Who here is eating 1200 calories after ...



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,247 Member
    MFP suggested 1200 for me, but I manually adjusted it to 1250. Not much, but those extra 50 cal just gave me some extra flexibility.

    Plus exercise sure helps!

    I don't eat all my exercise calories back, but if I walk for an hour, for example, which burns 200 cal, I might eat 100 cal of that, and all of a sudden I'm up to 1350 cal. :)

    And on a Saturday, I might cycle 40 km which burns about 800 cal. I might eat about 400 cal of that ... 1250 + 400 = 1650. :)
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I usually eat around 1200 calories. Like most, I find it easier if I am preparing all my own meals. Eating out and social occasions are harder. My diary is open if you want to take a look. I tend to eat 3 meals and two small snacks a day. The snacks really help me feel fueled.
  • madeleadele
    madeleadele Posts: 64 Member
    My net average is 1228 for this past week, so I believe this applies to me.
    For me, my hunger differs a lot, so I let myself bounce around the 800-1500 net cals per day range, and end up with an average of ~1200. My diary is open, so feel free to take a look!

    Try to keep a structured meal schedule; find what works for you. Also, for me, being hungry really gets me excited about food, and I find I feel fuller and enjoy it more.

    Something that everybody says, but I've found very true, is to fill up on veggies! I'm not saying fill up on raw, plain stuff; just try to incorporate them into your meals and snacks. For instance, I love sugar snap peas raw; I usually throw my meat/vegetable cooking on a bed of lettuce...

    Also, make sure you're meeting the fiber and protein goals! High protein foods early in the day are essential for me to not gnaw my arm off before lunch.
  • courtneylykins5
    courtneylykins5 Posts: 168 Member
    I've been on 1200 for a while. The biggest thing that helps me is not drinking my calories.
  • esmesqualor
    esmesqualor Posts: 85 Member
    I am also set to 1200 cals (51 years old, 5'9"). Because I am a very slow loser. My days usually come in closer to 1300 or even 1350, which is fine. I need to not be starving and if it takes a little longer but is more comfortable then it is worth it. For me the key is preparing my own food and eating lots (really lots) of veggies. I eat a big salad (really big, lots of different greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, grated carrots, 1 tsp olive oil, fresh lemon, salt) with 2 soft boiled eggs or steamed or canned fish for breakfast , or a big smoothie (water, many veggies, some frozen berries, 1/4 avocado, flax and chia seeds) these choices really keep me going until about 1pm. Lunch is a combination of lean protein and veggies (sometimes lentils and steamed veggies, sometimes a big salad with quinoa and beans or lentils, sometimes some chicken and some veg form). Dinner varies, but again, 3 cups of raw greens (spinach, arugula, mixed lettuces) with 1 tsp olive oil, fresh lemon, garlic, and some lean protein, another veggie variety (cauliflower, cabbage, beets, whatever I have) and depending on what I ate earlier in the day a serving of grain. I usually have some fruit for dessert or fruit in the blender with some flax or chia seeds, soy or almond milk (lower in calories than regular milk and doesn't gas up my stomach). Though I sometimes want to eat something else I can honestly say I feel really great eating this way. My energy levels are pretty even and my hunger comes on much more gradually then it did when I was eating more refined carbs and treats. For snack I have some almonds or other nuts, or some avocado on a rice cracker, or 1 or 2 oz of chicken breast wrapped in a lettuce leaf with tomatoes.
  • susan_the_machine
    susan_the_machine Posts: 3 Member
    Get scanned with InBody and then do it again a month later. First of all, you learn how many calories to eat a day just breathing. It's higher than you think it is. Don't go below it.

    I had been proud of myself for using 1200 net calories a day and sticking to it.

    Today I learned that the 4 pounds I lost in 4 weeks was mostly lean body mass!!!! I feel shocked that my body is apparently in "starvation mode."

    It is possible that I may lose weight a little faster by upping my calories to my BMR (basal metabolic rate) and add more calories on days when I exercise.

    I thought a pound a week meant that I was doing well. Good balance of food types; proteins, carbs, and fat. But, I was wrong. I just wasn't eating enough!

    I want to lose weight relatively quickly. It feels right to eat less. It is going to feel really weird to set and keep a higher calorie count.

    But, I do believe the nutritionist when she tells me that my body needs enough food every day to allow it to burn fat.

    1200 calories a day may be sabotaging your weight loss. I feel stunned.
  • catt952
    catt952 Posts: 190 Member
    I stick to 1200 only on sedentary days. If I work out I have to eat up to 1400 at least or I feel famished. (I'm 5'4)

    This all kind of depends on your current height and weight, though. If you're of average height or above, 1200 might just not be enough for you.

    Do you mean you eat 200 extra calories regardless of the amount of exercise you did? Say you burnt 300 or so.. Do you eat 1400 net calories on those days? or just total calories?

  • susanna9992015
    susanna9992015 Posts: 13 Member
    Try eating Shirataki noodles! House brand in the white container. They taste great and totally fill you up. !!
  • pandapotlovebug
    pandapotlovebug Posts: 59 Member
    Ease back in! Do a couple weeks at 1300-1400, then dial it back. There is no huge rush!
    I did change it to 1.5 lbs per week. I'll try it! Maybe it's too aggressive for me right now. I'll try 1380 per day.
  • petitehealth
    petitehealth Posts: 148 Member
    im 5'2 trying hard to stick to around 1200-1250 cals. Macro goals are 100c/49f/98p. i love eating and hate hunger too. I have been planning my entire day in advance and eating at least a snack every two hours. I've been losing about a pound per week so far. Also working out a lot..I may need to start eating more soon. eat lots of fiber! i try to eat at least 30g of fiber per day.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I ate at 1200 calories for 6 months. Sure I lost weight but it wasn't fun going to bed hungry at night and feeling deprived. At the advice of a successful MFP friend, I adjusted my daily intake to 1370. I'm so glad I did, though at first I thought she was crazy to suggest it. I lost another 12 pounds by eating more and moving more. When I didn't eat enough, I was tired and hungry most of the time. Take care of yourself and your body will respond positively.
  • esmesqualor
    esmesqualor Posts: 85 Member
    Try eating Shirataki noodles! House brand in the white container. They taste great and totally fill you up. !!

