisone. Didn't do anything for the prednisone rages and lack of sleep, though.

    Best of luck to you.

  • laryssalynch15
    laryssalynch15 Posts: 14 Member
    I also have what doctors currently classify as an autoimmune disease (IBD). I have been on high doses of prednisone twice. I immediately began gaining weight based from the prednisone and the intraveneous nutrition I was recieving. Weight gain continued both times while living on a limited liquid diet of broth, jello, tea, and juice. I have had the moon face and the lesser known apple belly and buffalo hump. BTW, who is the bully coming up with those terms?! Anyways, I lost most of the weight, both times, within about 4 months. Unfortunately, this was laregly due to my body's inability to absorb food properly. I will say that the swelling I had in my ankles from prednisone has never completely gone away. Years later, and suddenly my ankles are unrecognizable anytime it gets hot out or I'm on my feet too long.

    I wish you the best of luck. Prednisone is a powerful medication, but it can make a person feel really yucky, too. I would say the bigger concern is whether your condition will require a diet that inhibits weight loss.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    blondx7 wrote: »
    bpkt2013 wrote: »
    In January I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and put on 50mg prednisone. I have tapered down to 7.5mg daily (tapering 2.5mg every 4 weeks) and picked up 25lbs along the way. Prior to my diagnosis I had lost 60lbs.
    if you were on prednisone, at what dose were you able to lose weight? When did the moon face go away? Im able to excerise very little.

    lack of sleep

    Insomnia was by far the worst symptom for me :/
  • bpkt2013
    bpkt2013 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for your responses and support. Im no stranger to weight loss. Before all this, i lost 50lbs and was a gym rat. Now i have this health issue that causes grave muscle weakness. Luckily, i am improving slowly which is most important. I will just keep on keepin' on!
    Best of health to you all!
  • ChefJenny75
    ChefJenny75 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you all for this chat. I have just celebrated my 1 year of good health post renal transplant. I was diagnosed with kidney disease at a young age, so I was used to taking lots of meds and the crazy side effects. I was not used to a cocktail of drugs (Pred, Tac & Cellcept) and almost all of them increase your hunger! I felt the cravings buts I was able to keep them at bay. Prior to the transplant I was able to maintain my weight with little effort. 1 month after surgery, I was down 10 pounds and supper excited. The next 30 days, my blood sugar went out of control (more side affects)and I had to start taking insulin. This caused me to eat eat and eat some more. I have never craved sugar more in my life. Now one year and 25 pounds later, I need to get rid of this extra weight. It is like an impossible challenge to loose weight taking Pred & insulin. Add to that I have a desk job. Any suggestions on trying to get your metabolism back to normal? Or low impact exercises that burn a good amount of calories? Thanks in advance.
  • quinjen
    quinjen Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations on transplant. I am staring down that barrel my self. I recommend water aerobics at the Y. It is easier on the joints and you still get a good cardio workout as well as low impact strength training. You just have to love the senior citizen population. Don't underestimate their fitness, many of them are there all day exercising!

    I also like Pilates for low impact muscle training. It always comes with good stretches that leaves me feeling fit and lean. You can do this at home with lots of hulu and YouTube videos if you cannot afford the gym.

    Medications and clinic visits add up quick, but the Y is dedicated to providing health and fitness to everyone no matter their financial needs. It might take more paperwork, but as a transplant patient, I know it isn't anything you can't handle.

    Good luck!
  • quinjen
    quinjen Posts: 3 Member
    I also have what doctors currently classify as an autoimmune disease (IBD). I have been on high doses of prednisone twice. I immediately began gaining weight based from the prednisone and the intraveneous nutrition I was recieving. Weight gain continued both times while living on a limited liquid diet of broth, jello, tea, and juice. I have had the moon face and the lesser known apple belly and buffalo hump. BTW, who is the bully coming up with those terms?! Anyways, I lost most of the weight, both times, within about 4 months. Unfortunately, this was laregly due to my body's inability to absorb food properly. I will say that the swelling I had in my ankles from prednisone has never completely gone away. Years later, and suddenly my ankles are unrecognizable anytime it gets hot out or I'm on my feet too long.

    I wish you the best of luck. Prednisone is a powerful medication, but it can make a person feel really yucky, too. I would say the bigger concern is whether your condition will require a diet that inhibits weight loss.
    Have you tried a low sodium diet. I too have a lot of edema and have recently discovered sodium girl's blog and cook book. Her out look as a kidney failure patient and mother is so inspiring! I have noticed results in my feet almost immediately after trying her recipes. They are not bland and simply delicious!!!