    Oh yeah! Thanls for reminding meow Shiritake, I totally stopped buying them. They are great! I like to make a soup with wild mushrooms, boo chou, thinly sliced leek, thinly sliced daikon, broth and shiritake. You can even sprinkle with dried bonito flakes.
  • esmesqualor
    esmesqualor Posts: 85 Member
    Get scanned with InBody and then do it again a month later. First of all, you learn how many calories to eat a day just breathing. It's higher than you think it is. Don't go below it.

    I had been proud of myself for using 1200 net calories a day and sticking to it.

    Today I learned that the 4 pounds I lost in 4 weeks was mostly lean body mass!!!! I feel shocked that my body is apparently in "starvation mode."

    It is possible that I may lose weight a little faster by upping my calories to my BMR (basal metabolic rate) and add more calories on days when I exercise.

    I thought a pound a week meant that I was doing well. Good balance of food types; proteins, carbs, and fat. But, I was wrong. I just wasn't eating enough!

    I want to lose weight relatively quickly. It feels right to eat less. It is going to feel really weird to set and keep a higher calorie count.

    But, I do believe the nutritionist when she tells me that my body needs enough food every day to allow it to burn fat.

    1200 calories a day may be sabotaging your weight loss. I feel stunned.

    Wow, that is so interesting! I just had my Base Metabolic rate checked (breathing method) and mine is 1354. The nutritionist at the hospital did recommend that I might be trying to keep my calories too low (1200, but usually come in closer to 1300). I didn't give it any regard since I am not losing all that quickly and my metabolism is notoriously slow to lose. But your story about measuring lean body mass 30 days apart makes me wonder. Maybe I should be eating 1350. Thanks for the info!
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    im 5'2 and just lost 23 pounds... at 1200 calories I still want to eat more because I like to eat ! however, 1200 is doable if you are eating the right foods and you know your body is getting what it needs nutrient wise.
    Try eating 5oz of lean protein, 5 oz of veggies, 5 oz of fruit for lunch and dinner ... (and then bulk up with free veggies if you are still hungry) bulk up lunch and dinner with a salad full of free veggies (bell peppers, romaine lettuce, onions, cucumber)
    Make sure you treat yourself with something yummy once on the weekend to stay on track - and do your best to move! Walk, run, go to the gym and lift - this will give you slightly more calories but Don't eat ALL of them back
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I'm on day three and I haven't stayed under 1200.
    1200 is the minimum a woman of average height should have in order to get the nutrition
    she needs. If you're very short, or older, yes, you might need to be at 1200, or even below. But
    for most people it's too aggressive of a goal.

    I'm actually over today already.... and I I don't like to be hungry lol!
    Find low-calorie high-volume foods (I like popcorn), or low-cal foods which are heavy, which
    gives your stomach a feeling of fullness (veggies are good for this).

    My net average is 1228 for this past week.
    Yesterday you had almost 1400.
    Same with Tuesday.
    Monday you had 2000.
    Sunday 1500.
    Saturday 1650.
    Friday 2030.
    So you're consistently eating well over 1200 cal/day.
    That's a very different animal from someone who's only eating 1200 absolute/real calories.
    'Net' is worthless. Most people underestimate what they eat, and most machines (including MFP)
    overestimate calories burned.
    My dietician & doctor (weight specialist) told me just to eat at my calorie goal and treat exercise
    as a bonus toward weight loss (but important for health). It's been working well for me.

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Holly wrote:
    (then bulk up with free veggies if you are still hungry)
    bulk up lunch and dinner with a salad full of free veggies (bell peppers, romaine lettuce, onions, cucumber)
    What is this "free veggies" thing?
    They have calories.

    Read toward the middle of this post, where someone who used to do weight watchers & had the same idea
    realized it was holding her back. Once she started tracking everything, she lost weight. (It's after his explanations
    of what starvation mode isn't, and above his explanation of what starvation mode actually is.)

    She explains it here:
    all fruits and vegetables are free, meaning no points to encourage one to eat more fruits and veggies.
    So I have been eating large salads and at least three fruits every day that I don’t count for! That’s at least an
    extra 300 calories or more a day not being counted!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i start at 1200 and try to add half my exercise calories back.
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    I have been on 1200 from the start losing 0.5kg a week, so it has not fallen off me. I have struggled with hunger but it has really helped me to eat more veggies and protein (while not banning anything). It always sounds like lame advice to say that but it really works. Drinking more water in the day also works. I do not eat back my exercise calories and weigh everything including fluids.
  • reneeconnor2015
    reneeconnor2015 Posts: 6 Member
    Trying to stick to 1200 also xx
  • Allison1385
    Allison1385 Posts: 353 Member
    I usually eat 1,000-1,200 a day and I am never hungry. I drink lots of water and eat protein bars as snacks. I also have protein shakes. I fI'll up on fruits and vegetables that have low calories. You can either have a bowl of mashed potatoes for 300 calories or a bowl of broccoli for 100. It's all in how you look at it and choose.